Temporary in spanish


pronunciation: tempoʊɹ̩ɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

temporary = temporal, provisional, eventual. 

Example: A fascicle is one of the temporary divisions of a work that, for convenience in printing or publication, is issued in small instalments.


» as a temporary measure = como medida temporal.

Example: Yet, during the American Civil War, the first U.S. income tax was created, but this one was meant only as a temporary measure to help pay for the war.

» on a temporary basis = temporalmente, de (una) forma temporal, de (una) manera temporal, de (un) modo temporal, con (un) carácter temporal.

Example: Funds received from federal or foundation grants are allocated for specific projects or programs on a one-time or temporary basis, and such funds are considered 'soft' money as compared to funds for permanently authorized positions.

» temporary employment agency = agencia de trabajo temporal.

Example: 90 percent of companies use temporary employment agencies, so temping can be a fantastic way to get your foot in the door at the company of your dreams.

» temporary job = trabajo temporal.

Example: Significant trends revealed by the data include better salaries to be earned in non traditional posts (e.g. Web developers), creeping disparity between men's and women's salaries, and continuing rise in part time and temporary jobs.

» temporary layoff = despido temporal, cese temporall.

Example: A temporary layoff lasts no longer than four months, with a date specified for you to return to work.

» temporary leave = baja temporal.

Example: Also under this Act, maternity leaves must be treated as temporary leave comparable to disability due to injury, surgery, or other incapacity.

» temporary restraining order = orden de alejamiento temporal, orden de restricción temporal.

Example: The district court judge issued a temporary restraining order barring the defendants' illegal business practices and freezing their assets.

Temporary synonyms

ephemeral in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪfemɜrəl part of speech: adjective interim in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrəm part of speech: adjective, noun temporal in spanish: , pronunciation: tempɜrəl part of speech: adjective transient in spanish: , pronunciation: trænʒənt part of speech: adjective, noun evanescent in spanish: , pronunciation: evənesənt part of speech: adjective irregular in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪregjəlɜr part of speech: adjective makeshift in spanish: , pronunciation: meɪkʃɪft part of speech: adjective transitory in spanish: , pronunciation: trænzətɔri part of speech: adjective passing in spanish: , pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun episodic in spanish: , pronunciation: epəsɑdɪk part of speech: adjective part-time in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑrttaɪm part of speech: adjective, adverb fugacious in spanish: , pronunciation: fjugeɪʃəs part of speech: adjective short-lived in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃɔrtlɪvd part of speech: adjective improvised in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmprəvaɪzd part of speech: adjective pro tem in spanish: , pronunciation: proʊtem part of speech: adjective, adverb visiting in spanish: , pronunciation: vɪzətɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective impermanent in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmpɜrmənənt part of speech: adjective jury-rigged in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒʊrɪrɪgd part of speech: adjective fly-by-night in spanish: , pronunciation: flaɪbaɪnaɪt part of speech: noun, adjective pro tempore in spanish: , pronunciation: proʊtempɔr part of speech: adjective, adverb terminable in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrmənəbəl part of speech: adjective

Temporary antonyms

permanent pronunciation: pɜrmənənt part of speech: adjective lasting pronunciation: læstɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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