Tech in spanish


pronunciation: teknoʊloʊxiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tech1 = tecnología, tecnológico. [Abreviatura de technology y technological]

Example: The conference discussed tech trends in the information age.


» biotech = biotecnología. [Abreviatura de biotechnology]

Example: The article is entitled 'biotech companies must get back to basics to weigh up risks'.

» ed-tech (educational technology) = tecnología educativa.

Example: The author locates the waning educational computing craze in the historical context of an ed-tech trajectory that has brought visions of accelerated academic achievement followed by disappointment.

» high-tech = alta tecnología, de alta tecnología, de última generación.

Example: People are more used to going up for a closer look at an interesting feature on an object rather than selecting a close up photograph from some high-tech display unit.

» hi-tech = alta tecnología.

Example: The article 'CD/CorpTech: making use of hi-tech' discusses the CD-ROM version of the CorpTech data base distributed by DATEXT.

» infotech = tecnología de la información.

Example: This article argues the need to move forward with the infotech culture without abandoning the service culture.

» low-tech [low-tech] = baja tecnología, tecnología menos avanzada.

Example: Low-tech is not a liability in all cases; sometimes simple is better.

» sci-tech [scitech o sci/tech] = ciencia y tecnología, científico-técnico. [Abreviatura tanto de science and technology como de scientific-technical]

Example: These changes will have a dramatic impact on the sci/tech library.

» tech-savvy = conocimientos de tecnología.

Example: Librarians are tech-savvy and help library users gain the skills needed to use technology effectively and find what they need online and in print.

tech2 = técnico. [Abreviatura de technician]

Example: Dell had me jumping through hoops for two and a half days to no avail and ultimately sent a human tech here to fix my system.


» tech guy = técnico. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Our tech guys are currently working on a solution.

» tech support = servicio técnico, apoyo técnico.

Example: When I had a similar problem I freaked and instead of going to my manual I called tech support.

» tech team = equipo técnico, equipo de técnicos.

Example: Your tech team will love the fact you're off their backs to make changes for testing and optimization purposes.

Tech synonyms

technical school in spanish: , pronunciation: teknɪkəlskul part of speech: noun
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