Telescope in spanish


pronunciation: teleskoʊpioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

telescope1 = telescopio. 

Example: She saw everything as if it were happening in a small room far away, or as if she were looking at it through the wrong end of a telescope.


» optical telescope = telescopio óptico.

Example: Early forms of zoom lenses were used in optical telescopes to provide continuous variation of the magnification of the image.

» space telescope = telescopio espacial.

Example: Three months after Kepler was crippled by a second failed gyroscope, NASA has decided to cease attempts at fixing the space telescope.

telescope2 = resumir, abreviar, condensar. 

Example: What certainly happens without a doubt is that the experienced librarian telescopes into what may appear to be a single instantaneous decision a whole series of logically-connected search steps.

Telescope synonyms

scope in spanish: , pronunciation: skoʊp part of speech: noun
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