Setting in spanish
pronunciation: ɑxuste part of speech: noun

set8 = establecer, disponer, poner, fijar, tomar cuerpo, engastar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio set]
Example: If no fines are to be charged for a particular combination of borrower and material type, set the maximum fine to zero.more:
» have + Posesivo + heart set on = estar completamente decidido a, estar totalmente decidido a, tener el corazón puesto en.
Example: If you have your heart set on an outdoor wedding ceremony, a tent is the best way to salvage the day in case of rain.» recession + set in = recesión + entrar, recesión + llegar, recesión + caer en.
Example: Some would say that Britain managed to get into the Community in the nick of time, before the recession set in.» reset = reinicializar, restablecer, resetear. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio reset. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: To reset the computer, simultaneously press the CTRL and ALT keys, to the left of the keyboard, and the DEL key to the right.» set + a bad example = dar (un) mal ejemplo, sentar (un) mal ejemplo.
Example: Her racy photo is setting a bad example for younger women because she's conveying the message that women should use their body to get attention.» set + a bad precedent = sentar (un) mal precedente.
Example: It sets a bad precedent because in all likelihood other areas of private industry would, in the long run, seek to be treated in the same way.» set + ablaze = quemar, prender fuego, incendiar.
Example: The day ended in a riot during which the town hall was set ablaze.» set about = atacar, reprender, regañar.
Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight by the explosive entrance of a lecturer who, without pause for reflection or apology, set about an unfortunate student for not being at a tutorial.» set about + Gerundio = ponerse a, comenzar, emprender.
Example: The CRG set about trying to define a series of integrative levels upon which it would be possible to base the main classes and their order for a new general classification scheme.» set + a control = activar un dispositivo de control.
Example: A timing control is set prior to pressing a push-button which activates a light source within the machine so that the correct exposure can be given.» set + a cut-off point = establecer un límite, fijar un límite, poner un límite, poner un tope, fijar un tope, poner un máximo, fijar un máximo.
Example: The cut-off point for the ranked output was set to match the number of documents retrieved by MEDLARS.» set + a dateline = fijar un plazo, fijar un tiempo límite, fijar un límite de tiempo, establecer un plazo, establecer un tiempo límite, establecer un límite de tiempo.
Example: The international community has set a dateline of three months to forge an agreement to combat climate change.» set + a deadline = fijar un plazo, fijar un tiempo límite, fijar un límite de tiempo, establecer un plazo, establecer un tiempo límite, establecer un límite de tiempo.
Example: By setting a deadline, as such, you are giving the subscriber a time limit to adhere to, so they know how long they have before the offer runs out.» set against = oponerse, ir en contra de.
Example: Classes of children can sometimes prove to be stubbornly set against having anything to do with book introductions, and it is better then to engage them in other activities rather than be doggedly determined to have one's own way and to go on in the face of their antagonism.» set against = utilizar en contra, contraponer.
Example: The same arguments set against state education in the early nineteenth century apply to the idea of state-supported public libraries.» set + a goal = fijar una meta, marcar una meta, trazar una meta, fijar un objetivo, marcar un objetivo.
Example: Librarians sometimes set goals that conflict with their ideal of professional service.» set + a good example = dar (un) buen ejemplo, sentar (un) buen ejemplo.
Example: The best way for children to set a good example is to treat others in the same way that they want to be treated themselves.» set + a good precedent = sentar (un) buen precedente.
Example: I've come to realize that a large part of my purpose here is to set a good precedent for people with disabilities who will follow me.» set + a high bar = poner el listón (muy) alto.
Example: Ethiopia's climate commitment sets a high bar for developing countries.» set + alight = animar, incentivar.
Example: However, the spark that really set librarians alight came from outside Australia.» set + a limit = establecer un límite, fijar un límite, poner un límite, poner un tope, fijar un tope, poner un máximo, fijar un máximo.
Example: Limits on total index size are set by the practicalities of searching several sets of index cards in order to complete a search.» set + an example = dar ejemplo, sentar ejemplo.
Example: The example set by Soviet libraries could be followed in Bulgaria.» set apart = apartar, separar, poner aparte, dedicar.
