Shift in spanish
pronunciation: kɑmbioʊ part of speech: noun, verb

shift1 = cambio, movimiento, traslado.
Example: Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.more:
» bookshift = movimiento de libros.
Example: She admitted she hadn't read the article 'Planning and executing a major bookshift o bookmove using an electronic spreadsheet'.» downshift = cambio a una marcha más corta, reducción de la velocidad cambiando de marcha.
Example: I usually do the first couple downshifts slowly, and get progressively quicker as I get down to corner speed.» downshift = reducción del ritmo, disminución del ritmo, reducción de la actividad, disminución de la actividad.
Example: Children need a downshift as much as we do, or more so.» gear shift = palanca de cambio.
Example: As a young driver, gear shifts scared me.» gear shift stick = palanca de cambio.
Example: Just recently my gear shift stick feels really loose and sometimes it'll get stuck on a certain gear while the stick wobbles all over the place.» paradigm shift = cambio de orientación, cambio de paradigma.
Example: Library schools historically have paid little attention to paradigm shifts in society.» shifter = palanca de cambio. [De bicicleta. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]
Example: If you're sitting on your bike, the shifter on your left controls shifting over the chainrings.» shift in emphasis = cambio de énfasis.
Example: This article discusses the shift in emphasis from the holdings to actual user needs in recent years.» shiftless = perezoso, holgazán.
Example: He was a shiftless, good-for-nothing man and his shrewish wife was constantly importuning him.» shift of emphasis = cambio de énfasis.
Example: The aggregated data give greater confidence in the earlier survey and identify some shift of emphasis over the 2-year period.» shift of priorities = cambio de prioridades.
Example: Despite the incontrovertible evidence to this effect, we do not doubt that it will require courage to make this shift of priorities.» work shift = turno de trabajo.
Example: Most standards and guidelines concerning noise exposure limits are based on an 8-hour work shift.shift2 = turno, turno de trabajo.
Example: Each library will have to determine how long the shifts at the service area will be.more:
» afternoon shift = turno de mediodía.
Example: The afternoon-shift employees are the ones who feel the inadequacy of parking space because the day shift is still on duty when they arrive.» continuous shift = jornada continua.
Example: Most people who back the continuous shift criticize the split workday because, they reason, extending the hours we stay at the office only produces weariness.» day shift = turno de día.
Example: The afternoon-shift employees are the ones who feel the inadequacy of parking space because the day shift is still on duty when they arrive.» double shift = doble jornada, doble turno, doble turno de trabajo.
Example: She was on her way back home after a double shift at work when the crash happened.» evening shift = turno de tarde.
Example: He said the initial evening shifts would focus on surgery, medicine, paediatrics and gynaecology and would be on a trial basis till the summer vacations.» morning shift = turno de mañana.
Example: The morning shifts are from 5am to 2:30-3 sometimes with a 30 minute break.» night shift [night-shift] = turno de noche.
Example: It also leads to better utilization of machinery; for example, night shifts can be operated with minimum personnel.» shift work = trabajo por turnos.
Example: The move toward the '24 hours society' have led to an increase in atypical work patterns: that is, evening, night, weekend and shift work.» shift worker = trabajador por turnos.
Example: In this way, the needs of those such as shift workers and the housebound who are prevented from attending normal college courses for a variety of reasons, are now being met.» split shift = jornada laboral partida, jornada de trabajo partida, jornada partida.
Example: In a split shift, a driver will typically work three to five hours in the morning, have anywhere from a one to three hour break, and then work three to five hours in the afternoon.» work + double shift = trabajar a doble turno, trabajar a doble jornada.
Example: Divorced and raising two children on her own, Lewis often worked double shift to support her family.» work + shifts = turnarse, trabajar por turnos, funcionar por un sistema de turnos, hacer turnos.
Example: People working shifts tend to experience a relatively high number of accidents/injuries.Shift3 = Mayúsculas. [En un un teclado de máquina de escribir u ordenador, tecla que se mantiene pulsada para escribir en mayúsculas]
Example: Press <Shift> <Del> to unmark all marked records.more:
» in a shifted position = para escribir con mayúsculas.
Example: Pressing the LOCK key locks the keyboard in a shifted (uppercase) condition.» SHIFT key = tecla para escribir en mayúsculas.
Example: The SHIFT key is the same as on a standard typewriter.shift4 = combinación, enagua.
Example: The first thing Cecily put on was her smock, also called a shift.shift5 = cambiar, trasladar, mover.
Example: In general, then, a post-co-ordinate index is simpler to produce than a pre-co-ordinate index, because it shifts the responsibility for co-ordination of index terms to the searcher.more:
» downshift = tomarse la vida con más calma, dar prioridad a la calidad de vida sobre el trabajo.
Example: We can downshift by working fewer hours in our present job, or by accepting a job with less responsibility in the company, or we can quit our job and find another one that we find more rewarding.» downshift = cambiar a una marcha más corta, reducir velocidad cambiando de marcha.
Example: If you've ever watched an Indy race on TV and see a driver lose control going into corners it's because they downshift too early.» downshift = tomarse las cosas con calma, ralentizar el ritmo, reducir el ritmo.
Example: While claiming your dreams takes discipline and tenacity you need to downshift so you can persevere and enjoy the journey.» shape-shift = cambiar de forma.
Example: In the mean time, the piles outside the library are multiplying and shapeshifting and, for every 100 books the library SWAT team rescues, 100 are added by the unending delivery trucks.» shift about = moverse.
Example: The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.» shift away = eliminar. quitar, deshacerse de.
Example: We've recently been having some wonderful weather which has inspired many to have a spring clean in the hope that it will shift away the winter blues.» shift away from = separación, ruptura, cambio, abandono.
Example: This article discusses the effects of changes in the economy on the distribution of work in libraries which indicate a shift away from its female origins.» shift away from = alejarse de, abandonar, separarse de, romper con.
Example: There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels.» shift away from ... to(wards) ... = cambiar de ... a ..., pasar de ... a ....
Example: Shifting away from imported oil to domestic natural gas as a transportation fuel should be as easy as flicking a light switch off and on.» shift + gears = cambiar marchas.
Example: Some readers cannot, as Richard Hoggart puts it, 'shift the gears' of their reading to suit dramatic needs of the text.» shift + Posesivo + focus = cambiar el énfasis.
Example: If libraries are to maintain their role in learning and research, they need to shift their focus from documents to content and from collection to individuals.» shift + Posesivo + priorities = cambiar + Posesivo + prioridades.
Example: Some years ago, the donor shifted her priorities, and we no longer had the benefit of her contribution.» shift + the burden to = trasladar la responsabilidad a.
Example: In particular, it should be noted that an uncontrolled or only partially controlled indexing language shifts the burden of indexing skills to the searcher.» shift + the emphasis = cambiar el énfasis.
Example: Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.» shift + the emphasis from ... to ... = cambiar las prioridades de ... a ....
Example: The article 'In-service training as basic diet and shot in the arm' describes how the Library School has shifted the emphasis from basic to in-service training.» shift + the goalposts = cambiar las reglas de(l) juego.
Example: Anti-abortion extremists will continuously and disingenuously shift the goalposts until every pregnancy in this country is under complete state control.» upshift = cambiar a una marcha más larga, aumentar la velocidad cambiando de marcha.
Example: The noise is usually noticeable when upshifting from 1st to 2nd to 3rd.