Telephone in spanish


pronunciation: telefoʊnoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

telephone1 = teléfono. 

Example: Access is via modified television set, a telephone (and its connections) and a simple keypad.


» answer + a ((tele)phone) call = responder una llamada telefónica.

Example: I heard her police radio squawking in the background and was told to hang on while she answered the call.

» by tele(phone) = por teléfono.

Example: If you are making your hotel reservations by phone, be sure to mention that you are with the VRD Conference in order to get the special rate.

» cordless telephone = teléfono inalámbrico.

Example: Cordless telephones provide an answer for busy reference librarians who need to consult card catalogues or indexes while dealing with a telephone enquiry = Los teléfonos inalámbricos ofrecen una solución a aquellos bibliotecarios de referencia que están muy ocupados consultando los catálogos o índices para responder a una consulta telefónica.

» direct-dial telephone = teléfono de línea directa.

Example: Rooms are equipped with TV, wireless Internet, safety deposit box and and direct-dial telephone.

» emergency telephone call = llamada telefónica de emergencia.

Example: This paper describes the failures of the London Ambulance Service system for handling emergency telephone calls.

» fixed telephone = teléfono fijo.

Example: In 1998, for the first time worldwide the number of new mobile telephones exceeded the number of new fixed telephones.

» mobile telephone = teléfono móvil.

Example: This article considers the extent and cost of mobile telephone crime and fraud, how it is perpetrated, and the potential measures to stop it.

» mobile telephone market = mercado de telefonía móvil.

Example: The author attempts to identify the determinants of subscriber churn and customer loyalty in the mobile telephony market.

» mobile telephone service = servicio de telefonía móvil.

Example: Mobile telephone service is the fastest-growing technology in Latin America and the Caribbean.

» on the telephone = por teléfono.

Example: Telephone reference services have become problematic in recent years due to increased volume of patron demand, both in person and on the telephone.

» on the telephone = por teléfono.

Example: Even with a small hearing loss and the best hearing aid, it can be difficult to hear what is said on the telephone.

» over the telephone = por teléfono.

Example: She points to the fact that shoppers are quite happy to give credit card details over the telephone, with little or no security.

» over the telephone lines = por línea telefónica.

Example: At the end of the day, transactions can be sent over the telephone lines to the central computer.

» PTT (Posts, Telephones and Telecommunications) = compañía de correos, teléfonos y telecomunicaciones. [Siglas usadas para referirse a todos aquellas empresas que en un país se encargan de ofrecer servicios de correos, teléfonos y telecomunicaciones]

Example: This article discusses how the PTTs (Postal, Telegraphs and Telecommunications administrations) handle information requests, charging policies, and user problems.

» put + the (tele)phone down = colgar el teléfono.

Example: 'Hang on a sec, okay?' the senior assistant librarian in charge of serials said as she put the phone down.

» telephone enquiry = consulta telefónica, consulta por teléfono.

Example: Cordless telephones provide an answer for busy reference librarians who need to consult card catalogues or indexes while dealing with a telephone enquiry = Los teléfonos inalámbricos ofrecen una solución a aquellos bibliotecarios de referencia que están muy ocupados consultando los catálogos o índices para responder a una consulta telefónica.

» telephone help line = teléfono de asistencia, teléfono de ayuda.

Example: The centre, which has opened a telephone help line, deals mainly with requests for information on the occurrence of salmonella, viral infections, and existing legislation with regard to infectious diseases.

» telephone opinion poll = sondeo de opinión por teléfono.

Example: This article presents a reanalysis of data from a national telephone opinion poll of 1,181 US residents conducted in 1991.

» telephone pole = poste de teléfonos.

Example: These relays are small and self-contained, and can be mounted on existing telephone poles.

» telephone + ring = sonar el teléfono.

Example: Emily Tournquist had just returned to the reference desk when the telephone rang.

» touch tone telephone = teléfono de botones.

Example: They've never known a world without touch-tone telephones, VCRs, microwaves, compact discs, personal computers, and the Internet.

» white pages telephone directory = guía de teléfonos, guía telefónica, listin de teléfonos, listín telefónico.

Example: In this case a publisher won the right to republish 'white pages' telephone directory information on the basis that there was no originality in the creation of the original directory information.

telephone2 = telefónico. 

Example: The telephone provokes a range of interesting problems, and one hopes not to offend callers but rather to minimize the distraction of telephone transactions.


» cellular telephone = teléfono móvil.

Example: This article describes Bloomington (Illinois) Public Library's (BPL) experience with bookmobile on-line circulation via cellular telephone.

» contact telephone number = teléfono de contacto.

Example: There is also available a contact telephone number for matters relating to avian flu.

» leased telephone line = línea telefónica dedicada.

Example: Considerable improvements on this figure are possible by making use of special, high-quality leased telephone lines, and by employing sophisticated data-coding methods, in each case at extra cost.

