Smaller in spanish
pronunciation: menoʊɹ̩ part of speech: adjective

small [smaller -comp., smallest -sup.]1 = pequeño, chico, reducido. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: The small extract from the index to BNB in figure 2.1 demonstrates some of the features of index entries generated according to PRECIS indexing.more:
» a small number of = un número reducido de.
Example: A high proportion of the significant developments of human knowledge are reported in a quite small number of periodicals.» be small beer = ser algo insignificante, ser algo de poca monta, ser poca cosa, ser habas contadas.
Example: The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.» be small change = ser algo insignificante, ser algo de poca monta, ser poca cosa, ser habas contadas.
Example: The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.» be small in number = ser pocos, ser habas contadas.
Example: However, there has been progress: newer university and divisional libraries have been established, and research libraries, such as the Cholera Research Laboratory are small in number but impressive.» be small potato = ser algo insignificante, ser algo de poca monta, ser poca cosa, ser habas contadas.
Example: I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.» cut up into + small pieces = cortar en pedacitos.
Example: The 'sweated' rags were next cut up into small pieces and placed in wooden mortars where they were pounded to a pulp (or stuff) by water-powered hammers.» dice + Nombre + into small pieces = cortar en trocitos.
Example: I want a sword to slit her end to end and then dice her body into small pieces and leave the bloodied, quivering remains on her front lawn.» don't sweat the small stuff = no te ahogues en un vaso de agua, no hagas una montaña de un grano de arena, no te angusties con pequeñeces.
Example: Don't sweat the small stuff -- it's not worth hurting your health and wellbeing.» get + small(er) = empequeñecerse, achicarse, disminuir, hacerse (más) pequeño.
Example: A new study has found that human brains get smaller with age.» get + smaller and smaller = hacerse cada vez más pequeño, volverse cada vez más pequeño.
Example: Trust is like an eraser it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.» great and small = todos, grandes y pequeños, chicos y pequeños, de mayor o menor importancia.
Example: 'At no time in history', according to Geoffrey Langley, 'did people of all types and classes stand more in need of information on all manner of matters great and small'.» great or small = grande o pequeño.
Example: Every other living creature on this earth great or small has a self-defence mechanism.» in a small way = a pequeña escala.
Example: The serialization of new fiction in half-crown monthly magazines such as Blackwood's started in a small way in the 1820s, and grew in importance during the following decade.» in no small measure = en gran medida.
Example: Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.» in no small way = en gran medida.
Example: His excellent rapport with Congress was in no small way responsible for the progress made by LC during his administration.» in small numbers = en números reducidos.
Example: 'Stab' (establishment) hands on weekly wages were also employed in the composing room, but more frequently in the late than in the early nineteenth century, and always in relatively small numbers.» in the small hours = de madrugada, a las tantas, a altas horas de la noche, bien entrada la noche.
Example: My Jewish grandfather/mentor always tells me how he gets the most work done in the small hours of the morning before the rest of the world.» it's a small world = el mundo es un pañuelo.
Example: There is just one moon, one golden sun and though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide, it's a small world.» make + small(er) = achicar, disminuir, hacer (más) pequeño, reducir de tamaño, disminuir de tamaño.
Example: She said that she loves her breasts and that it is not true that she wants to make them smaller to look better in her wedding dress.» read + the small print = leer la letra pequeña.
Example: Always read the small print -- it's a rule most of know and most of us ignore.» small airways, the = vías respiratorias menores, las.
Example: Rales are caused by fluid in the small airways or atelectasis.» small arm = arma corta, arma de bajo calibre.
Example: Every minute someone in the world dies from the use of a small arm or light weapon.» small bottle = botellín, botellita, botella pequeña.
Example: Many airlines will not allow you to bring the small bottles of alcohol on the plane.» small bowel = intestino delgado.
Example: In people with coeliac disease the immune system reacts abnormally to gluten causing small bowel damage.» small business = pequeño negocio, pequeña empresa.
Example: Small businesses employ more than 53% of Europe's workforce and are responsible for half of Europe's total turnover.» small business owner = pequeño empresario.
Example: A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.» small change = monedas sueltas, dinero suelto, cambio, calderilla.
Example: Most people also tip taxi drivers any small change left over from the fare and $5 to $10 for tour guides.» Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) = Interfaz para Sistemas Automatizados Pequeños.
Example: In order to facilitate the acceptance of the Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI), a common host interface must be developed to isolate the hardware differences in host adaptors for applications developers.» small family car = coche compacto, coche utilitario, utilitario.
Example: This sleek and stylish car, labeled by some as the 'best small family car', has appealing looks to die for .» small fry, the = pescado menudo, poca cosa, gente de poca importancia, gente desfavorecida.
Example: From the 1680s several large publishers formed a more permanent association which came to be known as the `conger' (the name being variously derived from congerere, `to bring together', and from the big eel which gobbles up the small fry).» small fry, the = niños, los.
Example: Just outside the town lies a waste piece of land now used as a drying ground for linen and as a playground by the small fry of the neighbourhood.» small group = grupo reducido, grupo pequeño.
Example: We have hundreds of small groups meeting all over the city every day of the week.» smallholder = pequeño agricultor, pequeño granjero, minifundista.
Example: The article is entitled 'Optimising fisheries information for decision making among Kenyan fish pond smallholders'.» small hours, the = madrugada, la.
Example: Power, psychology, national pride and historical rivalries all intervened to prolong the arguments into the small hours.» small intestine = intestino delgado.
Example: The gastrointestinal tract anatomically comprises the oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, mesentery and associated lymph nodes.» small is beautiful = lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños.
Example: It is not unusual these days to apply the much-quoted saying 'small is beautiful' to the needs of small and medium enterprises.» small press = imprenta pequeña, editorial pequeña.
Example: 'Vanity' presses are not the same as small presses and are held in disrepute.» small scale [small-scale] = pequeño, de tamaño pequeño, a pequeña escala, miniatura.
Example: While similar systems have been developed on an experimental basis in the past, these have usually been restricted to small scale collections.» small-sized = de tamaño pequeño.
Example: In the near future small- and intermediate-sized libraries will be able to do complete retrospective conversion.» small-talk = conversación sin trascendencia.
Example: During the nearly hour long interview the interviewing board and the candidate had roamed freely over an enormous range of topics, much of it in the vein of small-talk.» small-time = de poca monta, de medio pelo, de poca importancia, poco importante.
Example: From small-time stick-ups to vengeful bloodbaths, they become insatiable predators without scruples.» small-town = pueblerino.
Example: Will's social activism in regard to racial justice and human rights made him ill suited for the confines of the small-town Southern pulpit, and he left in 1954.» small-town country boy = chico de pueblo.
Example: He was a loner himself, a small-town country boy who spent most of his time wandering about the hills and fields near his home.» small wonder that = no es de extrañar que.
Example: Small wonder that, in the alternative universe, librarians are careworn and cataloguers neurotic.» SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise) = PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa).
Example: These access points will offer Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) an online catalogue of relevant information services.» the small screen = la pequeña pantalla. [Usado generalmente para referirse a la televisión]
Example: The most minimalist method is simply to take some mental notes for what does and doesn't work on the small screen and keep them in the back of your mind.» writ small = a pequeña escala, en pequeño.
Example: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small.