Taiwanese in spanish


pronunciation: tɑiɑneses part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

Taiwanese = taiwanés. 

Example: This computer-assisted instruction (CAI) system has gradually aroused wide attention and interest and is commonly accepted by Taiwanese educational circles.

Taiwanese synonyms

chinese in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃaɪniz part of speech: adjective, noun min in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪn part of speech: noun amoy in spanish: , pronunciation: əmɔɪ part of speech: noun fukien in spanish: , pronunciation: fjukin part of speech: noun formosan in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrməzən part of speech: adjective, noun hokkianese in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊkkiəniz part of speech: noun fukkianese in spanish: , pronunciation: fjukiəniz part of speech: noun min dialect in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪndaɪəlekt part of speech: noun
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