Ten in spanish


pronunciation: dieθ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

ten (10) = diez (10). 

Example: This limit of ten has been a particular handicap in respect of the main classes.


» a picture is worth more than ten thousand words = una imagen vale más que mil palabras.

Example: The true meaning of the cliche 'a picture is worth more than ten thousand words,' is never more evident than when students first see themselves on camera after simulating reference interviews in the classroom.

» one in ten = uno de cada diez, una décima parte.

Example: One estimate is that about one in three children and young people of school age are what might be called 'real users' of the public library, and about one in ten adults.

» tenfold = diez veces, multiplicado por diez.

Example: The tenfold increase in the number of requests handled each year is ample confirmation of this, if any is needed.

» ten odd = diez y tantos, diecitantos.

Example: Italy, on the other hand, came to life only in the last ten odd minutes of their game against Slovakia.

» ten or so = diez y tantos, diecitantos.

Example: His article also lists the top ten or so search engines and offers important information about them.

» ten plagues, the = diez plagas, las. [Evento descrito en la Biblia]

Example: A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles -- Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus -- is provided.

» ten plus = diez y tantos, diecitantos.

Example: It is time to break free of this cycle and end the ten plus year debate with a solution that meets as many needs as possible.

» tens of = decenas de.

Example: There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).

» tens of = grupos de diez.

Example: The second L in (LLLL) gives the loan period in tens of minutes.

» tens of thousands = decenas de miles, cientos de miles.

Example: Tens of thousands of records per week can be handled in this way.

» ten something = diez y tantos, diecitantos, diez y algo.

Example: It's a steal at ten something with shipping.

» tenth (10th) = décimo (10º).

Example: The tenth edition was a departure from the norm in that it was an adaptation rather than a strict abridgement.

» ten times = diez veces.

Example: Between then and now I have visited Europe for vacation nine or ten times.

» ten-yearly = decenal, por décadas, cada diez años.

Example: Annual indexes over several years may be cumulated to five-yearly or ten-yearly indexes.

» the Ten Commandments = los diez mandamientos.

Example: The Ten Commandments are the first ten of the 613 commandments given by God to the Jewish people.

» top ten = diez mejores, los.

Example: It is important to note that our list of top ten highest earning bands is dominated by rock bands.

10 (ten) = 10 (diez). 

Example: 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.


» 10th (tenth) = 10º (décimo).

Example: Press this key to display the next 10th record (your library may have changed the 'jump' increment to another number, such as 20, or even 50).

» catching 10 = dar una cabezadita.

Example: 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.

Ten synonyms

x in spanish: , pronunciation: eks part of speech: noun cardinal in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective decade in spanish: , pronunciation: dekeɪd part of speech: noun 10 in spanish: , pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective tenner in spanish: , pronunciation: tenɜr part of speech: noun
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