Sympathetically in spanish


pronunciation: simpɑtikɑmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

sympathetically = con comprensión. 

Example: Their first-hand knowledge of the community and commitment to its problems has been invaluable in ensuring that NACs respond sympathetically and swiftly to the needs of the neighbourhood.

Sympathetically synonyms

empathetically in spanish: , pronunciation: empəθetɪkli part of speech: adverb with sympathy in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪðsɪmpəθi part of speech: adverb with empathy in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪðempəθi part of speech: adverb

Sympathetically antonyms

unsympathetically pronunciation: ənsɪmpəθetɪkli part of speech: adverb without sympathy pronunciation: wɪθaʊtsɪmpəθi part of speech: adverb
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