Television in spanish


pronunciation: telebisioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

television = televisión. 

Example: Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.


» analogue television = televisión analógica.

Example: It could mean simply the ability of the punter to move between pieces of information in much the same way as he or she uses the remote controller to change channels on analogue television.

» broadcast television = televisión.

Example: In 2011, Internet advertising revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television.

» CATV (cable television) = televisión por cable.

Example: CATV (Cable Television) is in the doldrums after the initial enthusiasm of investors and this is the time for librarians to step in.

» closed circuit television (CCTV) = circuito cerrado de television.

Example: Research on cable television, closed circuit television, and communication satellite is excluded.

» digital television = televisión digital.

Example: A prototype system has been developed that uses wall-sized, full colour digital television with synchronized stereo sound to create a virtual spatial world over which the user helicopters via joystick control.

» educational television = televisión educativa.

Example: Life after a diagnosis of juvenile diabetes is the focus of a new Nebraska Educational Television program.

» entertainment television = programas televisivos de entretenimiento.

Example: This article discusses how it should be possible to lure children away from pure entertainment television by ensuring that books are made irresistible.

» flat-screen television = televisión de pantalla plana.

Example: There are several types of flat-screen televisions some of them display an image using projection and other TVs display images using plasma.

» flat television = televisión plana.

Example: Flat televisions have never been priced so low.

» flat television screen = pantalla de televisión plana.

Example: Flat television screens come with pre-drilled holes on the flip side.

» interactive television = televisión interactiva.

Example: Together, these technologies pave the road for the introduction of interactive television to fully exploit the benefits of the conversion to digital.

» International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT) = Federación Internacional de Archivos de Televisión (FIAT).

Example: This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of 2 options in finding a solution: close cooperation between IASA, the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) and the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT); or a merger of the three organisations.

» large-screen television = gran pantalla de televisión.

Example: Our news service is delivered by a large-screen television that broadcasts continuous cable news in a special alcove adjacent to the library's current periodicals and reference areas.

» made-for-television = creado especialmente para la televisión.

Example: The focus in on feature films, not made-for-television, industrial or educational cinema.

» pay television = televisión de pago.

Example: The number of pay-television subscribers in Western Europe fell by over a third of a million during 2012.

» plasma screen television = televisión de pantalla de plasma.

Example: Power hungry plasma screen televisions are expected to be banned under new EU legislation.

» plasma television screen = pantalla de televisión de plasma.

Example: Plasma television screens start as small as 5 inches and increase in size up to 63 inches or larger.

» prime time TV/television = programación televisiva de las horas de mayor audiencia.

Example: The article has the title 'The portrayal of alcohol consumption patterns and related behaviour on prime time television'.

» prime time TV/television show = programa de televisión de las horas de mayor audiencia, programa televisivo de las horas de mayor audiencia.

Example: There have been dozens of prime time TV shows that have featured cannabis use since the 1960s, often for medicinal purposes.

» private television = televisión privada.

Example: As in Italy, the emergence of private television in Germany was partly due to the inability of the existing system to reform itself and expand.

» public television = televisión pública.

Example: There are legal restrictions on hard pornography in Finland, but soft pornography and erotica are shown even on public television.

» satellite television = televisión vía satélite, televisión por satélite.

Example: All rooms have en-suite facilities, satellite television with DVD player, central heating, tea and coffee facilities and double-glazed windows.

» television advertising = publicidad televisiva.

Example: Suppose you have a document which has as one of its themes 'the television advertising of cosmetics' and, as another, 'the press advertising of furniture'.

» television broadcast = programa de televisión.

Example: This article reports on a seminar on the implications for education of the legalising of off-air recording of radio and television broadcasts.

» television camera = cámara de televisión.

Example: A television camera was positioned 5000 ft from the base of a rocket launching pad.

» television campaign = campaña de televisión, campaña televisiva.

Example: The British government is launching a television campaign to crack down on tax evaders.

» television channel = canal de televisión.

