Temper in spanish


pronunciation: templɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

temper1 = temperamento, carácter, genio, humor. 

Example: A society without a literature has that much less chance of embodying within its temper and so within its organizations something of the fullness of human experience.


» evil temper = humor de perros, humor de mil demonios, malafoyá.

Example: The three boys often watched him at a safe distance, and regretted that his evil temper made it impossible to be friendly with him.

» explosive temper = temperamento explosivo.

Example: He had an explosive temper in a way that was terrorizing.

» fiery temper = humor de perros.

Example: Be it his fiery temper, flamboyant clothes or his flashes of kindness and razor-sharp wit, when people talk of him, they tend to go from one extreme to the other.

» foul temper = humor de perros, humor de mil demonios, malafoyá.

Example: He is noted for his foul temper, his emotional monologues that end with flatulence, his vulgar manners, and his unusual diet.

» frayed temper = crispación, crispamiento, irritabilidad.

Example: Project managers will often need diplomacy and tact to handle delicate situations, frayed tempers and personality clashes.

» ill temper = malhumor, mal genio. 

Example: Unchecked, stress can be the cause of many kinds of ailments from migraine headaches to insomnia, from ill-temper to heart disease.

» lose + Posesivo + temper = perder la paciencia, enojarse, enfadarse, perder los nervios, perder los estribos, montar en cólera, ponerse (hecho/como) una fiera, ponerse hecho un basilisco, ponerse hecho una furia, ponerse (hecho/como) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: His father gave him a bag of nails, and told him to drive a nail in the fence in the backyard whenever he lost his temper.

» rein + Posesivo + temper (in) = controlar + Posesivo + temperamento, controlar + Posesivo + (mal) genio.

Example: As soon as she had uttered the words she rued her hot-headedness and wished she could better rein her temper.

» short temper = mal genio.

Example: As mentioned above, angry outbursts, irritability and developing a short temper can also be symptoms that mask depression.

» temper + fray = perder los nervios, perder la calma, perder los papeles.

Example: He felt trapped, like a caged animal, and his temper was fraying.

» temper tantrum = berrinche, rabieta, corajina, berrenchín, pataleta.

Example: Temper tantrums and other fits of anger erode not only people's respect for you, but also your own self-respect.

» vicious temper = temperamento de perros, humor de perros.

Example: She has a vicious temper and is always screaming her head off about something.

temper2 = atenuar, matizar, mitigar, moderar, templar, temperar, atemperar. 

Example: This advantage must be tempered by the fact that the standard centrally produced record may not always be consistent with local requirements.


» temper + Posesivo + spirit = templar + Posesivo + espíritu.

Example: In doing so he provided Muscovites with more than a means of transportation around the capital; he gave them a chance to harden their characters, to temper their spirits in the forge of Soviet misanthropy.

Temper synonyms

pique in spanish: , pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, verb mood in spanish: , pronunciation: mud part of speech: noun season in spanish: , pronunciation: sizən part of speech: noun moderate in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdɜrət part of speech: adjective humor in spanish: , pronunciation: hjumɜr part of speech: noun humour in spanish: , pronunciation: hjumɜr part of speech: noun anneal in spanish: , pronunciation: ənil part of speech: verb chasten in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃeɪsən part of speech: verb harden in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑrdən part of speech: verb irritation in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪrɪteɪʃən part of speech: noun irritability in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪrɪtəbɪləti part of speech: noun peevishness in spanish: , pronunciation: pivɪʃnəs part of speech: noun toughness in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌfnəs part of speech: noun surliness in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrlinəs part of speech: noun biliousness in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪliəsnəs part of speech: noun pettishness in spanish: , pronunciation: petɪʃnəs part of speech: noun snappishness in spanish: , pronunciation: snæpɪʃnəs part of speech: noun
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