Teeth in spanish


pronunciation: dientes part of speech: noun
In gestures

teeth [tooth, -sing.]1 = diente. 

Example: An enquirer who asks 'Have you anything on energy?' or 'What have you got on teeth?' is easy to help.


» as rare as hen's teeth = escasísimo, rarísimo.

Example: Though Georgie's home was tiny, it was the envy of many in town. a woman with a job and her own place was as rare as hen's teeth.

» as scarce as hen's teeth = escasísimo.

Example: They went for a song last fall but now seem to be as scarce as hen's teeth.

» be armed to the teeth = armarse hasta los dientes.

Example: These pirates are armed to the teeth, ruthless and desperate, but claim to adhere to their own code of conduct.

» be fed up to the back teeth (with) = estar hasta la coronilla (de), estar hasta las narices (de), estar hasta los cojones (de), estar hasta el moño (de), estar hasta el gorro (de).

Example: I am a smoker and I am just about fed up to the back teeth with people banning this and banning that, and of course treating me like a leper.

» be like a kick in the teeth = sentar como una patada, sentar como una patada en el estómago, sentar como una patada en el hígado, caer como una patada, caer como una patada en el estómago, caer como una patada en el hígado.

Example: Jake was an excellent motorbike mechanic but when he was made redundant it was like a kick in the teeth.

» be sick to the (back) teeth of = estar hasta la coronilla de, estar hasta las narices de, estar hasta el moño de, estar hasta el gorro de, estar hasta los cojones de.

Example: I'm an adult, and I'm sick to the teeth of you bossing me around as if I'm some sort of half-wit.

» brush + Posesivo + teeth = cepillarse los dientes.

Example: We also spend a certain amount of time each day dealing with our bodily functions, bathing, washing, brushing our teeth and so on.

» by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth = casi, apenas, faltar el canto de un duro para, por los pelos.

Example: The middle class holds on by the skin of its teeth, saved from a real downward slide only by record increases in the number of dual-income families.

» clean + Posesivo + teeth = lavarse los dientes, cepillarse los dientes.

Example: Many people don't brush their tongues, but keeping it clean is as crucial as it is to clean one's teeth.

» cut + Posesivo + teeth = salir los dientes, echar los dientes.

Example: 'Is he cutting his teeth?' 'Yes,' murmured Fenichka, 'he has cut four teeth already and now the gums are swollen again = "¿Le están saliendo los dientes? "Si," murmuró Fenichka, "le han salido cuatro dientes de momento y ahora las encías están de nuevo inflamadas.

» escape by + the skin of + Posesivo + teeth = salvarse de milagro, salvarse por los pelos, volver a nacer, escaparse por los pelos, librarse por los pelos.

Example: Zelda has since had numerous adventures, escaping by the skin of her teeth at times.

» false teeth = dentadura postiza.

Example: Behind the scenes of romantic poetry, there are real-life tales of false teeth, hair loss, headaches, opium addiction, tuberculosis, and dementia that have so little glamor or poetic resonance.

» feel like + a kick in the teeth = sentar como una patada en el estómago, sentar como una patada en el hígado, caer como una patada en el estómago, caer como una patada en el hígado.

Example: So to be faced with this refusal on your last day, really, to me felt like a kick in the teeth.

» gapped teeth = dientes separados, dientes mellados.

Example: With the rise in popularity of gapped teeth, some people are undergoing procedures to get a gap between their teeth.

» get it in + the teeth = darle a Alguien en la boca, darle a Alguien donde le duele.

Example: But he knew that if he crossed over the line, he would get it in the teeth but good.

» get + Posesivo + teeth into = hincarle el diente a, dedicarse de lleno a, meterse de lleno en.

Example: Once he's got his teeth into something, he just won't let go.

» get + the bit between + Posesivo + teeth = ponerse las pilas, ponerse de lleno a, ponerse a hacer Algo en serio, ponerse a trabajar en serio.

Example: She has clearly got the bit between her teeth and has assembled the full force of celebrity support for the campaign.

» give + Nombre + a kick in the teeth = dar una patada en el estómago, tratar a patadas.

Example: They work so effing hard and the so called fans give them a kick in the teeth when they need their support the most.

» gnashing of teeth = rechinar de dientes.

Example: One of the Bible's most striking references is that Hell is a place where 'there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth'.

» gnash + Posesivo + teeth = rechinar los dientes.

Example: According to the girl and her mother, she had before treatment been suffering from abdominal pain, gnashing her teeth, vaginal itching, and diarrhoea from time to time.

» grinding of teeth = sentimientos negativos, rechinar de dientes.

Example: The inherent condescension of this passage will probably cause much grinding of the teeth of the county library staff members present at the meeting.

» grind + Posesivo + teeth = rechinar los dientes, apretar los dientes.

Example: He's also more likely to grind his teeth if he drools or talks in his sleep.

» grit + Posesivo + teeth = apretar los dientes, hacer de tripas corazón.

Example: Despite hating false flattery, she grits her teeth and bows her head to the people who think they are her social superiors because she wants the best future for her family.

