Scholarship in spanish
pronunciation: bekɑ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: bekɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures
scholarship1 = beca. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: This article considers the following models of payment: tuition reimbursement by employer; tuition paid by the student; and tuition assisted by scholarship or grant.more:
» grant + scholarship = conceder una beca.
Example: This foundation promotes education and grants scholarships to students from low-income families.scholarship2 = erudición, investigación, estudio, ciencia. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: The most important of the functions of librarians is the collection, preservation and affording access to the materials of scholarship.more:
» electronic scholarship [e-scholarship] = publicaciones académicas electrónicas, publicaciones científicas electrónicas.
Example: Electronic scholarship (e-scholarship) demands an awareness of both the similarities and differences of the medium from traditional printed journals, in order to truly achieve any measure of success.