Technical in spanish


pronunciation: teknikoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

technical = técnico. 

Example: Some subjects have both common and technical names, and the different names must be recognised, and reflected in the index in accordance with the audience for whom the index is intended.


» biotechnical = biotecnológico.

Example: The author describes experiences in providing expert systems support to a biotechnical equipment manufacturer.

» economic-technical = económico-técnico.

Example: One of the key concepts that permeate the field is a concern with economic-technical rather than psychosocial aspects = Uno de los conceptos principales que típico de la disciplina es una preocupación por los aspectos económico-técnicos que por los sicosociales.

» LRTS (Library Resources and Technical Services) = LRTS (Servicios Técnicos y de Recursos para la Biblioteca). [Revista de biblioteconomía]

Example: Of particular interest are the progress and code revision series and summaries which have been appearing in Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS), the official publication of the Resources and Technical Services Division.

» non-technical = sin preparación técnica, no técnico.

Example: Ideally, this reference manual should provide step-by-step guidance for the non-technical, first-time user.

» non-technical, the = personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las.

Example: The course was not specifically for poets, but was so named in order to be inviting to the non-technical.

» scientific and technical information (STI) = información científica y técnica.

Example: The importance of scientific and technical information (STI) to the research and development (R&D) and technological innovation processes is generally recognized.

» scientific-technical = científico-técnico.

Example: As a result of scientific-technical development, culture is influencing all spheres of life.

» socio-technical [sociotechnical] = sociotecnológico.

Example: The book also examines the epistemological, theoretical, socio-technical, and practice directions that social work has branched into.

» technical advance = avance técnico.

Example: This is, of course, due in great part to an entirely understandable reaction to the ills, real and imagined, that can be seen as resulting from many modern technical advances.

» technical advice = asesoramiento técnico.

Example: Non-repayable grants are available for vocational training and guidance, recruitment and wage subsidies, resettlement and technical advice concerned with job creation.

» technical architect = aparejador.

Example: Much of the design has already been finished by the technical architect, but some additional design may be necessary.

» technical aspect = aspecto técnico.

Example: But in recent years, grand rounds have become didactic lectures focusing on technical aspects of the newest biomedical research.

» technical assistance = asistencia técnica.

Example: The Kentucky state agency adopted a helping role as advisor, approver, and provider of technical assistance.

» technical book = manual técnico.

Example: In this article a specialist in the field of lubrication and cooling of industrial equipment discusses the lack of technical books devoted to this subject.

» technical data = características técnicas.

Example: The final operator in this group is (g), denoting coordinate concepts: (1) sulphides (g) selenides $v & (g) tellurides (p) thermodynamic properties (6) technical data.

» technical design = diseño técnico.

Example: The technical design of the systems in each of the three countriesv involved is covered in some detail.

» technical difficulty = dificultad técnica, problema técnico.

Example: Technical difficulties and operational costs are out of proportion to the financial gains.

» technical document = documento técnico.

Example: This article shows that simple, knowledge-intensive algorithms can successfully interpret many of the compounds found in technical documents.

» technical documentation = documentación técnica.

Example: Screen captures are probably the most frequently used illustration in software manuals but have received little attention in the literature on technical documentation.

» technical drawing = dibujo técnico. [Tipo de dibujo empleado por ingenieros y arquitectos que sirve para trasladar una información específica en forma gráfica]

Example: A technical drawing is a cross section, detail, diagram, elevation, perspective, plan, working plan, etc., made for use in an engineering or other technical context.

» technical elite, the = élite tecnológica, la. [Personas que poseen conocimientos básicos en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías]

Example: Research indicates that public libraries are vital in diminishing the information gap between the technical elite and the technical poor = La investigación existente nos indica que las bibliotecas públicas son muy importantes para reducir las diferencias en información entre los que poseen los conocimientos básicos en las nuevas tecnologías y los que no.

» technical equipment = material técnico, equipamiento técnico.

Example: Soviet libraries are not sufficiently well equipped with technical equipment, such as word processors, copiers, and information systems.

» technical expert = experto técnico.

Example: All too often, risk prevention is a domain which is left to technical experts, scientists and possibly politicians.

» technical features = características técnicas. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Its technical features include minimum hardware requirements, large database capacity, variable length fields, repeatable fields, subfields, powerful indexing, and rapid searching.

» technical information = información técnica.

Example: It goes without saying that advertising claims should be treated with caution, but product literature should contain all the necessary technical information about the system.

» technical issue = cuestión técnica, problema técnico.

Example: The author presents the major technical issues related with setting up an electronic library.

» technical journal = revista científica.

Example: Surely these new resources will have a profound impact upon newspapers, magazines, technical journals and even books.

» technical knockout = nocaut técnico, fuera de combate técnico, cao técnico, K.O. técnico.

Example: His final fight ended ignominiously, with him on the losing end of an eighth-round technical knockout.

» technical knowledge = conocimiento técnico.

