Temperature in spanish


pronunciation: tempeɹ̩ɑtuɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

temperature = temperatura. [A veces abreviado a temp]

Example: These figures are based on UK climate where the winter external temperature is about -1ºC (degree centigrade).


» air temperature = temperatura ambiente, temperatura ambiental.

Example: This latter period is when the air-conditioning has to work hardest to cope with high outside air temperature and solar gains through the building.

» at low temperature = a bajas temperaturas.

Example: Anecdotal evidence indicates that pollen shed from anthers remains viable longer at low temperature and high relative humidity.

» at room temperature = a temperatura ambiente.

Example: When removed from the sink the items were left to drain off for half an hour at room temperature, then packaged in polythene in separate bundles and placed in a domestic refrigerator for 7 weeks.

» body temperature = temperatura, temperatura del cuerpo.

Example: Of these cases, 97.9% had fever with peak body temperature at 38.9 degrees C.

» dew point temperature = temperatura de condensación.

Example: The meteorological variables were: minimum temperature, maximum temperature, dew point temperature and relative humidity.

» elevated temperature = temperatura elevada.

Example: More work is required to determine if this diffusion effect is the same at ambient conditions as it is at the elevated temperatures used in his study.

» extreme temperatures = temperaturas extremas.

Example: Prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures, both heat and cold, can lead to serious health conditions and can even be fatal.

» fall in temperature = bajada de temperatura.

Example: Heat is a form of energy that causes a rise in temperature when added or a fall in temperature when removed.

» freezing temperatures = temperaturas bajo cero, frío polar.

Example: This causes a typical cycle of three successive cold days followed by four warmer days, relieving people from freezing temperatures.

» have + a temperature = tener fiebre, tener calentura.

Example: After the first injection, 113 children had a temperature of 37.5°C or higher -- 81 in the vaccine group and 32 in the placebo group.

» high temperature = fiebre.

Example: A total of 87 people had been admitted to hospital with the same symptoms: high blood pressure, splitting headache, high temperature and sore throat.

» low temperature = baja temperatura.

Example: Low temperatures, high wind speeds, and darkness were found to limit beetle flight activity.

» maximum temperature = temperatura máxima.

Example: The meteorological variables were: minimum temperature, maximum temperature, dew point temperature and relative humidity.

» minimum temperature = temperatura mínima.

Example: The meteorological variables were: minimum temperature, maximum temperature, dew point temperature and relative humidity.

» rise in temperature = subida de temperatura.

Example: Heat is a form of energy that causes a rise in temperature when added or a fall in temperature when removed.

» room temperature = temperatura ambiente, temperatura ambiental del edificio, del tiempo.

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.

» sub-zero temperature = temperatura bajo cero, temperatura subcero.

Example: The mammoth hunters braved sub-zero temperatures on desolate tundra at least 20000 years earlier than was thought.

» sudden change in temperature = cambio brusco de temperatura.

Example: Cold air, a sudden change in temperature, windy or hot, humid days and poor air quality are all known triggers for asthma.

» take + Posesivo + temperature = tomar la temperatura.

Example: Taking her temperature rectally was the only way to get an accurate temperature for us.

» temperature difference = diferencia de temperatura.

Example: The water in the toilet flush tank is cold, and because of the temperature difference there will be condensation on the outside of the flush tank.

» temperature + drop = temperatura + bajar, temperature + descender.

Example: Plants stop producing chlorophyll when the temperature drops.

» temperature + plummet = temperatura + desplomarse.

Example: Gas prices soared in January as temperatures plummeted.

» UHT (ultra-high temperature) = uperización, uperizado.

Example: UHT is a process where the milk, juice, beer, wine, beverage etc is heated to approx 145 degrees C and held there for some two seconds.
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