» have + the teeth to = tener la autoridad suficiente como para, tener la potestad suficiente como para.

Example: He bemoaned the fact that regulators did not have the teeth to stop the banks from making such charges.

» horse teeth = dientes de caballo.

Example: The dentist joked with him about his 'horse teeth' and told him that they were as securely moored as tree roots.

» in the teeth of = pese a, a pesar de, en contra de.

Example: They remain a people who cling to their distinct identity in the teeth of persistent rejection.

» kick + Nombre + in the teeth = dar una patada en el estómago, tratar a patadas.

Example: How do we expect our young people to show older people trust and respect when at the first opportunity we kick them in the teeth?.

» kick + Posesivo + teeth in = dar una patada en el estómago, tratar a patadas.

Example: There are a lot of bully girls here, kick their teeth in, take no crap.

» lie through + Posesivo + teeth = mentir como un bellaco, mentir descaradamente.

Example: Like the rest of the populace, either these spokespeople are willfully ignorant of the truth of atomic dangers, or they are lying through their teeth about them.

» set + Posesivo + teeth = apretar los dientes, hacer de tripas corazón.

Example: Every time she set her teeth and clenched her hands, determined to think calmly and to reason out the 'for' and 'against,' her mind wandered away again.

» set + Posesivo + teeth on edge = dar dentera, dar grima, poner los pelos de punta.

Example: His controlling and demanding nature set her teeth on edge and she found him to be a pain in her rear.

» show + Posesivo + teeth = enseñar los dientes, mostrar los dientes, amenazar. [En señal de amenaza y/o defensa]

Example: Wind raged over the sea; waves snarled and showed their teeth.

» sink + Posesivo + teeth into = clavarle los dientes a, hincarle el diente a.

Example: So Carmilla lowered her head and slowly, slowly, like a lover's kiss, sank her teeth into Laura's neck.

» sink + Posesivo + teeth into = hincarle el diente a, dedicarse de lleno a, meterse de lleno en.

Example: She was a teacher before she sank her teeth into writing.

» take + the skin off your teeth = disolver los dientes.

Example: The coffee was so strong it would take the skin off your teeth.

» take + the teeth out of = restar importancia, restar fuerza, aliviar, mitigar, atenuar, hacer que Algo sea menos doloroso, hacer que Algo sea más llevadero, dorar la píldora, quitar hierro.

Example: Sometimes making fun of something terrible helps to take the teeth out of it.

» teeth bleaching = blanqueamiento dental.

Example: Teeth bleaching refers to whitening teeth beyond their natural white color so that they appear whiter than normal.

» teeth + chatter = dientes + castañear, dientes + castañetear, dientes + chasquear.

Example: His teeth chattered, and he turned pale with fear.

» teeth grinding = rechinar de dientes.

Example: Teeth grinding is clinically referred to as bruxism.

» teeth guard = férula, férula de relajación, férula de descarga, férula dental, férula nocturna.

Example: A bite guard, also known as a stress guard, teeth guard, dental guard or night guard, is a dental appliance provided by the dentist to protect your teeth from excessive grinding or clenching = La férula, también conocida como férula de relajación, férula dental o férula nocturna, es un aparato recomendado por el dentista para impedir que los dientes rechinen o se aprieten en exceso.

» teeth implant = implante dental.

Example: Teeth implants are permanent, so it is important to get quality work.

» teeth + rattle = dientes + castañear, dientes + castañetear, dientes + chasquear.

Example: I merely boxed her ears soundly and shook her until her teeth rattled -- it's the only way to deal with hysterical women.

» teeth whitener = blanqueador dental.

Example: One of the best home made teeth whitener is the mixture of dry basil leaves and rind of orange.

» teeth whitening = blanqueamiento dental.

Example: Most teeth whitening kits work using a bleaching agent, normally containing peroxide.

teeth2 = salir los dientes, echar los dientes. 

Example: She was five months on Friday and is starting to

tooth [teeth, -pl.] = diente. 

Example: An enquirer who asks 'Have you anything on energy?' or 'What have you got on teeth?' is easy to help.


» a bit/little long in the tooth = viejo, entrado en años, metido en años, decadente, anticuado, obsoleto, desfasado.

Example: Training would be needed for the reception staff, who all said they were a bit long in the tooth for learning how to use a computer.

» an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) = ojo por ojo y diente por diente, pena del talión.

Example: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth has brought Israel and Gaza to the edge of destruction.

» back tooth = muela, molar.

Example: It's very important to spend extra time brushing the teeth near the salivary glands (the inside of the lower front teeth and the outside of the upper back teeth).

» bare + Posesivo + teeth = enseñar los dientes, mostrar los dientes, amenazar. [En señal de amenaza y/o defensa]

Example: He kept his eyes on Aethon and bared his teeth in a silent snarl as he allowed himself to be led backward.

» by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth = casi, apenas, faltar el canto de un duro para, por los pelos.

Example: The middle class holds on by the skin of its teeth, saved from a real downward slide only by record increases in the number of dual-income families.

» canine tooth = colmillo, diente canino.

