Technology in spanish


pronunciation: teknoʊloʊxiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

technology = tecnología. 

Example: The article 'A look at microenvironments for books' looks at microenvironmental technology as it relates to library materials = El artículo "Un vistazo a los microentornos para libros" analiza la tecnología microambiental enfocada al material bibliotecario.


» adaptive technology = tecnología adaptada, tecnología adaptada a usuarios con necesidades especiales, adaptación tecnológica. [Sinónimo de assistive technology]

Example: This article describes the use of adaptive technologies for visually impaired people in libraries.

» assistive technology = tecnología adaptada, tecnología adaptada a usuarios con necesidades especiales. [Sinónimo de adaptive technology]

Example: Assistive technology is a rapidly changing speciality area that is of interest to a broad audience of service providers, people with disabilities, families, and decision makers.

» associated technology = tecnología afín.

Example: The author examines virtual reality and its associated technology and a new form of online catalogue.

» ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific) = ASTINFO (Red Regional para el Intercambio de Información y Experiencias de la Ciencia y Tecnología en Asia y el Pacífico).

Example: The overall approach should be in line with the philosophy of ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific).

» automation technology = tecnología de la automatización.

Example: The article 'The forgiving building revisited' discusses planning library facilities which will meet new developments in automation technology with flexibility.

» biotechnology = biotecnología.

Example: Biotechnology has experienced rapid growth in recent years.

» BTI (British Technology Index) = BTI (Indice Británico de Tecnología).

Example: However, both BTI and LCSH occasionally use headings of this kind, though one could argue strongly that these are out of place in direct entry methods, and they come in for trenchant criticism from Metcalfe.

» cellular technology = tecnología celular, tecnología móvil.

Example: The article is entitled 'Online without the line: cellular technology for searching on the go'.

» chemical technology = tecnología química.

Example: This work is now divided into two sections the first covering biochemistry and organic chemistry, the second covering macromolecular materials, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical technology = Esta obra ahora se divide en dos secciones, la primera abarca la bioquímica y la química orgánica, la segunda los documentos macromoleculares, la química analítica, la físicoquímica y la tecnología química.

» clean technology = tecnología limpia.

Example: Urgent priorities for ensuring lasting sustainable development must include the widespread adoption of clean technology and ecosystem restoration.

» client-server technology = tecnología cliente-servidor.

Example: This client-server technology can provide worldwide access to multimedia information including stereophonic sound, colour images and full motion video.

» communication(s) technology = tecnología de las comunicaciones.

Example: The research aims to establish the significance of new information and communication technologies in the lives of individuals and families.

» computer science and technology = ciencias de la computación y tecnología informática.

Example: Human-computer interaction is the area of intersection between psychology and the social sciences, and computer science and technology.

» computer technology = tecnología del ordenador, tecnología informática.

Example: Before embarking on a discussion of the nature and future of the library catalog in the context of computer technology, we should quickly review the forces which have carried us to this threshold of the future.

» computing technology = recursos informáticos, tecnología informática.

Example: Only the major educational establishments can be sufficiently well equipped with computing technology within the next five year plan.

» cutting edge technology = tecnología punta.

Example: Over the past 5 years Drew University has invested $3.5 million in cutting edge technology and installed an on-line library system.

» Digital Audio Technology (DAT) = Tecnología Audiodigital.

Example: There are plenty of arguments about the virtues of Digital Audio Technology (DAT) and there are denigrators.

» digital imaging technology = tecnología para la creación de imágenes digitales.

Example: The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.

» digital technology = tecnología digital.

Example: Digital technology has ushered us into a ceaseless spiral of change which represents, not so much an evolution, but a formidable disjunction with the analog world.

» ed-tech (educational technology) = tecnología educativa.

Example: The author locates the waning educational computing craze in the historical context of an ed-tech trajectory that has brought visions of accelerated academic achievement followed by disappointment.

» enabling technology = tecnología aplicada, tecnología de apoyo, tecnología instrumental. [Tecnología que contribuye a hacer algo posible o que facilita una labor]

Example: The author discusses human resources, and technical issues that arose throughout its implementation, and the enabling technologies used.

» engineering technology = tecnología de la ingeniería.

Example: There is a wide range of options when it comes to educational preparation in engineering technology.

» ESPRIT (European Strategic Program for Research into Information Technology) = ESPRIT (Programa Estratégico Europeo para la Investigación en Tecnología de la Información).

Example: ESPRIT (European Strategic Program for Research into Information Technology) began in 1982 with the objective of providing the basic technologies which European industry needs to compete with the USA and Japan in the information technology field.

» food science and technology = ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos.

