Telescopic in spanish


pronunciation: teleskoʊpikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

telescopic1 = telescópico. 

Example: It is a tiny telescopic device that is surgically implanted in one eye to magnify images on the light sensing cells of the retina.


» telescopic sight = mira telescópica.

Example: A telescopic sight, commonly referred to as a scope, is a device used to give an accurate point of aim for a firearm.

telescopic2 = telescópico, plegable. 

Example: Thanks to the unique telescopic structure, you can position the driving seat to perfectly accomodate the arms and legs.


» telescopic antenna = antena telescópica, antena plegable.

Example: The receiver can only be used with short telescopic antennas.

» telescopic ladder = escalera plegable.

Example: Sometimes it's a stretch to get all those home improvement or home repair jobs done so make it easy on yourself with this telescopic ladder.

Telescopic synonyms

visible in spanish: , pronunciation: vɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective collapsible in spanish: , pronunciation: kəlæpsəbəl part of speech: adjective farsighted in spanish: , pronunciation: fɑrsaɪtəd part of speech: adjective seeable in spanish: , pronunciation: siəbəl part of speech: adjective collapsable in spanish: , pronunciation: kəlæpsəbəl part of speech: adjective
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