Tacit in spanish


pronunciation: tɑθitoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

tacit = tácito, implícito. 

Example: Finally, the tacit assumption so far has been that we are dealing with a single document collection.


» tacit knowledge = conocimiento tácito.

Example: Its central concept is that knowledge resides within people and it draws a distinction between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge.

Tacit synonyms

implicit in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmplɪsət part of speech: adjective silent in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪlənt part of speech: adjective implied in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmplaɪd part of speech: adjective understood in spanish: , pronunciation: əndɜrstʊd part of speech: adjective inexplicit in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnɪksplɪsɪt part of speech: adjective
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