Example: Storytelling and reading in a room set apart and led by competent people can be an entertainment designed for all.» set apart in + space = separarse en el espacio.
Example: With 69 burials, it was a cemetery for only a small elite group, set apart in space from the other cemeteries.» set apart in + time = separarse en el tiempo.
Example: When your mother gave you life two worlds set apart in time.» set apart in + time and space = separarse en el tiempo y en el espacio. [A veces el orden es set apart in + space and time]
Example: However, in Pratt's complex model, the receiver may be set apart in time and space from the sender = Sin embargo, según el modelo de Pratt (que es más complejo), el receptor puede estar separado en el tiempo y en el espacio del emisor.» set + a precedent = sentar (un) precedente.
Example: The Arthur Lakes Library was asked to follow the precedent set by the other department.» set + a record = batir un récord.
Example: Whilst no actual sales growth records were set, the news from many independent booksellers was upbeat.» set aside + Dinero + for = gastarse + Dinero + en, apartar + Dinero + para gastárselo en.
Example: To visit Newport is to jump into a different world where Astors and Vandeerbilts thought nothing of setting aside $300,000 for summer entertaining.» set + a task = asignar una tarea.
Example: Computers, on the other hand adhere to their initial instructions and execute these relentlessly until the task that is set is completed.» set + a time limit = fijar un plazo, fijar un tiempo límite, fijar un límite de tiempo, establecer un plazo, establecer un tiempo límite, establecer un límite de tiempo.
Example: Based on my personal experience, you most definitely need to set a time limit to your goals otherwise you will keep on dragging them.» set back = retrasar.
Example: But if set-off did occur and threatened to set back and spoil subsequent impressions of the first forme, the tympan cloth could be rubbed over with lye to clean it.» set + boundaries = delimitar, demarcar, establecer límites.
Example: I feel the need to compartmentalise my activities and set boundaries for each of them.» set down = escribir, registrar.
Example: Set the components down as an ordered string of symbols, according to the filing value of the role operator.» set down + a rule = establecer una norma.
Example: These relationships are all managed separately, according to the rules set down by the company -- take it or leave it.» set + eyes on = ver, fijarse, prestar atención.
Example: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!.» set + far apart = estar muy separado.
Example: Most of the monkeys found here are flat nosed and have round nostrils set far apart.» set + fire to = prenderle fuego a, incendiar.
Example: There was opposition from the Chinese, however, and someone set fire to the library in September 1938.» set + foot (inside/in/on) = poner pie en, pisar, entrar en.
Example: Extensive use of made of the prominently painted yellow van by the public, including individuals who had never set foot inside a library.» set + foot out of the house = pisar la calle, salir de casa.
Example: By the end of the exercise I think everyone watching was wondering how two such old crocks could dare to set foot out of the house.» set forth = establecer, fijar, explicar.
Example: She sets forth some of the conditions which may have led to this situation in the hope that it may bring about further study.» set forth + cause = establecer un principio.
Example: Public relations for librarians, then, is an art through which information and persuasion solicit public support for the causes that have been set forth in the goals of the library.» set + free = liberar.
Example: When studied first at Dongwu University, I was most gratified by its well-stocked library and had the feeling of a caged bird set free to fly into the vast sky.» set in = comenzar, empezar, surgir, aparecer.
Example: Open or compound fractures were usually fatal prior to the advent of antiseptics in the 1860s because infection would set in.» set in + action = poner en funcionamiento, poner en marcha, activar, realizar, iniciar, comenzar, desencadenar.
Example: So he sets a reproducer in action, photographs the whole trail out, and passes it to his friend for insertion in his own memex.» set in + context = encuadrar en un contexto.
Example: The order thus determined embodies 'context dependency', each term in the string sets each successive term in context.» set in + motion = poner en funcionamiento, poner en marcha, activar, realizar, iniciar, comenzar, desencadenar, provocar.
Example: If someone reports that a member of the staff is drunk while on the job, the supervisor must immediately set in motion the prescribed personnel procedures for verifying the charge, issuing a warning, observing and documenting future performance, and, if necessary, initiating a dismissal action.» set in + motion a train of events = desencadenar una serie de acontecimientos, desencadenar una serie de sucesos.