Example: The benchtests in the journals are, generally speaking, more objective though they can rarely assess long-term reliability and in most cases assume a degree of technical knowledge.

» technical library = biblioteca técnica.

Example: The emphasis on title entry came from the specialized libraries, primarily the technical libraries, that were small but had the money and the power behind them to see that their view prevails.

» technical literacy = alfabetización técnica, conocimientos básicos en tecnología, formación básica en tecnología, alfabetismo en tecnología, alfabetización técnica.

Example: These two programmes are intended to foster technical literacy.

» technical literature = literatura técnica.

Example: Computer-aided translation (CAT) would be of service to the potential readers of Chinese and Japanese technical literature.

» technical paper = artículo técnico.

Example: Adjacent technical papers bound in journals may often be unrelated.

» technical poor, the = pobres en tecnología, los. [Personas que no poseen los conocimientos básicos en las nuevas tecnologías]

Example: Research indicates that public libraries are vital in diminishing the information gap between the technical elite and the technical poor = La investigación existente nos indica que las bibliotecas públicas son muy importantes para reducir las diferencias en información entre los que poseen los conocimientos básicos en las nuevas tecnologías y los que no.

» technical presentation = presentación técnica, demostración técnica, presentación comercial.

Example: The four-day interdisciplinary workshop will include a very exciting agenda consisting of invited speeches, technical presentations, and panel discussion sessions = Las jornadas interdisciplinares de cuatro días de duración tendrán un programa muy interesante con conferenciantes invitados, presentaciones técnicas y paneles de debate.

» technical problem = problema técnico.

Example: This demonstrates very clearly the technical problems that must be solved before an international network can come into existence.

» technical process = proceso técnico.

Example: Sections cover: history and development of map librarianship; technical processes; map library education; memorials for map librarians and cartobibliographers; and international map librarianship.

» technical publication = publicación técnica.

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» technical report = informe técnico. [Documento que describe los resultados de una investigación u otro tipo e estudio y que normalmente se presenta primero a la persona o institución que lo encargó]

Example: The bibliographic data bases allow the searcher to retrieve references to work that has appeared in documents such as journal articles, conference papers, books, dissertations, patents and technical reports.

» technical school = instituto de formación profesional, escuela taller.

Example: The investigations have encompassed 200 pupils from 4 secondary schools preparing for university as well as from 4 technical schools.

» technical service = servicio técnico.

Example: This article considers the impact of cooperation on collections and technical services in school resource centres belonging to multistate, multitype library network.

» technical services department = departamento de servicios técnicos, departamento de catalogación.

Example: Through the use of automation, libraries are able to reorganise technical services departments more efficiently and reassign professional cataloguers to other positions in the library.

» technical services librarian = bibliotecario de servicios técnicos.

Example: The cataloger and the technical services librarian of a small college library are asked to give their thoughts on how to resolve the problem of smokers versus non-smokers on the staff.

» technical session = sesión técnica.

Example: The Seminar consisted of an inaugural session, 2 technical sessions, a concluding session, and a golden jubilee function.

» technical soundness = validez técnica.

Example: The literature pertaining to causative factors of child abuse was assess to determine clarity of exposition, technical soundness, & appropriateness of analysis.

» technical specification = características técnicas. [Documento que establece las características de un producto o servicio como puede ser calidad, rendimiento, seguridad, dimensiones, etc]

Example: A technical specification is a document which lays down characteristics of a product or a service such as levels of quality, performance, safety, dimensions.

» technical staff = personal técnico.

Example: But unless technical staff want to remain in a servant role as mere tool jockeys, they must complete the evolution from craftsperson to professional.

» technical standard = norma técnica.

Example: Harmonization of technical standards is one of the Community's principal goals in creating a common market devoid of obstructions to the free movement of goods.

» technical stoppage = paro técnico.

Example: Thierry Breton, finance minister, blamed technical stoppages in the automobile sector for much of the 0.3 per cent drop in industrial production.

» technical support = apoyo técnico, soporte técnico, ayuda técnica, servicio técnico.

Example: The article 'CD-ROMs for techies' profiles CD-ROM based tools providing personal computer technical support.

» technical validity = validez técnica.

Example: It also must communicate information to the public and decision makers which is simple enough to understand and apply without loosing its technical validity.

» technical writing = redacción de informes técnicos, redacción científica.

Example: Will there still be a need for translations in the year 2000 or will there be just one universally accepted language used for scientific and technical writing?.

Technical synonyms

abstract in spanish: , pronunciation: æbstrækt part of speech: adjective, noun commercial in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmɜrʃəl part of speech: adjective theoretical in spanish: , pronunciation: θiɜretɪkəl part of speech: adjective specialized in spanish: , pronunciation: speʃəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective technological in spanish: , pronunciation: teknəlɑdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective

Technical antonyms

nontechnical pronunciation: nɑnteknɪkəl part of speech: adjective untechnical pronunciation: ənteknɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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