Tendency in spanish


pronunciation: tendenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tendency = tendencia, preferencia. 

Example: In this case we find a tendency to ignore the author's identity as found in the document, and to prefer instead a real name to a pseudonym.


» clustering tendency = tendencia de clústering, tendencia de agrupamiento.

Example: This article describes 3 methods -- the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test -- which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.

» countertendency = tendencia opuesta.

Example: There is also a countertendency to modify, replace, or avoid terms that are seen as overused.

» have + a tendency to = tener una tendencia a.

Example: Humans, as we well know, already have a tendency to follow the path of least resistance, which tends to lead to over-simplification.

» in-built tendency = tendencia natural.

Example: If a system employing post-coordinate indexing follows a policy of indexing in depth then it will possess an in-built tendency to produce high recall and, consequently, precision will be lowered.

» recall tendency = grado de pertinencia.

Example: Recall tendency was defined as the degree to which recall was of concern in a search.

» there + be + a tendency (to/for) = existir la tendencia a, lo normal + ser + que.

Example: There is a tendency for smaller items to be pushed to the back of the drawer and possibly crumpled as the drawer is opened and closed = Lo normal es que las cosas más pequeñas se vayan desplazando hacia la parte trasera del cajón y que posiblemente se arrugen al abrir y cerrarlo.

Tendency synonyms

disposition in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪspəzɪʃən part of speech: noun trend in spanish: , pronunciation: trend part of speech: noun propensity in spanish: , pronunciation: prəpensɪti part of speech: noun inclination in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnkləneɪʃən part of speech: noun leaning in spanish: , pronunciation: linɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
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