Technique in spanish


pronunciation: teknikɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

technique = técnica. 

Example: Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.


» analytical technique = técnica analítica.

Example: This article is an overview of current data gathering and analytical techniques for author cocitation analysis.

» best match technique = técnica de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptima.

Example: The search uses a combinatorial 'best match' technique, rather than Boolean logic.

» bibliometric technique = técnica bibliométrica.

Example: Other bibliometric techniques include assigning impact factors to scientific periodicals, co-citation analysis, co-word analysis and bibliographic coupling.

» binding technique = técnica de encuadernación.

Example: The situation was entirely changed by various developments in binding technique which originated in the 1820s.

» clustering technique = técnica clúster.

Example: The clustering techniques are based on multiple thresholding of fuzzy clustering.

» computer-searching technique = técnica de búsqueda automatizada.

Example: Access to the contents of data bases is via some computer-searching technique, often using an online terminal.

» construction technique = técnica de construcción, técnica de fabricación.

Example: This section discusses design and construction techniques for making slipcovers, draperies, bedspreads, and coverlets.

» convolution technique = técnica convolucionista.

Example: They analytical techniques range from the simple convolution technique which is fast but inaccurate, to the approach proposed by Eckberg and Hou, which is accurate, but computationally slow = Las técnicas analíticas van desde la simple técnica convolucionista, que es rápida pero inexacta, al método propuesto por Eckberg y Hou, que es preciso pero lento desde el punto de vista de la informática.

» critical incident technique = técnica de incidencias.

Example: The critical incident technique uses broad prompts to allow the subjects to describe a specific incident, thereby providing a clear picture of the actual problem.

» Delphi technique, the = técnica Delphi, la. [Técnica utilizada para pronosticar cuál será el desarrollo de algo mediante la utilización de expertos en la materia, cada uno de los cuales define sus predicciones por separado y luego se hace una predicción común que se va refinando poco a poco hasta que todos los expertos están de acuerdo]

Example: Many new techniques are currently being employed to predict the future; one popular technique employed by librarians is the Delphi technique.

» design technique = técnica de diseño.

Example: This section discusses design and construction techniques for making slipcovers, draperies, bedspreads, and coverlets.

» documentation techniques = técnicas documentales.

Example: In Aug 86 library schools in the Netherlands introduced a new 4-year course with greater emphasis on documentation techniques.

» document-handling technique = técnica documental.

Example: The main goal of the course has been the integration of traditional document handling techniques with modern information management in the biosciences, so creating a new type of profession.

» forecasting techniques = técnicas de proyección.

Example: Forecasting techniques should be viewed not with skepticism and dread but with hope and a positive attitude.

» fuzzy IR technique = técnica de recuperación por medio de la lógica difusa.

Example: This article illustrates the possibilities of using weighted and fuzzy IR techniques.

» library technique = técnica bibliotecaria.

Example: The employment of special library techniques as pioneered in public library technical and commercial information services is clearly important here.

» master + technique = dominar una técnica.

Example: The paper-makers, spurred on by the urgent need to increase their supply of raw material, eventually mastered the new technique.

» merchandising technique = técnica de mercado.

Example: Merchandising techniques such as face-out shelving, displays, paperbacks near the checkout area may be used.

» navigational technique = técnica de navegación.

Example: Principles used in film making are drawn on heavily to classify navigational techniques applied to the searching of multimedia data bases.

» nominal group technique = técnica de grupo nominal.

Example: The nominal group technique, which required participants to be divided into 4 groups, was employed.

» PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) = PERT (Técnica para la Evaluación y Revisión de Programas). [Método utilizado en la planificación y distribución de cualquier proyecto a realizar por una biblioteca o centro de documentación]

Example: Just as with other techniques of control in the planning process already discussed, in PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) one must be able to state objectives, then activities must be enumerated and estimates must be given for the time required for each of these activities.

» reprography technique = técnica de repografía.

Example: His program introduced students to various reprography techniques and, in due course, to the basics of infography and computer animation.

» research technique = técnica de investigación.

Example: It is therefore necessary to implement an effective educational programme in research techniques at the tertiary level.

» scoring technique = método de puntuación.

Example: The method consists of a weighted scoring technique based on a customisable criteria hierarchy.

» weighted IR technique = ?.

Example: This article illustrates the possibilities of using weighted and fuzzy IR techniques.

Technique synonyms

facility in spanish: , pronunciation: fəsɪlɪti part of speech: noun proficiency in spanish: , pronunciation: prəfɪʃənsi part of speech: noun
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