Example: He embarked on a secret quest to find his double and set in motion a train of events that he couldn't control.» set in + Posesivo + opinions = atrincherado en las opiniones de Uno.
Example: Rumor has it that she 'tolerates' Mathilda Panopoulos, having tried many times to engage her in meaningful dialogue only to find her 'hopelessly set in her opinions'.» set in + stone = ser inalterable, hacer inalterable.
Example: Reciprocity and mutual understanding are necessary conditions for states who want establish firm relationships and this should be set in stone.» set in + tablets of stone = ser inalterable, hacer inalterable.
Example: Standards are not principles set in tablets of stone -- they are living and contextualised principles open to critique, adaptation and refinement in the light of evolving professional knowledge.» set in + train = poner en funcionamiento, poner en marcha, activar, iniciar, comenzar.
Example: The slightest disturbance may set in train a process of degradation-as from forest to grassland, or grassland to desert.» set + it down that = achacar Algo.
Example: Whenever you see a librarian himself forced to make a passionate plea for funds, you may set it down that in that community there exists an imbalance of function.» set + Nombre + off = estimular, animar, contagiar.
Example: This local tale could have been used to set me and my classmates off on a search for other similar stories that litter the area up and down the east coast of Britain.» set + Nombre + apart = diferenciar, distinguir.
Example: What sets them apart is, primarily, the commercial considerations that directly affect the publishers' gatekeeper role but only indirectly affect that of the librarians.» set + Nombre + aside = proveer, disponer, asignar.
Example: A special note has been set aside for information about the person who is making the catalog entry.» set + Nombre + aside = desestimar, desechar, rechazar.
Example: Such championship cannot be lightly set aside, nevertheless it is now quiet certain that 'bibliography', incorrect and unfortunate as it may be, is here to stay and the situation must be accepted.» set + Nombre + aside = reservar, preparar.
Example: We set aside places to sleep and cook and wash and defecate.» set + Nombre + aside = apartar, poner a un lado.
Example: When new songbooks arrive in the library they are set aside until indexing is completed.» set + Nombre + back a few + Nombre = costar unos cuantos + Nombre.
Example: He says he has a special surprise lined up that has set him back a few thousand dollars.» set + Nombre + on a pedestal = poner a Alguien en un pedestal, ensalzar, enaltecer, exaltar.
Example: Throughout their relationship, he had a tendency to idealize her: to set her on a pedestal, treating her as a goddess instead of mortal.» set + Nombre + on course = encaminar a Alguien.
Example: The writer describes his uncomfortable experiences at grade school and high school, until a sympathetic high school librarian took an interest in him and set him on course to becoming an avid reader.» set + Nombre + right = corregir.
Example: A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.» set + Nombre + thinking = hacer pensar, poner a pensar.
Example: Then on the screen came a story that moved me and set me thinking about what a lucky sod I am.» set + Nombre + upright = enderezar, poner derecho, poner de pie, poner vertical.
Example: There are even parts of the tropics where the sun is sometimes vertical and a stick set upright in the ground will cast no shadow.» set off = desactivar.
Example: The system then finds the corresponding copy records and sets the inventory status off.» set off = hacer resaltar, comenzar, empezar.
Example: There are few departments within a school which do not possess or cannot produce objects that can be used as decorations to set off books.» set off = ponerse en marcha, salir (de), partir (de).
Example: In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.» set off = provocar, incitar, desencadenar, desatar.
Example: The dollar has been losing value, weakening its status as the world's major currency and setting off jitters in the international financial system.» set off + an avalanche of = provocar una avalancha de.
Example: Her first album generated rave reviews in children's press and set off an avalanche of awards.» set off + firecrackers = tirar petardos, encender petardos, hacer estallar petardos.
Example: Students who set off firecrackers in schools will get a beating in the schoolyard by their headmaster.» set off on + a journey = comenzar un viaje, emprender un viaje.
Example: After witnessing her parents being murdered by the Mob, she set off on a journey for revenge that took her across the world.» set off on + vacation = marcharse de vacaciones, irse de vacaciones.