» long-distance (tele)phone call = llamada telefónica de larga distancia, conferencia, conferencia telefónica internacional.

Example: Since many libraries already have equipment and software, access to these sorces of information is now available for the cost of a long-distance phone call.

» make + telephone call = hacer llamada telefónica.

Example: Some clients many need practical help with writing letters, filling in forms or making a telephone call.

» PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) = red telefónica por conmutación.

Example: The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is being installed in the UK, starting 1984, to replace gradually the present public switched telephone network (PSTN).

» switched telephone network = red telefónica conmutada.

Example: It is possible to use dial-up access via the public switched telephone network.

» telephone area code = prefijo telefónico.

Example: In a submenu called 'Reference Works' in Gopher, I can find a thesaurus, the latest conditions in Thailand or Egypt, or a directory of telephone area codes.

» telephone bill = recibo del teléfono, factura del teléfono.

Example: In the UK, recent surveys indicate that fax messages outnumber postal communications by about 60 per cent, and around 46 per cent of telephone bills can be attributed to fax traffic.

» telephone book = directorio telefónico.

Example: Telephone books, office files, and mail order catalogs are all examples of commonly used databases.

» telephone booth = cabina de teléfonos, cabina telefónica.

Example: The early telephone booths were manufactured from wood with ornate trim and design.

» telephone box = cabina de teléfonos, cabina telefónica.

Example: The handset in the telephone box has been smashed for several weeks now and not mended.

» telephone call = llamada telefónica.

Example: When Britain coolly marked, if not celebrated, the tenth anniversary of membership, the number of telephone calls had fallen to an avarage of ten a week.

» telephone card = tarjeta telefónica.

Example: A survey of California farm workers reveal a pattern of low access to and availability of telephones and problems in the use of prepaid telephone cards.

» telephone charges = tarifa telefónica.

Example: This started in 1980, and has around forty members who receive some support to cover telephone charges.

» telephone company = compañía de teléfonos.

Example: With respect to the private sector, the education and library community should establish long-term partnerships with telephone, cable, and computer companies.

» telephone conferencing = conversación telefónica múltiple. [Conversación telefónica en la que pueden participar varios abonados hablando cada uno desde su teléfono respectivo]

Example: One service of particular interest to many organizations with office or branches on distant sites is telephone conferencing.

» telephone directory = guía telefónica, guía de teléfonos, listín telefónico, listín de teléfonos.

Example: If a directory, similar to the telephone directory, is published listing personal keys it becomes possible for a scrambled message to be sent to anyone, which only the intended recipient can unscramble.

» telephone exchange = central de teléfonos.

Example: Note the automatic telephone exchange, which has hundreds of thousands of such contacts, and yet is reliable.

» telephone fraud = fraude telefónico.

Example: Risk management has to take account of the problems caused by human error, power failure, computer hackers, viruses, intercepted electronic mail and telephone fraud.

» telephone handset = auricular del teléfono.

Example: After logging off, the telephone handset is replaced and the equipment switched off.

» telephone interview = entrevista telefónica.

Example: Evidence was collected by over 100 telephone interviews with users.

» telephone jack = clavija para el teléfono.

Example: You know many libraries have had telephone jacks at the end of the catalog cases and reference people were running around, except they didn't do it very much.

» telephone line = línea telefónica.

Example: Numerous different models are available, ranging from models where communication is via a heat sensitive screen, through to terminals linked to an outside computer by a telephone line.

» telephone network = red telefónica.

Example: This may provide an alternative data pathway to the traditional telephone network.

» telephone number = número de teléfono.

Example: The telephone number may be entered or changed by typing the number '3'.

» telephone service = servicio telefónico.

Example: As noted in earlier chapters, some possible services are already being explored on a smaller scale as 'add-on' options to the telephone service: electronic mail, banking, publishing, etc.

» telephone system = red telefónica.

Example: At present, the Internet's international expansion is hampered by the lack of a good supporting infrastructure, namely a decent telephone system.

» toll free telephone number = número de teléfono de llamada gratuita.

Example: The CMU library has a toll free telephone number to which users can phone at their local rate.

» unlisted telephone number = número de teléfono que no está incluido en el directorio telefónico.

Example: Even seemingly innocuous information such as certain television viewing figures or the name of the person who has bought a particular old master at auction or the unlisted telephone number of a famous author is sometimes kept secret.

telephone3 = telefonear. 

Example: If the borrower has telephoned in a request for a renewal, a character should be typed in the 'Renewal only' field.


» telephone collect = llamar a cobro revertido.

Example: Please telephone me collect at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss your future, hopefully with the Mitford Public Library.

Telephone synonyms

call in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔl part of speech: verb, noun ring in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪŋ part of speech: noun phone in spanish: , pronunciation: foʊn part of speech: noun telephony in spanish: , pronunciation: teləfoʊni part of speech: noun call up in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔlʌp part of speech: noun, verb telephone set in spanish: , pronunciation: teləfoʊnset part of speech: noun
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