Shape in spanish


pronunciation: foʊɹ̩mɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

shape1 = forma, figura. 

Example: If the book has an unusual shape then both the height and the width of the book will be given.


» be + Adjetivo + in shape = tener forma + Adjetivo.

Example: The cartographic information source differs from other kinds of information in that it is usually rectangular in shape and defined by the coordinates of the four map corners.

» be in good shape = estar en forma, estar bien.

Example: China's economy is in good shape and capable of maintaining financial stability despite global chaos.

» be in shape = estar en forma.

Example: This article explores whether 'being in shape' could be considered a legitimate central educational goal.

» be in top shape = estar en plena forma, estar que se + salir, estar hecho una máquina, ser un máquina.

Example: She hopes to be back in top shape for next week's league game in Monaco.

» be out of shape = estar bajo de forma, estar en mala forma, estar desentrenado.

Example: He constantly nags his wife that she's out of shape and too fat.

» come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes = haber de muchos tipos, haber de muy diversos tipos.

Example: Printers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and with a range of print quality and speeds of operation.

» come in + many shapes = existir de muchas formas, haber de muchas formas.

Example: Natural pearls come in many shapes, with perfectly round ones being comparatively rare.

» geometric shape = figura geométrica, forma geométrica.

Example: His writings are filled with references to mysticism relating religious concepts to darkness, geometric shapes, and cruciform imagery.

» get back into + shape = volver a coger la forma.

Example: Aqua aerobics improves fitness and can help lose weight and get back into shape.

» get in(to) + shape = ponerse en forma.

Example: Hill walking is a very effective way to tone your legs, challenge your cardiovascular system and get into shape.

» give + shape = dar forma.

Example: If his decision is to ask about his need, then it becomes necessary to give it a sharper intellectual shape, to describe it in words, and to formulate it as a question.

» in any shape or form = de ningún modo, en absoluto.

Example: Many librarians were literally incredulous that weeding could be considered, in any shape or form, as a timesaver; others begged to differ.

» in bad shape = en mala forma, en malas condiciones, en mal estado.

Example: But then a stretch of warm weather, even some rain, melted one of the rinks and left the other two in bad shape.

» in good shape = en forma, en buena forma, en buena condición, en buen estado.

Example: All were reported to be in good shape at the end of their week long ordeal of captivity.

» in poor shape = en malas condiciones, en mal estado.

Example: But he said that many of the properties appeared to be in poor shape, and many were vacant.

» in the shape of = en forma de.

Example: The play 'A Song at twilight' tells the story of an embittered, closeted, world-famous writer who is faced with his murky past in the shape of his early mistress.

» keep + Nombre + in top shape = mantener en plena forma.

Example: To keep a horse in top shape, you should put it to bed no later than 10 pm.

» of all shapes and sizes = de todo tipo, de toda clase.

Example: A variety of libraries (and other institutions and organizations of all shapes and sizes) are concerned with creating a digital library for their users.

» physical shape = forma física, estado físico, condición física.

Example: The indicator triplet; transience, renewal, and dynamism is used to describe the 'physical shape' of a national scientific community = Los tres indicadores de transitoriedad, renovación y dinamismo se utilizan para describir la "forma física" de la comunidad científica de una nación.

» serpentine in shape = de forma serpentina.

Example: He used his holy stick which was serpentine in shape -- kind of like a shepherd's crook.

» shape-shift = cambiar de forma.

Example: In the mean time, the piles outside the library are multiplying and shapeshifting and, for every 100 books the library SWAT team rescues, 100 are added by the unending delivery trucks.

» ship-shape = en orden, todo en orden, ordenado, todo en su sitio.

Example: We're spending a lot of time getting the factory ship-shape to be able to make the most of the opportunity.

» take + shape = tomar forma, perfilarse, adoptar forma, forjarse.

Example: We shall, therefore, attempt to illustrate by examples the subject that is currently taking shape under the umbrella term of 'information technology'.

» the shape of things to come = ser lo que nos espera.

Example: Only time will tell whether the rather gimmicky approach to libraries and to culture in general as manifested in the centre is the shape of things to come.

» whip + Nombre + into shape = meter en cintura, traer a filas, poner a raya, poner en forma.

Example: Let's see if he can whip her into shape = Vamos a ver se él consigue meterla en cintura.

shape2 = dar forma, configurar, moldear, forjar. 

Example: A dynamic information centre has to satisfy 2 types of enquiry -- single requests for information and enquiries on standing order -- each contributing to and shaping the information network.


» idea + shape = idea + forjar, idea + dar forma.

Example: This article focuses on the ideas and social forces shaping libraries.

» reshape [re-shape] = remodelar, volver a dar forma, cambiar. 

Example: I do not think I am alone in believing there is a need for significant change, for reshaping our educational programs as well as our institutional goals and philosophies.

» shape + Posesivo + ideas = dar forma a + Posesivo + ideas.

Example: Writers have long known that speaking aloud what they have written in silence helps them to shape their ideas.

» shape + Posesivo + identity = forjar + Posesivo + identidad.

Example: Our enduring indigenous roots and the French, British, Scottish and Irish influences have shaped the identity of Canada.

» shape + Posesivo + potential = desarrollar + Posesivo + potencial.

Example: Warren and his mother credit Lane teachers for providing opportunities for him to shape his potential.

» shape + public opinion = influir en la opinión pública.

Example: Librarians are aware of the ability of the press to shape public opinion.

» shape + the future = forjar el futuro, determinar el futuro, repercutir en el futuro, labrar el futuro.

Example: The article suggests ways for the documentation specialist to exploit systematically all work potential created by information with regard to shaping the future.

» shape up = tomar forma, formarse, desarrollarse.

Example: A major war may be shaping up over videotex advertising between cable television operators and the telephone companies.

Shape synonyms

cast in spanish: , pronunciation: kæst part of speech: verb, noun form in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrm part of speech: noun, verb frame in spanish: , pronunciation: freɪm part of speech: noun build in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪld part of speech: verb figure in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪgjɜr part of speech: noun determine in spanish: , pronunciation: dətɜrmən part of speech: verb pattern in spanish: , pronunciation: pætɜrn part of speech: noun condition in spanish: , pronunciation: kəndɪʃən part of speech: noun influence in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnfluəns part of speech: noun, verb mold in spanish: , pronunciation: moʊld part of speech: noun forge in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrdʒ part of speech: verb, noun mould in spanish: , pronunciation: moʊld part of speech: noun, verb configuration in spanish: , pronunciation: kənfɪgjɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun contour in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑntʊr part of speech: noun chassis in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃæsi part of speech: noun flesh in spanish: , pronunciation: fleʃ part of speech: noun anatomy in spanish: , pronunciation: ənætəmi part of speech: noun regulate in spanish: , pronunciation: regjəleɪt part of speech: verb embodiment in spanish: , pronunciation: embɑdimənt part of speech: noun soma in spanish: , pronunciation: soʊmə part of speech: noun bod in spanish: , pronunciation: bɑd part of speech: noun physique in spanish: , pronunciation: fəzik part of speech: noun material body in spanish: , pronunciation: mətɪriəlbɑdi part of speech: noun human body in spanish: , pronunciation: hjumənbɑdi part of speech: noun physical body in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪzɪkəlbɑdi part of speech: noun
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