Example: But destiny played a dirty trick on them the day Sissi and her husband set off on vacation.» set off to = dirigirse a, encaminarse a, ponerse rumbo a, ponerse en dirección a.
Example: But even with a cross reference the librarian or reader now has to go through all the entries at TEXTILE DESIGN in the hope of discovering an unknown number of books on Batik -- and then he has to note them before setting off to the broadly classified shelves.» set on = activar.
Example: You can also select this option on the Setup Options screen to set postings on permanently.» set on = encaminado hacia, abocado a.
Example: ALA membership seems set on self-destruction if its demand for total involvement and 100% democracy continues.» set on + a course of = emprender un proceso de.
Example: Automating this most important of all library resources set libraries on an irreversible course of rapid technological change.» set + Nombre + on fire = prender fuego, quemar.
Example: The second example relates to a bibliographical puzzle concerning the bowdlerized British version of William Styron's novel 'Set this house on fire'.» set on + foot = iniciar, comenzar, emprender, poner en marcha.
Example: If such an experiment were set on foot in any part of England its success would be certain.» set on record = hasta la fecha, registrado hasta la fecha, registrado en la historia, de lo que existe constancia hasta la fecha, de lo que haya constancia hasta la fecha.
Example: Our story begins on a day like any other for paranormal investigator Ed as he investigates one of the most malevolent hauntings set on record.» set on + record = hacer constar, dejar constancia, manifestar, poner de manifiesto, poner de relieve, dejar claro, hacer explícito.
Example: I must also set on record my thanks to all the staff for their continuing support and encouragement.» set out = exponer, explicar, manifestar.
Example: These complications were not hidden or implicit; they were clearly set out at the beginning of the volume under 'Rules for the Compilation of the Catalog'.» set out = presentar.
Example: A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.» set out = estipular, establecer, disponer.
Example: The regulation sets out the requirement for compulsory notification of agreements to the Commission and gives the Commission powers to grant exemption to the rules.» set out = comenzar, empezar.
Example: The person seeking information needs to have all the necessary documentation before setting out, otherwise it could result in considerable expense and much time wasting.» set out from = empezar desde, salir desde, comenzar desde.
Example: They later followed the cavalcade of foxhounds which set out from the centre of the village.» set out on = emprender, acometer, poner en marcha.
Example: However rudimentary or advanced the system, and no matter what the age of the children involved, certain matters should be considered before setting out on the venture.» set out + Posesivo + stall = definirse, dejar claro.
Example: Astor set out her stall from the off: If you want an M.P. who will be a repetition of the 600 other M.P.s don't vote for me.» set out + the reasons for = exponer las razones de, explicar las razones de.
Example: The author argues that young adult involvement in choices about their library services is all too rare and sets out the reasons for this state of affairs.» set out to + Infinitivo = proponerse + Infinitivo, tener la intención de + Infinitivo.
Example: This paper does not set out to present a historical survey of this topic - it has been covered elsewhere.» set out to + do = ponerse a hacer, proponerse hacer.
Example: Making progress and staying on top of the game in anything you set out to do is vital to ensuring a favorable outcome.» set + pen to paper = escribir.
Example: Once pen was set to paper, the graphic record superseded the need to retain large amounts of information within human memory.» set + Posesivo + heart on = empeñarse en, querer a toda costa, anhelar, desear a toda costa.
Example: The only woman among the 15 sailors being held hostage in Iran set her heart on a career at sea from an early age.» set + Posesivo + jaws = apretar las mandíbulas, hacer de tripas corazón.
Example: The odds were against her, but she set her jaw tight and looks down the road that winds through the hills, past the houses and the gas station, past it all and to what lay just past the horizon.» set + Posesivo + mind at/to rest = tranquilizar.
Example: The doctor examined her and set her mind at rest: The lump was not a cancer, but a breast bud -- a sign that her breasts were starting to grow.» set + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel = arrimar el hombro, tirar del carro, echar una mano, ayudar, colaborar.
Example: The Bolsheviks have manfully set their shoulders to the wheel undaunted by this staggering catastrophe.» set + Posesivo + sights on = poner + Posesivo + miras en, ponerse como objetivo.
