Tax in spanish


pronunciation: impuestoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tax [taxes, -pl.]1 = impuesto, gravamen, canon. 

Example: Financed with taxes voted by the county and with state and federal aid, the central library maintains eight branch libraries and three bookmobiles.


» avoidance of taxes = evasión legal de impuestos.

Example: The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward = La evasión de impuestos es la única actividad intelectual que aún sigue teniendo recompensa.

» charitable tax deduction = deducción por donación a obras benéficas.

Example: In instances of very large gifts, the charitable tax deduction can be carried over for up to five successive years after the year in which the gift is made.

» city tax = impuesto municipal.

Example: University officials have repeatedly said the campus is exempt from all city taxes.

» collect + a tax = cobrar un impuesto.

Example: The existing laws authorise each district to levy and collect a tax, to the amount of four hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting or repairing school houses.

» council tax = contribución urbana, contribución municipal, impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI).

Example: Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.

» cut + taxes = reducir los impuestos.

Example: The truckers say they plan to drive in a convoy to the state capital, where they will call on policymakers to cut the gas tax.

» dividend income tax = impuesto sobre los ingresos de los dividendos.

Example: Capital gains are a part of being very rich, but so is dividend income tax.

» eco-tax = ecotasa. [Consulta la entrada "eco" para ver otras palabras que empiezan por esta abreviatura]

Example: Contrary to the widespread criticism it has received from the private sector and politicians, the eco-tax has had positive effects on the environment and the economy = Contrariamente a la crítica extendida que ha recibido del sector privado y de los políticos, la ecotasa ha tenido efectos positivos sobre el entorno (el medio ambiente) y la economía.

» energy tax = impuesto energético.

Example: For decades liberals have gone to extraordinary lengths to impose new energy taxes.

» excise tax = impuesto sobre artículos de uso y consumo.

Example: The price in 1800 was made up of rags, 9d.; labour, capital charges, chemicals, etc , 4d.; and excise tax, 5d.

» free of taxes = libre de impuestos, sin impuestos.

Example: Articles sold in a duty-free shop are free of taxes only for the country in which that shop is located.

» goods and services tax = impuesto de bienes y servicios.

Example: The total price includes shipping and handling but excludes any applicable goods and services taxes.

» impose + a tax = imponer un impuesto, gravar un impuesto.

Example: For decades liberals have gone to extraordinary lengths to impose new energy taxes.

» income tax = impuesto sobre la renta, declaración de la renta, impuestos.

Example: When can I deduct the cost of meals from my income tax?.

» income tax assistance = ayuda con la declaración de hacienda.

Example: The library provides a range of services to its community, including homebound service, story hours, film series, literacy tutoring, income tax assistance, art shows, to name a few.

» income tax bracket = banda impositiva, tipo impositivo.

Example: Since 1999, Minnesota's income tax brackets have expanded about 16 percent.

» income tax break = beneficio fiscal, deducción fiscal, deducción tributaria, exención fiscal, exención tributaria.

Example: Losing property due to a casualty, i.e. fire, flood, hurricane, or theft is devastating, but some casualty or theft losses can be recouped through income tax breaks on your tax return.

» income-tax deduction = gasto deducible.

Example: The elimination of income-tax deductions for children & the establishment of a refundable tax credit to support poor families in the US is proposed.

» income tax form = impreso de declaración de la renta.

Example: Over the years the US Inland Revenue Service (IRS) has relied increasingly upon public libraries as principal centres for distributing federal income tax forms.

» income tax return = declaración de la renta.

Example: The second module teaches students how to prepare an income tax return.

» income tax revenue = ingresos procedentes de los impuestos.

Example: Ultimately, society in general receives indirect benefits from the library, because more people are working and more income tax revenue is being generated.

» income tax statement = declaración de la renta, extracto fiscal, extracto tributario.

Example: Artists can claim these donations as charitable deductions on their income tax statements.

» increase + taxes = aumentar los impuestos.

Example: Both factions realize that new expenditures must not be undertaken if they mean increasing taxes.

» inheritance tax = impuesto de sucesiones, impuesto sucesorio, impuesto sobre sucesiones, impuesto a la herencia.

Example: The inheritance tax payable assumes that the ownership of the joint assets will pass to the surviving spouse.

» levy + a tax = poner un impuesto, imponer un gravamen, imponer un canon, poner un canon, poner un gravamen.

Example: The existing laws authorise each district to levy and collect a tax, to the amount of four hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting or repairing school houses.