Example: One of the recommendations of this plan is to conduct a survey of information resources in the field of food science and technology.

» food technology = tecnología de los alimentos.

Example: This journal covers general agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food technology, human nutrition, soils, plant and animal sciences, agricultural economics and rural sociology.

» gene technology = tecnología genética.

Example: Its parodic content hypothesizes that Noah's ark comprised the first gene pool and was the first experiment in gene technology.

» genetic technology = tecnología genética.

Example: Technologies that create risks that might have incommunicable global consequences include atomic energy, genetic technology, human genetics, nanotechnology, & computer science.

» high-technology = alta tecnología, de alta tecnología.

Example: All kinds of viewpoints are heard in these meetings from information services in high-technology research establishments to ethnic libraries in Alaska.

» information and communication technologies (ICTs) = tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TICs).

Example: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have generated a level of common international interest on a level unequalled since the construction of the railways.

» information technology (IT) = tecnología de la información (TI). [Uso de los ordenadores y otros métodos y tecnologías automatizadas para la organización, almacenamiento, recuperación y difusión de la información]

Example: Increasingly, of course, articles and publications are beginning to appear that are relevant to developments in information technology (IT).

» light-wave technology = tecnología de las ondas luminosas.

Example: 3 key technologies are especially important at present, namely microelectronics, light-wave technology and robotronics.

» LITA (Library and Information Technology Association) = LITA (Asociación para la Tecnología de Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación). [División de la Asociación Americana de Bibliotecarios]

Example: The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), a division of the American Library Association held a conference at Milwaukee, Wisconsin in Nov 82 on microcomputers in libraries.

» marine technology = tecnología marina.

Example: It acts as a focal point for marine technology and marine engineering research.

» materials science and technology = ciencia y tecnología de los materiales.

Example: This illustrates the all-encompassing nature of the study of materials science and technology.

» microform technology = tecnología de la microforma.

Example: The article 'A few cautionary words about electronic publishing' argues that advances in microform technology have obviously fallen far behind their potential.

» microtechnology = microtecnología.

Example: The decreasing cost of microtechnology has had dramatic effects on information handling = La disminución de los costes de la microtecnología ha tenido efectos dramáticos en el tratamiento de la información'.

» mobile technology = tecnología móvil.

Example: She is not exactly sold on the idea that mobile technology will make online music a profitable business, when so many people have become used to getting their music free.

» multimedia technology = tecnología multimedia.

Example: This article reports on a use of computer aided instruction and multimedia technology to meet the information needs of a special population -- people who have severe and persistent mental illnesses.

» nanotechnology = nanotecnología.

Example: The author shows that the share of boundary spanning publications is exceptionally high in the field of nanotechnology.

» National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL) = Biblioteca Nacional de Préstamo para la Ciencia y Tecnología (NLL). [Biblioteca británica encargada de los préstamos interbibliotecarios y que en los setenta pasó a formar parte de la Biblioteca Británica de Préstamo Interbibliotecario]

Example: The Lending Division, which is based at Boston Spa in Yorkshire, was formed by the amalgamation of the National Central Library and the National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL).

» networking technology = tecnología de redes.

Example: The British Library has announced a wide ranging programme using digital and networking technologies to make good its commitment to expedite access to its unparalleled collections.

» NIT (New Information Technology) = NTI (Nueva Tecnología de la Información).

Example: This study examines the present and likely future impact of NIT (New Information Technology) developments upon the less-favoured regions of the Community.

» nuclear technology = tecnología nuclear.

Example: In nuclear technology 'critical mass' of fissible material is the amount needed to create a nuclear chain reaction.

» optical disc technology = tecnología de discos ópticos.

Example: The Library of Congress (LC) is attempting to identify costs, benefits, strengths and weaknesses associated with the introduction of optical disc technology for storage and use of LC collections.

» optical storage technology = tecnología de almacenamiento óptico.

Example: Data base producers should take a hard look at the compact disc (DC) market before introducing information products based on optical storage technology.

» optical technology = tecnología óptica.

Example: Optical technology has ushered in a new phase in the storage and retrieval of information.

» optical videodisc technology = tecnología de videodiscos ópticos.

Example: Laser optical videodisc technology promises great possibilities for information organisation, storage, retrieval and transfer.

» personal computer technology = tecnología del ordenador personal.

Example: By replacing parts of photocopying services with advanced personal computer technology libraries should make savings sufficient to pay royalty for each page copied.

» push technology = tecnología de envío de información de un modo automático. [Tecnología que utilizan ciertas aplicaciones informáticas para enviar automáticamente a los usuarios información de su interés a través de la red]

Example: The study evaluates the performance and features of 7 software packages which facilitate push technology in which information is delivered automatically (or pushed) to users' desktop personal computers (PCs) via the World Wide Web (WWW).

