Tea in spanish

pronunciation: te part of speech: noun
In gestures

tea1 = té. 

Example: People who study the tea ceremony have to learn about different kinds of tea.


» beef tea = caldo de carne.

Example: Beef tea makes a good nourishing drink, especially for invalids.

» be + Posesivo + cup of tea/cuppa tea = ser lo que a Uno le gusta, ser lo que a Uno le encanta, ser lo que a Uno le interesa, venir de perilla, venir de perlas, venir de maravailla, ser justo lo que Uno necesita, ser ideal para Uno, venir como anillo al dedo, venir a(l) pelo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: As far as the younger generation is concerned, media is more their cup of tea than journalism.

» chamomile tea = manzanilla.

Example: Herbal treatments are also common & include postpartum administration of basil or chamomile tea.

» cup of tea = taza de té.

Example: Brits are constantly debating the best way to make the perfect cup of tea -- and it's safe to say that everyone has their own theories.

» cuppa tea = taza de té.

Example: At the end of a workshop, I'm often pooped and the very best thing to do, after a nice cuppa tea, is to go out into the fresh air.

» decaffeinated tea = té descafeinado.

Example: Decaffeinated teas do not have any health risks that we know of currently.

» green tea = té verde.

Example: Green tea has been used and enjoyed for thousands of years because of the incredible healing properties it possesses.

» herbal tea = té de hierbas, infusión de hierbas, tisana.

Example: We serve coffee as well as a selection of herbal teas, so whatever you fancy you can pop a teabag in the pot and enjoy a cuppa.

» iced tea = té helado. [También escrito ice tea]

Example: With the summer rolling in, many of you might be looking for instructions on how to make fresh iced tea.

» jasmine tea = té de jazmín.

Example: Health benefits of jasmine tea include a reduced risk of heart attacks, a stronger immune system, and the prevention of diabetes.

» linden flower tea = tila.

Example: Linden flower tea has been used since the late Middle Ages as a diaphoretic, that is, a medication which promotes perspiration.

» morning tea = té mañanero.

Example: This study aimed to explore the meanings of the `morning tea break ritual' to a group of nurses in a medical ward.

» nettle tea = infusión de ortigas.

Example: Relieving premenstrual symptoms is one of the health benefits of nettle tea.

» not for all the tea in China = ni por todo el dinero del mundo, ni por todo el oro del mundo, ni a tiros, por nada en el mundo.

Example: I wouldn't have a shower with you, you slimeball -- not for all the tea in China!.

» pot of tea = tetera llena de té.

Example: After demolishing the cakes and sandwiches, pots of tea and buns laid on the table, he proceeded to eat his way through the contents of the fridge.

» read + tea leaves = leer las hojas de(l) té.

Example: It looks like your palm reader really knows her oats and she reads tea leaves too.

» storm in a teacup = mucho ruido y pocas nueces.

Example: Consider the following list of 'authors': Lewis Carroll, Aunt Jane, Harassed Housewife, A gentleman of low descent, and By the author of 'The storm in a teacup, mountains and molehills', etc.

» teabag = bolsita de té.

Example: I realize there are some teabag manufacturers sputtering with indignation and getting red in the face right now.

» tea break = descanso. [Generalmente para tomarse una bebida]

Example: Course fees include study materials, mid-morning coffee, lunch, and afternoon tea breaks but not accommodation.

» tea ceremony = ceremonia del té.

Example: People who study the tea ceremony have to learn about different kinds of tea.

» teacup = taza para el té.

Example: The same set of toys, which included a doll, a saucepan, a baby bottle, coffee mug, teacup, teaspoon, doll crib, blanket, toy phone and dump truck, was presented to children of all ages during individual 10-minute sessions.

» teahouse = casa de té.

Example: Also the Chinese teahouse with a collection of both Berlin and Meissen porcelain is situated here.

» tea infusion = infusión de té.

Example: These can be good in a pinch, but with the smallest amount of preparation, you can make your own tea infusions for a fraction of that price.

» tea leaves = hojas de té.

Example: Archeological evidence suggests that people consumed tea leaves steeped in boiling water as many as 500000 years ago.

» tealight = vela de té, velita de té, lucerna. [Velilla generalmente en un recipiente redondo de metal ligero utilizada para ambientar o para mantener comida caliente]

Example: There is nothing more romantic than lighting up a few tealights and enjoy the evening with the one you love.

» tea set = juego de té.

Example: The exhibition will include a display of sugar bowls and tea and coffee sets from throughout Australia's history.

» teaspoon = cucharita.

Example: The same set of toys, which included a doll, a saucepan, a baby bottle, coffee mug, teacup, teaspoon, doll crib, blanket, toy phone and dump truck, was presented to children of all ages during individual 10-minute sessions.

» tea towel = paño de cocina.

Example: The first project was based on horticulture while the second produced high quality tea towels, wall hangings, and placemats for the Australian tourist market.

» tea tree = árbol de té.

Example: The common name tea tree derives from the practice of early settlers of soaking the leaves of several species in boiling water to make a tea substitute.

» tea tree oil = aceite de árbol de té.

Example: The website includes lots of articles concerning the benefits of tea tree oil.

tea2 = hora del té, merienda. 

Example: Before tea invaded Britain, the English ate only breakfast and dinner.


» afternoon tea = té de la tarde, merienda.

Example: In the past whether you took 'afternoon tea' or 'high tea' was a peek into your social standing.

» after-tea = sobremesa.

Example: Go into the average good home of the crust, in the quietude of 'after-tea' and you will see a youthful miss sitting over something by Charlotte M Yonge or Charles Kingsley.

» have + tea = merendar.

Example: Hats are not required when ladies have tea with the Queen, but they are still the most creative fashion statements you will see.

» high tea = merienda cena.

Example: In the past whether you took 'afternoon tea' or 'high tea' was a peek into your social standing.

» teatime = hora del té, merienda.

Example: To most people in Britain, the phrase 'clotted cream' instantly summons up an image of teatime.

Tea synonyms

teatime in spanish: , pronunciation: titaɪm part of speech: noun afternoon tea in spanish: , pronunciation: æftɜrnunti part of speech: noun tea leaf in spanish: , pronunciation: tilif part of speech: noun camellia sinensis in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmeljəsinensəs part of speech: noun
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