Example: The bandwidth available for each television channel affects the amount of information that can be sent with each frame.

» television commercial = anuncio publicitario de televisión.

Example: TIP was promoted citywide through a variety of media including handbills, posters on hoardings and buses, television and radio commercials.

» television company = empresa televisiva, compañía de televisión.

Example: Partnerships between libraries, publishers and television companies can facilitate the delivery of access to new forms of learning and information.

» television coverage = cobertura televisiva.

Example: A survey of state legislators finds that lawmakers support expanding television coverage of legislative proceedings to include gavel to gavel programming.

» television documentary series = serie documental televisiva.

Example: The Roman Catholic Church is bracing for a new public backlash after agreeing to participate for the first time in a television documentary series about the Inquisition.

» television news = noticiario televisivo, telediario.

Example: The study aimed to establish how much use is made of library footage in the production of television news.

» television programme = programa de televisión.

Example: The article 'Signposts and semaphores: art of the western world' outlines an information kit used by libraries to help publicise the television programme 'Art of the Western World' in which the role of art in western society is explored.

» television programming = programación de televisión, programación televisiva.

Example: Is television programming pacifying the masses by conditioning them not to think for themselves?.

» television reporter = corresponsal de televisión, reportero de televisión, periodista de televisión.

Example: Television reporters must be able to look danger squarely in the face, be willing to work long hours, forego weekends, holidays, and special occasions, and be ready to be on the road at a moment's notice.

» television screen = pantalla de televisión.

Example: A single channel was set aside and home subscribers could telephone the library and have printed material or a member of staff displayed on their television screen!.

» television serial = serie televisiva, serial.

Example: No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.

» television series = serie de televisión, serie televisiva.

Example: Popular material includes books with large coloured photographs, those on television series, and taped books.

» television set = televisor, aparato de televisión.

Example: Access is via modified television set, a telephone (and its connections) and a simple keypad.

» television show = programa de televisión.

Example: Television shows foster titillating discussion topics and trivialize troubles.

» television sketch = sketch, esquech, sketch de televisión, esquech de televisión.

Example: Linder's writings also included a series of television sketches that lasted in duration from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

» television spot = anuncio publicitario por televisión.

Example: Forms of outreach include advertising, leaflets, talks, radio and television spots and knocking on doors.

» television station = estación de televisión, canal de televisión, emisora de televisión.

Example: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.

» television studio = estudio de televisión.

Example: The author discusses some special services including, film laboratories, recording studios, and radio and television studios.

» television-type = tipo televisor, como un televisor.

Example: A monitor is a television-type display, used for video playback and as a computer VDU.

» television viewer = telespectador, televidente.

Example: His personality, furthermore, appeared to grate on the average television viewer.

» television viewing = el ver televisión.

Example: Prolonged television viewing is addictive and therefore dangerous to a child's wellbeing.

» television viewing figures = audiencia televisiva.

Example: Even seemingly innocuous information such as certain television viewing figures or the name of the person who has bought a particular old master at auction or the unlisted telephone number of a famous author is sometimes kept secret.

» watch + television = ver (la) televisión.

Example: By contrast, other quite literate people prefer to spend their leisure watching television, listening to the radio, going to the cinema or any of a hundred other forms of recreation.

Television synonyms

tv in spanish: , pronunciation: tivi part of speech: noun video in spanish: , pronunciation: vɪdioʊ part of speech: noun telly in spanish: , pronunciation: teli part of speech: noun boob tube in spanish: , pronunciation: bubtub part of speech: noun idiot box in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪdiətbɑks part of speech: noun telecasting in spanish: , pronunciation: teləkæstɪŋ part of speech: noun tv set in spanish: , pronunciation: tiviset part of speech: noun television set in spanish: , pronunciation: teləvɪʒənset part of speech: noun goggle box in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑgəlbɑks part of speech: noun television receiver in spanish: , pronunciation: teləvɪʒənrəsivɜr part of speech: noun television system in spanish: , pronunciation: teləvɪʒənsɪstəm part of speech: noun
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