» levy tax = gravamen, impuesto, canon.

Example: Excluded is the 1% levy tax which will be added to invoice upon check-out = No está incluido un 1% de canon que se añadirá al abonar la factura al final de la estancia.

» local taxes = impuestos municipales, impuestos locales, contribución urbana, impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI).

Example: Local taxes have been raised 10 percent, but library funding has not changed.

» local tax rates = impuestos municipales, contribución urbana, impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI).

Example: The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.

» marginal tax rate = tipo impositivo marginal, tipo de gravamen marginal, tipo fiscal marginal.

Example: This is achieved by creating tax brackets which have increasing marginal tax rates.

» offshore (tax) haven = paraíso fiscal.

Example: The use of offshore tax havens cost governments around the world substantial amounts of money in lost tax revenue.

» payroll tax = retención de IRPF.

Example: Payroll taxes are the state and federal taxes that you, as an employer, are required to withhold and/or to pay on behalf of your employees.

» pay + taxes = pagar impuestos.

Example: These are people who work hard, pay taxes, buy houses and keep on the right side of the law for fear of being deported.

» profit(s) tax = impuesto sobre las ganancias.

Example: Australia's government girded on Monday for a battle with miners over its plan to slap the industry with a new 40 percent profits tax.

» property tax = impuesto sobre la propiedad inmobiliaria, impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI).

Example: Not unlike many municipalities in these inflationary times, Earnscliffe is feeling the pinch of a severely high general property tax -- i.e., the tax on real estate and personal property, both tangible and intangible.

» public tax money = dinero público.

Example: The public tax money is allocated according to pressures from various competing agencies, including politicians and some segments of the public.

» push + taxes = subir los impuestos.

Example: While Groome and the progressives have over the years had their differences with the mayor -- to put it mildly -- one thing they are in firm agreement about is that taxes have been pushed as far as they can be.

» real estate property tax = impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI), contribución urbana, contribución municipal.

Example: Real estate property taxes are generally due in January and July of each calendar year.

» real estate tax = impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI), contribución urbana, contribución municipal.

Example: In some states, it is permissible to separate the real estate tax into two separate taxes -- one the land value and one on the building value.

» road tax = impuesto de circulación.

Example: Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.

» road tax disc = distintivo de impuesto de circulación. [Pegatina que se coloca en el limpiaparabrisas con el año de pago del impuesto de circulación]

Example: Road tax discs must be displayed at all times on the car windscreen and can be purchased at main post offices.

» sales tax = impuesto sobre las ventas, impuesto de ventas.

Example: Generally, sales taxes apply on the sale of just about anything to just about anyone.

» stealth tax = impuesto oculto.

Example: The inheritance tax is basically a stealth tax -- and once you think about it that way, you begin to realize just how weird, big and downright evil it actually is.

» tax abatement = desgravación, desgravación fiscal, desgravación tributaria, reducción de tipo impositivo.

Example: Tax abatement is one of the primary incentives available to local government to promote economic development.

» tax advantage = ventaja fiscal, ventaja tributaria.

Example: While donation might not sound attractive, you have to consider the tax advantages of giving an automobile.

» tax assistance = asesoría fiscal.

Example: The library may provide equipment for community-sponsored programs such as book talks, speaker series, tax assistance, voter registration, and so on = La biblioteca puede disponer del material necesario para apoyar los programas patrocinados por la comunidad como por ejemplo presentaciones de libros, ciclos de coferencias, asesoría fiscal, inscripción en el censo electoral, etc.

» tax avoidance = evasión legal de impuestos, evasión fiscal legal.

Example: It seems that the government are finally starting to react to the public outcry over tax avoidance.

» tax base = base impositiva.

Example: This article attributes the Americans' accomplishments to political and cultural reasons such as the progressive tradition of service to the community; federalism that allowed for higher tax bases in certain localities; professional concerns such as status-anxieties.

» tax-based = tributario.

Example: This approach should be refined and combined with a CV survey method focused on tax-based valuations of the library as a whole.

» tax base, the = contribuyentes, los.

Example: In his efforts to broaden the tax base, Groome has been actively courting industry - with some moderate success.

» tax benefit = beneficio fiscal.

Example: When the market for shining victorias and handy runabouts was climaxed by the building of 'horseless carriages,' and tax benefits and lower wages lured mill owners south, thousands emigrated westward.

» tax bill = ley tributaria.

