Sorry in spanish
pronunciation: loʊsientoʊ part of speech: adjective

sorry [sorrier -comp., sorriest -sup.] = lamentable, lastimoso. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: The author describes the sorry state of libraries in Portugal where 149 of the 558 libraries have a collection of less than 1,000 titles.more:
» be in a sorry state (of affairs) = estar para el arrastre, salir malparado, estar fatal, estar en un estado lamentable, estar (muy) mal.
Example: Often quoted as the most polluted sea of the world, the Baltic Sea is indeed in a sorry state.» be sorrier than = ser peor que. [Comparativo de sorry]
Example: There is, however, no reason to despair of schools having an influence on children from subliterate and illiterate homes, even as things still are, otherwise the short history of universal education would be much sorrier than it is.» be sorry = lamentar, sentir. [Usado para disculparse]
Example: I'm sorry to have disappointed you.» better (to be) safe than sorry = más vale prevenir que curar.
Example: Common sense tells us that it is better to be safe than sorry.» feel + sorry for = pedir perdón por, arrepentirse de/por, sentirse arrepentido por.
Example: John made mistakes when he was a kid, but he was sorry for what he did = John cometió errores cuando era un niño, aunque siempre pedía perdón por lo que hacía.» feel + sorry for + Reflexivo = compadecerse de Uno Mismo, sentir pena de Uno Mismo, sentir lástima de Uno Mismo.
Example: When I feel grotty & sorry for myself, getting a little pressie always makes me feel much better.» in a sorry state of repair = en lamentable estado de conservación, en pésimo estado de conservación.
Example: Unfortunately most fatalaties in Morocco are motorbike related, and the roads can be in a sorry state of repair.» leave + Nombre + in a sorry state (of affairs) = dejar para el arrastre, dejar fatal, dejar en un estado lamentable, dejar malparado, dejar (muy) mal.
Example: Overfishing and poor management have left the world's seas in a sorry state.» sorry ass = patético, miserable, pringao, desgracio. [Nombre y adjetivo]
Example: What do you think of a woman expecting a baby working her ass off supporting a sorry ass man that will not work?.» sorry for the inconvenience = disculpe(n) las molestias, perdone(n) las molestias.
Example: Please try logging on again later - sorry for the inconvenience = Por favor, intente conectarse de nuevo más tarde, disculpe las molestias.» sorry + Infinitivo = siento + Infinitivo.
Example: As Ruttenberg hurried in she said 'Hi, sorry to keep you waiting'.