Technological in spanish


pronunciation: teknoʊloʊxikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

technological = tecnológico. 

Example: These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field to discuss the technological environment created by library automation in the 1970s.


» biotechnological = biotecnológico.

Example: This article examines the evolution of patenting practice in the European Patent Office in respect of breadth of claims in the field of biotechnological inventions.

» IATUL (International Association of Technological University Libraries) = IATUL (Asociación Internacional de Bibliotecas Universitarias Tecnológicas).

Example: This article outlines the history, objectives, qualifications for membership and activities of IATUL (International Association of Technological University Libraries).

» scientific-technological = científico-tecnológico.

Example: The Bradford distribution is found to provide information of the degree of scientific-technological inequitability between advanced and developing nations.

» socio-technological [sociotechnological] = sociotecnológico.

Example: The search for the essential nature of information is focusing again on biological systems and on socio-technological systems as well.

» technological advancement = avance tecnológico.

Example: Two factors which have greatly influenced the information society are the information explosion and technological advancements.

» technological age = era tecnológica.

Example: This article considers the role of political education particularly in the technological age.

» technological equipment = equipamiento tecnológico, material tecnológico.

Example: The general purpose for this programme is to assist university libraries in acquiring technological equipment.

» technological innovation = innovación tecnológica.

Example: There is significant optimism about technological innovation meeting any possible crisis in literature growth.

» technological issue = cuestión tecnológica.

Example: The strategy aims to help cope with the often complex technological issues involved.

» technological progress = progreso tecnológico.

Example: The author discusses methods of ensuring that mere technological change is not pawned off on us as technological progress.

» technological skill = conocimiento en tecnología.

Example: In the context of this report any such policy would have to recognise the need for specialists educated in information issues as well as for personnel versed in technological skills.

» technological society = sociedad tecnológica.

Example: Information technologies, professional information societies, and the emerging information industry all attest to the growth of information as an essential component in modern technological societies.

» technological surveillance = vigilancia tecnológica.

Example: Small to midsize companies are more likely to use technological surveillance (i.e., computer spy programs), as they're more readily available than undercover detective agencies, which can get a bit pricey.

Technological synonyms

technical in spanish: , pronunciation: teknɪkəl part of speech: adjective, noun scientific in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪəntɪfɪk part of speech: adjective
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