Example: She has been swimming competitively since she was nine, was also a silver medallist last year and she has already set her sights on going one better next year.» set + Posesivo + stamp on = dejar su impronta en.
Example: Darwin and Corvin set their stamp on the work-force.» set + Posesivo + teeth = apretar los dientes, hacer de tripas corazón.
Example: Every time she set her teeth and clenched her hands, determined to think calmly and to reason out the 'for' and 'against,' her mind wandered away again.» set + Posesivo + teeth on edge = dar dentera, dar grima, poner los pelos de punta.
Example: His controlling and demanding nature set her teeth on edge and she found him to be a pain in her rear.» set + priorities = establecer prioridades.
Example: When procedures are spelled out and priorities set, goals are clarified.» set + Reflexivo + task = ponerse una tarea, fijarse una tarea.
Example: Librarians across the world should set themselves the lofty task of striving to create a global society in which people enjoy peaceful coexistence.» set + Reflexivo + up as = erigirse en, considerarse.
Example: This is not to be construed as a suggestion that the library should attempt to set itself up as pedagogue to the nation.» set + Reflexivo + up in business = montar + Posesivo + propio negocio.
Example: The women, having first taken a loan from the Grameen Bank to set themselves up in business, make a living by providing a mobile phone service to their neighbours.» set + sail = hacerse a la mar, soltar amarras, zarpar, hacerse a la vez.
Example: A matchmaking boat cruise open only to male millionaires and 'good-looking and desirable' women is slated to set sail later this month.» set + siege to = sitiar, poner cerco a, cercar.
Example: The most famous such battle was fought at Numancia, the Iberian city to which the Romans set siege for sixteen years.» set + specifications = fijar las especificaciones de algo.
Example: When a library outgrows its second automated circulation system it sets stringent functional, performance and growth specifications and builds from scratch.» set + straight = aclarar, clarificar, precisar.
Example: The following are some myths your employees may hold about electricity that you should set them straight on.» set + the agenda = tomar las decisiones, llevar la voz cantante, llevar la batuta.
Example: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.» set + the alarm clock = poner el despertador.
Example: My problem is that I'm always running late and it's not a matter of setting the alarm clock to go off a little earlier.» set + the alarm off = hacer saltar la alarma, hacer sonar la alarma.
Example: If you accidentally set the alarm off yourself, the following normal procedures allow you to avoid having the police come out unnecessarily.» set + the backdrop = servir de telón de fondo, servir de introducción.
Example: This article presents the results of a survey of ALA-accredited schools to set the backdrop and to provide information on the ways that schools are integrating the new technologies.» set + the ball rolling = echar la bola a rodar, empezar a funcionar, iniciar las actividades, poner las cosas en marcha, poner las cosas en movimiento.
Example: The moment your alarm goes off, just get up and set the ball rolling!.» set + the cat among the pigeons = armar un gran revuelo, armar la de Dios, armar la de San Quintín, alborotar el palomar, revolver el palomar, meter el lobo en el redil, revolver el gallinero, alborotar el gallinero, levantar un gran revuelo, causar un gran revuelo, provocar un gran revuelo.
Example: There is a new book just coming out that promises to set the cat among the pigeons on the Shakespeare scene.» set + the context = establecer el contexto.
Example: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.» set + the context = servir de introducción.
Example: Zairi provides an excellent definition of technological innovation that helps set the context for this paper = Zairi nos ofrece una excelente definición de innovación tecnológica que sirve de introducción a este artículo.» set + the framework = sentar las bases, conformar las bases, servir de introducción.
Example: According to Freud, the oral stage set the framework for the adult's capacity to cooperate and share.» set + the pattern = sentar las bases.
Example: According to Freud, the successful resolution of the Oedipus conflict sets the pattern for healthy sexual identity.» set + the political agenda = tomar las decisiones políticas, llevar la voz cantante en la política, llevar la batuta en la política.
Example: In America, grey power is setting the political agenda.» set + the record straight = poner las cosas en su lugar, aclarar las cosas, corregir inexactitudes, precisar, aclarar una noción, aclarar una idea, clarificar una noción, clarificar una idea.
