Teach in spanish


pronunciation: ensenjɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

teach = enseñar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio taught]

Example: The aim of this course is to teach some of the practical skills required in subject indexing.


» don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs = no le enseñes a tu padre a ser hijo, no le enseñes a tu padre a ser padre.

Example: I was a professional keyboards programmer and engineer for nearly 20 years, so please don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

» experience + teach = experiencia + enseñar.

Example: Anyway, experience had taught him that a subordinate who attempts to subdue a superordinate is almost always lost; the superordinate has too many advantages in such a contest.

» history + teach = historia + enseñar.

Example: One of my favorite quotes is by the German philosopher Hegel `history teaches that history teaches us nothing'.

» teach + a class = dar clase.

Example: Libraries are often closed, because the teacher responsible is teaching class.

» teach + a lesson = enseñar una lección, dar clase.

Example: Emphasis was placed on learning the lessons taught by history.

» teach + Nombre + a lesson = dar una lección, aleccionar, hacer escarmentar.

Example: Mrs. Ross testified that virtually every day Mr. Ross, during their wranglings, would tell her he was 'going to teach her a lesson'.

» you can't teach an old dog new tricks = más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo, loro viejo no aprende a hablar. [Proverbio]

Example: The article is entitled 'Rewiring a working library or teaching an old dog new tricks'.

Teach synonyms

learn in spanish: , pronunciation: lɜrn part of speech: verb instruct in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnstrʌkt part of speech: verb thatch in spanish: , pronunciation: θætʃ part of speech: noun blackbeard in spanish: , pronunciation: blækbɪrd part of speech: noun edward teach in spanish: , pronunciation: edwɜrdtitʃ part of speech: noun edward thatch in spanish: , pronunciation: edwɜrdθætʃ part of speech: noun
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