Shaped in spanish


pronunciation: koʊnfoʊɹ̩mɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

shape2 = dar forma, configurar, moldear, forjar. 

Example: A dynamic information centre has to satisfy 2 types of enquiry -- single requests for information and enquiries on standing order -- each contributing to and shaping the information network.


» idea + shape = idea + forjar, idea + dar forma.

Example: This article focuses on the ideas and social forces shaping libraries.

» reshape [re-shape] = remodelar, volver a dar forma, cambiar. 

Example: I do not think I am alone in believing there is a need for significant change, for reshaping our educational programs as well as our institutional goals and philosophies.

» shape + Posesivo + ideas = dar forma a + Posesivo + ideas.

Example: Writers have long known that speaking aloud what they have written in silence helps them to shape their ideas.

» shape + Posesivo + identity = forjar + Posesivo + identidad.

Example: Our enduring indigenous roots and the French, British, Scottish and Irish influences have shaped the identity of Canada.

» shape + Posesivo + potential = desarrollar + Posesivo + potencial.

Example: Warren and his mother credit Lane teachers for providing opportunities for him to shape his potential.

» shape + public opinion = influir en la opinión pública.

Example: Librarians are aware of the ability of the press to shape public opinion.

» shape + the future = forjar el futuro, determinar el futuro, repercutir en el futuro, labrar el futuro.

Example: The article suggests ways for the documentation specialist to exploit systematically all work potential created by information with regard to shaping the future.

» shape up = tomar forma, formarse, desarrollarse.

Example: A major war may be shaping up over videotex advertising between cable television operators and the telephone companies.



» A-shaped = en forma de A.

Example: With its A-shaped gate through which the west is consumed like water the city cannot be said to have a logic any more.

» bell-shaped curve = campana de Gauss.

Example: Individuals are distributed along a normal bell-shaped curve, with the majority in the large center and innovators and laggards a the the two extremes.

» bulb-shaped = bulboso, en forma de bulbo, con forma de bulbo, abombillado, en forma de bombilla, con forma de bombilla.

Example: Southern bottlenose whales have a large, bulb-shaped forehead and short, dolphin-like beak.

» crescent-shaped = en forma de medialuna.

Example: The crescent-shaped blowhole lies just in front of a crease in the neck, giving the impression that dolphin forever has its head cricked upwards.

» cross-shaped = en forma de cruz, cruciforme.

Example: After all, people have been designing cross-shaped buildings for thousands of years -- they're called churches.

» differently shaped = de forma diferente.

Example: Occasionally, however, a differently shaped pyramid -- either taller or shorter, is more appropriate.

» dome-shaped = en forma de cúpula.

Example: The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine = La característica distintiva de la biblioteca es el techo en forma de cúpula con vigas cruzadas de pino teñido.

» d-shaped = en forma de D.

Example: This article describes the advantages for these users of bookrests, mobile height-adjustable tables, sloped writing surfaces, roll stools, long-handled reachers, adjustable chairs with armrests, and d-shaped handles on card catalogue drawers.

» go + pear-shaped = irse al carajo, irse a pique, fracasar, irse a la porra, irse al traste, salir fatal.

Example: The test on the new machines went pear-shaped: nothing really worked properly and they had to install everything again.

» heart-shaped = en forma de corazón, con forma de corazón, parecido a un corazón.

Example: Dress the dinner table with a nice table cloth, a candle and some napkins, sprinkle with heart-shaped sequins and get out the best wine glasses.

» L-shaped = en forma de L.

Example: Staff require longer working surfaces, preferably L-shaped, and also ergonomically acceptable swivel chairs.

» oddly shaped = con forma rara, con forma irregular.

Example: It's kind of like solving a puzzle -- you have all these oddly shaped pieces which can paint a clear picture if put together in the proper order.

» oval-shaped = de forma ovalada, en forma ovalada.

Example: The 11 college buildings form a harmonious group in the Georgian style about an oval-shaped campus.

» pear-shaped = en forma de pera, con forma de pera.

Example: This pear-shaped, fiddle-like musical instrument displays both 'Western' and 'Eastern' influences.

» pear-shaped = ancho de caderas.

Example: Pear-shaped bodies carry their extra weight below the waistline, and do not seem to have as high a risk of developing health problems like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure.

» pyramidal-shaped = en forma piramidal, con forma piramidal, en forma de pirámide, con forma de pirámide.

Example: Pyramidal neurons, also known as pyramidal cells, are neurons with a pyramidal-shaped cell body (soma) and two distinct dendritic trees.

» rectangular-shaped = rectangular.

Example: Pizza pies typically have round configuration, although square- and rectangular-shaped pizzas have had some recent acceptance.

» ring-shaped = en forma de anillo, con forma de anillo, anular.

Example: The rash slowly becomes ring-shaped, with a red-colored, raised border and a clearer center.

» square-shaped = cuadrado, de forma cuadrada, en forma de cuadrado.

Example: Pizza pies typically have round configuration, although square- and rectangular-shaped pizzas have had some recent acceptance.

» star-shaped [star shaped] = en forma de estrella, con forma de estrella.

Example: There is only one connection from each item of equipment to the switching centre, resulting in a star-shaped network, called a star network.

» torpedo-shaped = en forma de torpedo.

Example: Rainbow trout have greenish or bluish spots on a torpedo-shaped body.

» triangle-shaped = en forma de triángulo, con forma de triángulo.

Example: Sometimes they have little triangle-shaped cakes that are a must-eat.

» trumpet-shaped = atrompetado, en forma de trompeta.

Example: The foliage has a rank smell, but the large, trumpet-shaped flowers have a sweet fragrance that permeates the garden.

» U-shaped = en forma de U, con forma de U.

Example: The lower jaw has its own separate bone which is called 'the mandible', which is U-shaped and stretches from one ear, down to the chin area and then back up.

» V-shaped = en forma de V.

Example: The library building has a V-shaped, pitched oversailing roof, a splayed structure and canted walls with glass bays.

» wedge-shaped = en forma de cuña.

Example: The article illustrates book supports developed at the Bodleian Library using units of wedge-shaped foam cut to standard sizes.

Shaped synonyms

wrought in spanish: , pronunciation: rɔt part of speech: adjective molded in spanish: , pronunciation: moʊldəd part of speech: adjective formed in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrmd part of speech: adjective
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