Sad in spanish


pronunciation: tɹ̩iste part of speech: adjective
In gestures

sad1 = triste. 

Example: Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.


» be a sad pity = ser una tristeza.

Example: He's an awfully decent fellow, but it's a sad pity he's such a masher.

» feel + sad = entristecerse, sentirse triste.

Example: We even react as though it were all happening to us by feeling sad or happy, frightened or angry, amused or scandalized, and so on.

» sad-looking = de aspecto triste, con cara triste, con cara de tristeza.

Example: The lone fruitmonger displayed baskets of sad-looking apples on a countertop, and didn't bother to announce them with a shout or a chant.

sad2 = lamentable. 

Example: It is at least arguable that the discreditable popular image is to some extent a reflection of his own self-image, and that the sad irony of the librarian is that people have come to accept him at his own valuation.


» sad story = caso triste.

Example: If nothing else, the sad story of Dialog and the American Chemical Society may serve to chart the waters a little better for other organisations in the field.

» sad to relate = triste de admitir.

Example: Of course the perceptive librarian is on the alert for signs of this reaction on the part of the reader, but, sad to relate, there are those who will be deterred by nothing short of a loud cry of 'Stop'.

» the sad fact is (that) = la triste realidad es que.

Example: The sad fact is that the majority of web pages suffer this same ill fate.

» the sad truth (of the matter) is that = la triste realidad (del asunto) es que.

Example: The sad truth of the matter is that reference librarians have been unable to reach agreement on the blindingly simple proposition that their job is answering questions asked by users.

SAD (seasonal affective disorder)3 = trastorno afectivo estacional (TAE). 

Example: Winter depression is still a mystery to scientists who study it but researchers agree that people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder are particularly sensitive to light, or the lack of it.

SAD (Swiss Association for Documentation)4 = Asociación Suiza de Documentación (SAD). 

Example: This paper discusses the negotiations between the Association of Swiss Archivists (ASA) and the Swiss Association for Documentation (SAD) regarding a joint information initiative.

Sad synonyms

bad in spanish: , pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective melancholy in spanish: , pronunciation: melənkɑli part of speech: adjective, noun pensive in spanish: , pronunciation: pensɪv part of speech: adjective wistful in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪstfəl part of speech: adjective gloomy in spanish: , pronunciation: glumi part of speech: adjective wretched in spanish: , pronunciation: retʃɪd part of speech: adjective deplorable in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪplɔrəbəl part of speech: adjective sorry in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑri part of speech: adjective nostalgic in spanish: , pronunciation: nɔstældʒɪk part of speech: adjective miserable in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪzɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective bittersweet in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪtɜrswit part of speech: adjective, noun pitiful in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪtəfəl part of speech: adjective tragic in spanish: , pronunciation: trædʒɪk part of speech: adjective suffering in spanish: , pronunciation: sʌfɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun yearning in spanish: , pronunciation: jɜrnɪŋ part of speech: noun doleful in spanish: , pronunciation: doʊlfəl part of speech: adjective unhappy in spanish: , pronunciation: ənhæpi part of speech: adjective mournful in spanish: , pronunciation: mɔrnfəl part of speech: adjective depressing in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪpresɪŋ part of speech: adjective melancholic in spanish: , pronunciation: melənkɑlɪk part of speech: adjective lamentable in spanish: , pronunciation: ləmentəbəl part of speech: adjective distressing in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪstresɪŋ part of speech: adjective lovesick in spanish: , pronunciation: lʌvɪsɪk part of speech: adjective sadden in spanish: , pronunciation: sædən part of speech: verb homesick in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊmsɪk part of speech: adjective sorrowful in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑroʊfəl part of speech: adjective depressive in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪpresɪv part of speech: adjective tragicomic in spanish: , pronunciation: trædʒɪkɑmɪk part of speech: adjective saddening in spanish: , pronunciation: sædənɪŋ part of speech: adjective tragical in spanish: , pronunciation: trædʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective heavyhearted in spanish: , pronunciation: hevihɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective tragicomical in spanish: , pronunciation: trædʒɪkɑmɪkəl part of speech: adjective

Sad antonyms

happy pronunciation: hæpi part of speech: adjective joy pronunciation: dʒɔɪ part of speech: noun glad pronunciation: glæd part of speech: adjective gladden pronunciation: glædən part of speech: verb
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