Scheduling in spanish
pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊgɹ̩ɑmɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊgɹ̩ɑmɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures
schedule3 = programar, planificar.
Example: At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees of OCLC the staff was empowered to initiate scheduling the development of an interface between the OCLC network and these other nonmonographic data bases.more:
» overschedule = superplanificar, superprogramar.
Example: The answer has eluded the best-intentioned parents who overprotect, overindulge, and overschedule their children's lives.» reschedule = reprogramar, volver a programar, volver a planificar, cambiar.
Example: The 2005 second edition originally slated for 4th of May 2005 has been rescheduled for 2-4 August 2005.» schedule + an appointment = concertar una cita.
Example: If you would like to speak with one of our ENT specialists about balance and dizziness problems, we will be happy to schedule an appointment.scheduling = programación, planificación, horarios.
Example: Closed doors should be flung open and scheduling changed to allow systematic examination of professional and organisational questions.more:
» tightness of scheduling = falta de tiempo.
Example: There is frustration at the limited number of databases and the tightness of scheduling.