Example: Every time the monarch came to parliament to pass a new tax bill, the parliament obliged only after exacting more liberty from him.

» tax bracket = banda impositiva, tipo impositivo.

Example: This is achieved by creating tax brackets which have increasing marginal tax rates.

» tax break = beneficio fiscal, deducción fiscal, deducción tributaria, exención fiscal, exención tributaria.

Example: We help companies with to take advantage of applicable tax breaks and incentives.

» tax burden = impuesto.

Example: Even with Groome's effort to ease tax burden pressures on individual property owners through industrial development, the tax rate is very steep.

» tax collector = recaudador de impuestos; fisco, el.

Example: In either instance, tax collectors are responsible for insuring that all property taxes due the municipality are collected.

» tax credit = desgravación fiscal.

Example: The elimination of income-tax deductions for children & the establishment of a refundable tax credit to support poor families in the US is proposed.

» tax cut = reducción fiscal, reducción de impuestos.

Example: Meanwhile, further proof that the entire party is cuckoo comes to us with the passage of another big tax cut for the rich.

» tax-deductible = desgravable.

Example: The advantages of a foundation include tax-deductible donations, increased eligibility for grants, and the involvement of affluent and influential local figures as advocates for the public library service.

» tax deduction = gasto desgravable, gasto deducible, desgravación fiscal. [Cantidad que se puede detraer de la suma total sobre la que se calculan los impuestos de la declaración de la renta]

Example: All too many conferences, workshops, and courses are much ado about nothing, devoted to providing the sponsors with extra revenue and participants with tax deductions.

» tax dodger = evasor fiscal, evasor de impuestos.

Example: They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.

» tax dollars = dinero público, financiación estatal.

Example: Public libraries are supported by tax dollars and augmenting that support by charging fees not only is fiscally sound, it is equitable.

» tax evader = defraudador de impuetos, defraudador fiscal.

Example: The British government is launching a television campaign to crack down on tax evaders.

» tax evasion = evasión de impuestos, evasión fiscal, fraude fiscal.

Example: Examples of 'petty crimes' are riding the train without a ticket, reproducing copyright computer programs, traffic violations, tax evasion, & shoplifting = Ejemplos de delitos menores son viajar en tren sin ticket, copiar programas informáticos con derechos de autor, infracciones de tráfico, evasión de impuestos y el hurto en tiendas.

» tax exemption = exención fiscal, exención de impuestos.

Example: Poul Qvist Joergensen, Social Democratic MP, expressed his Party's undecided attitude towards tax exemption for sponsorship.

» tax form = impreso de declaración de la renta.

Example: Libraries assist patrons in meeting their civic duty by offering meeting space for civic organizations, assisting in voter registration, and making tax forms available.

» tax fraud = evasión de impuestos, evasión fiscal, fraude fiscal.

Example: She will stand trial on charges of tax fraud but accusations of money laundering against her have been dropped.

» tax-free = libre de impuestos, sin impuestos. 

Example: Tax-free reductions in tax rates could be used to provide a selective subsidy method.

» tax haven = paraíso fiscal.

Example: This article defines tax havens and explains how companies are incorporated in tax havens.

» tax incentive = incentivo fiscal.

Example: With manuscript prices soaring on the open market, the government has introduced tax incentives to encourage donations.

» tax increase = aumento de los impuestos.

Example: Both factions are thus in the position of having to choose between demands for higher services and demands to minimize tax increases.

» tax law = legislación tributaria.

Example: These expert systems are constructed to help lawyers and law students in various legal areas such as contracts, torts, and tax law = Estos sistemas de expertos se crean para ayudar a abogados y a estudiantes de derecho en varios temas legales como, por ejemplo, contratos, agravios y legislación tributaria.

» tax money (tax monies) = dinero procedente de los impuestos.

Example: The library was fairly typical of its kind but unusual for the amount of tax money appropriated for it, and the speed with which the stock was bought.

» taxpayer [tax-payer] = contribuyente, sujeto pasivo, persona que paga impuestos. 

Example: I am also committed, however -- and this is what our taxpayers are paying us for -- to serving our library users, the people who are paying our salaries.

» taxpaying public = contribuyentes.

Example: This warning comes through the taxpaying public and from the funding authorities.

» tax policy = política fiscal.

Example: The Louisiana Legislature is edging closer toward a full meltdown that would derail not only its tax policy but also the state budget plan for next year.

» tax privilege = privilegio fiscal.

Example: The European Union will reinstate the long-awaited tax privilege of Thai shrimp exports next July.