Example: This article is a response to 'Preservation of slide libraries' by Ann Cinlar in which an attempt is made to set the record straight.» set + the river on fire = hacerse famoso, volverse famoso, convertirse en famoso.
Example: It is difficult to see how the following typical enquiries could be answered the consultation of a dictionary: 'Where does the phrase `to set the river on fire` come from?' or 'What does `credulous` mean?'.» set + the scene = contextualizar, hacer una introducción, sentar las bases, preparar el camino, preparar el terreno.
Example: Before we look at how libraries in Great Britain have responded to community information, first it is important to set the scene by examining in more detail some of these other information and advice services.» set + the stage = preparar el terreno, preparar el camino.
Example: Microcomputers or telecomputers (the successor to the television) set the stage for an interactive environment that can banish the 'master-slave' architecture of television and its progeny, the culture of passivity.» set + the table = poner la mesa.
Example: Setting the table is often a hurried, last-minute task that can leave you wondering about the correct placement of the flatware, plates, napkins and glassware.» set + the theme = establecer el tema, establecer el tono.
Example: Karen set the theme in her keynote address that booksellers, publishers and librarians often have different goals and perceptions.» set + the tone = sentar las bases, marcar las pautas.
Example: For instance, if a person is working on building a radio program, the librarian should provide her with background information that helps to set the tone of the program, with facts and foibles of celebrities, with case histories of successful campaigns, with analogies, quotations, and anecdotes, and so on.» set + (the) tongues wagging = dar que hablar, dar de qué hablar, dar que decir.
Example: In this edition we want to take a look back at some of the breakups that set the tongues wagging.» set + the trend = marcar la tendencia, crear escuela.
Example: After Conchita Wurst set the trend now lesbians are growing beards too.» set + the wheels in motion = sentar las bases, poner las cosas en marcha, poner las cosas en movimiento.
Example: Steinhagen conducted database searching demonstrations for information professionals and set the wheels in motion for the establishment of the country's first demonstration center of compact disc databases.» set + the world on fire = revolucionar el mundo, poner el mundo patas arriba.
Example: Once upon a time, in a far-away galaxy known as Southern California a little blonde-haired girl thought one day, she would set the world on fire.» set + things in order = arreglar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.
Example: I won't go into too much detail, but suffice to say I think I may need a week or two to set things in order.» set to + music = adaptar a la música.
Example: These include: continuations and sequels; supplements; indexes; concordances; incidental music to dramatic works; cadenzas; scenarios; screenplays, and so on; choreographies; librettos and other texts set to music.» set to + Número = poner a + Número.
Example: In this case, the indicator length in the record label is set to zero and the identifier length is set to 1 o more.» set + type = componer.
Example: It was usual to set type in the way that has just been described, but the old printers were men, not abstractions, who had good days and bad ones.» set up = establecer, configurar.
Example: The searcher now decides to set up an SDI profile.» set up = poner en funcionamiento, poner en marcha.
Example: This means that it must be well documented, with for example user manuals, test data and guidance on setting up systems.» set up = crear.
Example: By imposing a ban one is only likely to set up antagonism and frustration which will turn against the very thing we are trying to encourage.» set up = emplazar, localizar, ubicar, colocar, poner, instalar, montar, organizar.
Example: The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.» set up + base (camp) = establecer un campamento base.
Example: Greenpeace announced on October 27th that it has set up base in the heart of the Indonesian rainforest.» set up + camp = acampar, instalarse, afincarse, asentarse, fijarse.
Example: This popular annual funfair sets up camp in the area surrounding the Midi train station in Brussels.» set up + committee = crear un comité, formar un comité.
Example: But only in 1982 did the union set up a committee to examine the service, and the inspectorate also pressed for a reevaluation.» set up + group = crear un grupo, formar un grupo.
Example: The group was set up to investigate and monitor developments within the media.» set (up)on = atacar, asaltar, agredir.
Example: The 53-year-old man had been sleeping rough in a churchyard when he was set upon by three men in a brutal attack which landed him in hospital.» set up + subcommittee = crear un subcomité, formar un subcomité.
Example: A small sub-committee of verderers needs to be set up who can be consulted when problems arise and agree solutions.» set + your watch by = estar seguro, predecir, contar con, depender.
