Tedium in spanish


pronunciation: tedioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tedium = tedio. 

Example: Although abbreviations avoid the tedium of copying and reading lengthy titles, abbreviations have disadvantages.


» relieve + the tedium = aliviar el tedio.

Example: A little later in the same document, in a passage dealing in a rather smug way with the then infant county libraries we read that the purpose of such libraries should be to relieve the tedium of idle hours quite irrespective of intellectual profit or educational gain.

Tedium synonyms

ennui in spanish: , pronunciation: enui part of speech: noun boredom in spanish: , pronunciation: bɔrdəm part of speech: noun tiresomeness in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪrsəmnəs part of speech: noun tediousness in spanish: , pronunciation: tidiəsnəs part of speech: noun
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