Sandbag in spanish

Saco terrero

pronunciation: sɑkoʊtereɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

sandbag1 = saco de arena. 

Example: He was laid upon the bed and upon examination his head was found in a terrible condition, swelled and bruised from the effect of sandbag blows.

sandbag2 = proteger con sacos de arena, parapetar con sacos de arena. 

Example: Many French monuments were sandbagged for protection during World War II.

sandbag3 = coaccionar, intimidar, maltratar. 

Example: Bill Clinton did not get sandbagged; he knew exactly what he was doing.

sandbag4 = fingir. [Generalmente, pretender que se es un novato en un juego de cartas]

Example: First, if you're one of those players who think that sandbagging is unsportsmanlike, then you don't fully understand the nature of poker.

Sandbag synonyms

stun in spanish: , pronunciation: stʌn part of speech: verb
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