Example: There are a few things you can count on; I mean really set your watch by in life.» the sun + set (on) = el sol + ponerse (por).
Example: The sun seems to rise and set on Vijay as far as Coy is corcerned = Según Coy, el sol parece salir y ponerse por Vijay.set9 = componer. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio set]
Example: The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.more:
» set in + Tipo de Letra = componer en + Tipo de Letra.
Example: Books in English began to be set in roman from the late 1550s, although the Bible survived in 'black letter' until 1640.» set in + type = componer.
Example: Preparation and casting off completed, the copy was given out to individual compositors for setting in type.» set + page = componer una página.
Example: A single bill was made out, and each man took an equal share of the payment, regardless of how many pages he had set; deductions were made only for failings such as unpunctuality.setting1 = situación, contexto, entorno, marco, escenario.
Example: Over 700 CRT terminals are online to Columbus and are used in a variety of ways to improve service in the local library settings.more:
» job setting = entorno laboral.
Example: Maslow's approach focuses on the employee; the next theory concentrates on the job setting.» natural setting = entorno natural.
Example: It contains a multitude of traditional gardens, ponds, splendidly patterned walls, and many other beautiful structures all perfectly balanced in natural settings designated as a world heritage by UNESCO = Tiene una gran cantidad de jardines tradicionales, lagunas, paredes maravillosamente decoradas y muchas otras bonitas estructuras perfectamente integradas en un entorno natural elegido por la UNESCO como patrimonio de la humanidad.» organisational setting = institución, organización.
Example: Many students, after working with cases, have testified to the help they received in developing a clearer concept of the dynamics of human relationships in organizational settings.» set and setting = situación, entorno, contexto.
Example: For me a picture of myself in a dentist's waiting room is a perfect metaphor for set and setting very much in play against the easily obtained pleasures I usually get from reading.» work setting = lugar de trabajo, entorno laboral.
Example: This article replicates an earlier study on job satisfaction in the work setting.setting2 = configuración, opción, parámetro. [Generalmente usado en plural]
Example: More often, you will be asked to enter information or choose certain settings.more:
» choose + setting = escoger una opción.
Example: More often, you will be asked to enter information or choose certain SETTINGS.» command setting = configuración.
Example: To use the 'default,' or built-in command setting, simply press RETURN.» menu setting = opción de menú.
Example: Use the TAB key to move between menu settings.» speed setting = velocidad.
Example: A special rheostat control box allows infinitely variable speed settings.setting3
» direction-setting = fijación de objetivos.
Example: The library manager holds the reins of control in terms of daily operations and long-range direction-setting.» goal setting = definición de objetivos, fijación de objetivos.
Example: Long-term planning and goal setting combined with strategic grants from funders resulted in the massive conversion of library catalogs.» jet-setting = de la jet set, de la jet.
Example: I haven't been to Acapulco place since the early 80', when it was still a jet-setting mecca that started way back in the 60.» objective setting = establecimiento de objetivos, fijación de objetivos.
Example: Staff should be made to feel involved in the Plan through personal objective setting.» setting sun = sol poniente.
Example: The article is entitled 'Library education: setting or rising sun?'.» setting up = puesta en funcionamiento, creación.
Example: This contribution outlines the setting up of the systems, its benefits and problems encountered.» standard(s) setting = normativo, de fijación de normas. [Adjetivo]
Example: The internationalization of bibliographic control may reduce the importance of IFLA as a standard setting body.» trend-setting = innovador, vanguardistam, que marca tendencias, que crea escuela.
Example: You can't help but appreciate these trend-setting fashion designers, especially when hot models and actresses wear their creations.setting4 = composición.
Example: A companionship was a team of piecework compositors, led by one of their number, who co-operated in the setting of a book and submitted a single bill for the work, the proceeds of which were then divided amongst themselves.more:
» image setting = composición de imágenes.
Example: This article covers all the options from electronic markup or 'tagging' of the manuscript to desktop publishing and laser printing or image setting.» setting rule = regla de componer.
Example: He lifted about five lines from the top of the nearest page on a setting rule and balanced it on his left hand, with the face of the letter towards him and the last line uppermost.