Sake in spanish


pronunciation: moʊtiboʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» for God's sake = ¡Por Dios!, ¡Por lo que más quieras!, ¡Por amor de Dios!, ¡Por Dios Santo!.

Example: Another aspect is the behaviour of users which is to be tolerated and even encouraged: `But for God's sake -- NO SHUSHING' = Otro aspecto es el comportamiento de los usuarios que se debe tolerar e incluso fomentar, pero, por Dios, evite mandarlos callar.

» for goodness' sake = ¡Por Dios!, ¡Por lo que más quieras!, ¡Por amor de Dios!, ¡Por Dios Santo!.

Example: For goodness' sake, let's protect what we have, even if it's only crumbs from the rich man's table.

» for its/their own sake = por sí mismo, por sí solo, para sí mismo.

Example: Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.

» for knowledge's sake = por el bien del saber, por el mero hecho de saber.

Example: 'Boffins' have been identified as the category of learners who 'delight in unrelated fragments of knowledge for knowledge's sake,' and 'put these fragments into a framework and analyze them'.

» for + Nombre's sake = por motivos de + Nombre, para hacerlo + Adjetivo.

Example: I will not be discussing catalogs from a viewpoint of bibliographic principles, and for simplicity's sake I am going to treat catalogs as though they contain only entries for monographs.

» for the sake of = por, por motivos de, por razones de, en consideración a, para, pensando en, a título de.

Example: The advocates of ISBD originally argued that it was for the sake of the computer.

» for the sake of + argument = por ejemplo, pongamos el caso de que.

Example: For the sake of argument, suppose that a title of which twelve copies were held by the library authority was borrowed twelve times per copy a year, this would make only 144 borrowings in a city of over half a million population.

» for the sake of + convenience = por conveniencia, por comodidad.

Example: Although cross-references do not deal with a document directly, they are described here for the sake of convenience.

» (just) for curiosity's sake = por (pura) curiosidad, por (simple) curiosidad.

Example: If you find one that you like, I'd love for you to show me sometime, just for curiosity's sake.

» just for the sake of curiosity = sólo por curiosidad.

Example: Just for the sake of curiosity (and in the chance that it might help someone else at some point), what was the solution you arrived at?.

» (just) for the sake of curiosity = por (pura) curiosidad, por (simple) curiosidad.

Example: There are the curious people who like anything that is out of the ordinary just for the sake of curiosity.

» (just) for the sake of it = porque sí, sin ningún otro motivo, de vicio, por gusto, por diversión, por puro entretenimiento, por pasar el rato, por placer, por amor al arte, por puro placer, por el placer de hacerlo, sólo por placer, sólo por diversión, sólo por divertirse.

Example: When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit.

» keepsake = recuerdo.

Example: The collection contains objects such as keepsake dishes, playing cards, scarves, postcards, advertising flyers and brochures = La colección contiene objetos como, por ejemplo, platos de recuerdo, cartas de barajas, bufandas, postales, hojas publicitarias y guías informativas.

» namesake = homónimo, tocayo.

Example: The earliest community information service in Australia dates from as recently as 1958 when Citizens' Advice Bureaux, modelled on their British namesake, were founded in Perth = El primer servicio de información ciudadana de Australia es reciente y data de 1958 cuando se creó en Perth la Oficina de Información al Ciudadano, a imitación de su homónima británica.

sake2 = saqui. 

Example: The fermentation process is very similar to wine which is why wine lovers are generally more into sake than beer lovers.

Sake synonyms

interest in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntrəst part of speech: noun saki in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑki part of speech: noun
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