» tax rate = tipo impositivo, tipo de gravamen, tipo fiscal.

Example: Even with Groome's effort to ease tax burden pressures on individual property owners through industrial development, the tax rate is very steep.

» tax rates = contribución urbana, contribución municipal, impuesto de bienes inmuebles.

Example: The decision in Sweden not to raise local tax rates during the economic recession has hit all public services hard, including public libraries.

» tax rebate = devolución de impuestos, devolución de hacienda.

Example: Courts ruled that tax rebates paid to oculists cannot be deducted as business expenses.

» tax reduction = reducción tributaria.

Example: Respondents were asked to specify the amount of taxes they would be willing to pay for those programs and services and the amount of tax reduction they would expect if a program or service were eliminated = Los encuestados debían especificar la cantidad de dinero que estarían dispuestos a pagar de sus impuestos por esos programas y servicios y la reducción tributaria que esperarían recibir si se eliminase algún programa o servicio.

» tax reform = reforma fiscal.

Example: Information was requested on more than 30 policy issues ranging from tax reform to toxic waste.

» tax refund = devolución de impuestos, devolución de hacienda.

Example: The average tax refund currently hovers at $3000.

» tax relief = desgravación, desgravación fiscal, desgravación tributaria.

Example: The legislature has passed a tax-relief law that increased state aid to schools.

» tax residence = residencia fiscal.

Example: Usually legal residence and tax residence are defined differently in law in that one can be an illegal alien and resident for tax purposes in the same country.

» tax return = declaración de la renta.

Example: Senior citizens' income tax problems were met by organizing a free service of help in filling in tax returns.

» tax revenues = ingresos procedentes de los impuestos. [Cantidad de dinero que el gobierno ingresa proveniente de los impuestos del ciudadano]

Example: Successful outcome of the legislation would mean the pooling of library, industry, and government based information resources towards the improvement of industry, the creation of more jobs, and new tax revenues.

» tax roll = registro fiscal.

Example: The tax roll generally lists the owner of each piece of property, a description of the property and other details that affect the property's assessed value.

» tax statement = extracto fiscal, extracto tributario.

Example: Most tax statements are mailed by January 31 of each year to university employees, students, vendors, and annuitants.

» tax structure = estructura fiscal.

Example: It goes without saying that not every situation is the same, but a lot of people are fed up with our current tax structure.

» tax support = asignación de dinero público.

Example: The public library competes with other agencies for each dollar of tax support.

» tax-supported = costeado con los impuestos, mantenido con los impuestos.

Example: While the tax-supported 'free' public library is subject to a full spectrum of political and social pressures, it can provide balance and moderation.

» tax system, the = sistema tributario, el; régimen tributario, el; sistema fiscal, el; sistema impositivo, el.

Example: A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.

» tax write-off = exención fiscal.

Example: The suggested solution to the copyright problem would allow producers limited tax write-off in exchange for the schools' rights to copy their programs.

» tax year = año fiscal, ejercicio fiscal.

Example: Tax years run from 6 April one year to 5 April the following year.

» value added tax (VAT) = impuesto sobre el valor añadido (IVA).

Example: These 'own resources' comprise agricultural and sugar levies, customs duties and a percentage of value added tax (VAT).

» vehicle tax = impuesto de circulación.

Example: You don't have to pay vehicle tax on quad bikes used for agriculture, horticulture or forestry.

» war tax = impuesto de guerra, impuesto bélico.

Example: No one dared to keep horses or donkeys openly, but did so in secret for the war tax, because wherever the Mongols discovered horses they ravished them.

» wealth tax = impuesto sobre el patrimonio.

Example: The number of those who move abroad, often quietly, to escape burdensome income and wealth taxes is estimated at 'one per day'.

tax2 = gravar con impuestos, gravar, tasar. 

Example: The administrative procedures to obtain foreign publications are cumbersome and highly taxed.

tax3 = poner a prueba, desafiar. 

Example: However, the definition of an 'author' has taxed cataloguers for many years.


» tax + Posesivo + imagination = demandar mucho esfuerzo por parte de Alguien.

Example: It would tax one's imagination to create an automated system that could accomplish this task.

Tax synonyms

assess in spanish: , pronunciation: əses part of speech: verb task in spanish: , pronunciation: tæsk part of speech: noun taxation in spanish: , pronunciation: tækseɪʃən part of speech: noun revenue enhancement in spanish: , pronunciation: revənuenhænsmənt part of speech: noun
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