» science and technology = ciencias.

Example: The new building was expected to provide for a university population of 5,500 students of which approximately 3,500 would be science and technology students and 2,000 arts and social science students.

» science and technology journal = revista de ciencia y tecnología.

Example: The Science Citation Index is a multidisciplinary reference tool that indexes over 3,300 of the world's most important science and technology journals.

» science and technology park = parque de ciencia y tecnología, parque científico y tecnológico.

Example: The University of Edimburgh is currently developing two science and technology parks which will result in 6,500 jobs.

» sensitive technology = tecnología sensible.

Example: He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.

» STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) = CTM (Ciencia, Tecnología y Medicina).

Example: Our mission has not changed but the perception of the project and its on-going implementation have as other seemingly competitive research initiatives entered the STM publishing arena.

» S & T (Science and Technology) = C + T (Ciencia y Tecnología).

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Information for science and technology: the organization and financing of national information provision for S & T'.

» technology-based = basado en la tecnología, tecnológico.

Example: People have employed this term to encompass programmes of study stretching from the furthest shores of technology-based activity to the vaguest and most nebulous-seeming courses of study in the arts/humanities areas.

» technology boosterism = optimismo tecnológico.

Example: Further, technology 'boosterism' has created false expectations about ease of use and lower costs.

» technology-centred [technology-centered, -USA] = centrado en la tecnología, orientado hacia la tecnología, basado en la tecnología.

Example: The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.

» technology culture = cultura tecnológica.

Example: In addition to the national and professional cultures, the electronic work environment has embedded within it a technology culture.

» technology-dominated = dominado por la tecnología.

Example: They have to be reformed into organizations better fitted to meet the challenges of technology-dominated futures.

» technology-driven = orientado hacia la tecnología.

Example: Successful information providers will be those that are user-driven rather than technology-driven.

» technology-orientated = orientado hacia la tecnología.

Example: The author offers a model organisational structure for universty and research libraries to meet the needs of an information-seeking, technology-orientated clientele.

» technology-oriented = orientado hacia la tecnología.

Example: Many of the ills of our present technology-oriented culture can be traced to the 'mere specialists', men of limited vision.

» technology park = parque tecnológico.

Example: The function of technology transfer is played, among other institutions, by technology parks.

» technology surveillance = vigilancia tecnológica.

Example: This paper aims to address the above two questions, and highlight the role of technology surveillance as an innovation strategy.

» technology transfer = transferencia de la tecnología.

Example: The author briefly discusses the loaded techno-political issue of micro-informatics technology transfer, and how an international effort could assist in this respect.

» technology watch = vigilancia tecnológica, sistema de alerta de novedades tecnológicas.

Example: Technology watch must be considered as a strategic tool for business enterprises.

» telecommunications technology = tecnología de telecomunicaciones.

Example: Some users hope that market forces will force some of the smaller hosts out of the marketplace, but with cheaper telecommunications and computing technology this seems something of a vain hope.

» telefacsimile technology = tecnología del telefax.

Example: This article discusses the history of telefacsimile technology and the uses to which it can be put in libraries focusing on its impact on interlibrary loan document delivery.

» touch technology = tecnología táctil. [En tecnología de la información, aquella tecnología que se ocupa de todas las cuestiones relativas a la comunicación entre el usuario y el ordenador por medio de respuestas que en lugar de ser tecleadas se señalan con el dedo sobre la pantalla]

Example: This article examines problems special to touch-screens and considers the future for touch technology in libraries.

» video technology = tecnología del vídeo.

Example: The use of video technology in education and training is changing as video programmes become more convenient to make.

» voice recognition technology = tecnología para el reconocimiento de voz.

Example: The author deems voice recognition technology to be unimpressive but finds that text-to-speech conversion has greatly improved.

» war technology = tecnología bélica.

Example: The sketchbook features drawings illustrating the liberal arts (including personifications of the planets), the chivalrous life (including hunting and love), household remedies, mining and smelting, and war technology.

» wearable technology = tecnología de vestuario, tecnología de vestir, tecnología de complementos.

Example: The wearable technology industry is growing like crazy and can provide a plethora of benefits to users.

» zootechnology = zootecnología.

Example: This computerised data bank was set up to collect and make available information and documentation on zootechnology published in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Technology synonyms

engineering in spanish: , pronunciation: endʒənɪrɪŋ part of speech: noun applied science in spanish: , pronunciation: əplaɪdsaɪəns part of speech: noun engineering science in spanish: , pronunciation: endʒənɪrɪŋsaɪəns part of speech: noun
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