Telecommunication in spanish


pronunciation: telekoʊmunikɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

telecommunication = telecomunicación. 

Example: Developments in computing and telecommunication have brought about fundamental changes in worldwide business practices.


» PTT (Posts, Telephones and Telecommunications) = compañía de correos, teléfonos y telecomunicaciones. [Siglas usadas para referirse a todos aquellas empresas que en un país se encargan de ofrecer servicios de correos, teléfonos y telecomunicaciones]

Example: This article discusses how the PTTs (Postal, Telegraphs and Telecommunications administrations) handle information requests, charging policies, and user problems.

» telecommunication charge = tarifa de telecomunicación.

Example: Telecommunications charges will also add to the cost of a search.

» telecommunication modem = módem de telecomunicaciones.

Example: There is, however, an increasing range of other devices to convert data to digital form: optical and magnetic document (character) readers, laser scanners, graphic tablets and digitizers, voice input devices, analogue-to-digital converters, telecommunication modems, etc.

» telecommunications = telecomunicaciones. [Medios usados para la comunicación a distancia o telecomunicación]

Example: The new need to provide general IT capability means that power and telecommunications should also be available over as wide an area as possible.

» telecommunications cable = cable de telecomunicaciones.

Example: A network of power and telecommunications cables have to be located around the library in a flexible manner.

» telecommunications industry, the = industria de las telecomunicaciones, la.

Example: The rate of growth of the telecommunications industry in the countries of the Pacific Basin has also been phenomenal.

» telecommunications link = enlace de telecomunicaciones.

Example: In recent years, the pace of change has accelerated with the use of networks requiring outside telecommunications links.

» telecommunications network = red de telecomunicaciones.

Example: OCLC Europe supports a nationwide telecommunications network in the United Kingdom and Ireland to provide users with dedicated access to the OCLC data bases and associated service in the US.

» telecommunications technology = tecnología de telecomunicaciones.

Example: Some users hope that market forces will force some of the smaller hosts out of the marketplace, but with cheaper telecommunications and computing technology this seems something of a vain hope.

» telecommunication system = sistema de telecomunicaciones.

Example: Optical communication systems are a recent addition to the armoury of telecommunication systems.
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