Example: Your canine teeth are the pointy ones next to your front teeth.

» cheek tooth = molar, muela.

Example: Cheek tooth extraction in horses is a procedure that has traditionally been associated with a high incidence of complications.

» cut + Posesivo + teeth = salir los dientes, echar los dientes.

Example: 'Is he cutting his teeth?' 'Yes,' murmured Fenichka, 'he has cut four teeth already and now the gums are swollen again = "¿Le están saliendo los dientes? "Si," murmuró Fenichka, "le han salido cuatro dientes de momento y ahora las encías están de nuevo inflamadas.

» cut + Posesivo + teeth (on) = adquirir experiencia, practicar.

Example: This is a useful collection of essays, particularly for graduate students and high-powered undergraduates cutting their teeth on Aristotle.

» cut + Posesivo + teeth on = adquirir experiencia, practicar.

Example: This is a useful collection of essays, particularly for graduate students and high-powered undergraduates cutting their teeth on Aristotle.

» eye-tooth = colmillo.

Example: So much so that my canines (or eye-teeth, they're the pointy ones) ended up growing over my incisors/first molars rather than between them.

» fight + tooth and nail = luchar a brazo partido, pelear a brazo partido, luchar con uñas y dientes.

Example: In fact, it was the right-wing that fought tooth and nail against those who sought to outlaw child labor in this country.

» fight + tooth and nail to defend = luchar a brazo partido para defender, defender a toda ultranza, defender como gato panza arriba, defender a capa y espada, defender con uñas y dientes.

Example: I know folk are very passionate about politics and can fight tooth and nail to defend their particular ideological stance.

» floss + Posesivo + teeth = limpiarse los dientes con hilo dental.

Example: Candy presents serious problems of dental decay for the handicapped child who may not be able to brush and floss his teeth thoroughly.

» front tooth = incisivo, paleta, diente delantero.

Example: Your canine teeth are the pointy ones next to your front teeth.

» have + a sweet tooth = ser goloso, gustar mucho lo dulce.

Example: The fact that cancer has a sweet tooth firmly points a finger at excess carbohydrate intake.

» impacted tooth = diente impactado.

Example: Dental problems with molar teeth generally take the form of an impacted tooth.

» lie through + Posesivo + teeth = mentir como un bellaco, mentir descaradamente.

Example: Like the rest of the populace, either these spokespeople are willfully ignorant of the truth of atomic dangers, or they are lying through their teeth about them.

» lose + a tooth = perder un diente.

Example: A popular old wives' tale holds that for every baby a woman has, she is bound to lose a tooth.

» milk tooth = diente de leche.

Example: My son had his milk teeth removed and the doctor did it in a jiffy and my son didn't even realise.

» molar tooth = molar, diente molar.

Example: Dental problems with molar teeth generally take the form of an impacted tooth.

» sweet tooth = gusto por lo dulce.

Example: When you want to satisfy your sweet tooth, don't forget to consider using maple syrup which contains fewer calories and a higher concentration of minerals than honey.

» tooth abscess = flemón.

Example: An untreated tooth abscess can result in the infection spreading to other areas of the body.

» tooth abscess = flemón.

Example: An untreated tooth abscess can result in the infection spreading to other areas of the body.

» toothache = dolor de muelas.

Example: The specific health problems investigated were a rash, a sore throat, a toothache, bleeding gums, an upset stomach, a cavity, and a bad headache.

» toothbrush = cepillo de dientes.

Example: The author examines the composition of plaque and describes how to remove it with the use of a toothbrush and dental floss.

» tooth decay = caries, caries dental.

Example: There is a distinctive pattern of severe tooth decay in infants and young children.

» tooth enamel = esmalte dental.

Example: One of the myths out there is that drinking fizzy water will erode tooth enamel.

» tooth fairy, the = ratoncito Pérez, el.

Example: The article is entitled 'Some Fantasy Characters of Young Children: An Examination of Children's Beliefs in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny'.

» tooth grinding = rechinamiento de (los) dientes.

Example: Chronic tooth grinding, called bruxism, can cause micro-cracks in the enamel, making teeth more susceptible to decay, and even wear down the pointed surfaces of molars.

» tooth inflammation = flemón.

Example: Now, in addition to everything else, a dental examination might be required to rule out tooth inflammation.

» toothless = desdentado, sin dientes. 

Example: The earliest known fossil of a toothless bird that flew across the skies 120 million years ago has been dug up by scientists.

» toothless = ineficaz, inútil. 

Example: This is what happens when a company does not listen to their customers, you end up with a toothless and ineffective policy.

» toothpaste = pasta de dientes, dentífrico.

Example: In Experiment 1, 108 undergraduates were presented with information about risks associated with different brands of tires and toothpaste.

» toothpick = palillo de dientes, mondadientes.

Example: If you have runny nail polish, pour some onto a paper plate, add a bit of flour and stir it up with something like a toothpick.

» wisdom tooth = muela del juicio.

Example: There are no firm rules regarding a specific age by which a person's wisdom teeth have to be extracted.
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