Rust in spanish


pronunciation: moʊoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rust1 = óxido, herrumbre, orín. 

Example: The students painted sunflowers in the style of Vincent van Gogh over the rust spots of a pickup truck.


» rust brown = marrón óxido.

Example: Paddy fields have turned rust brown in colour as the salt water destroyed the young paddy that had another couple of months before being ripe enough to harvest.

» rust-coloured = de color óxido, de color orín, de color herrumbre.

Example: She wore a gorgeous rust-coloured dress to the launch party.

» rust-proof = inoxidable, anticorrosivo, resistente a la corrosión, antioxidante.

Example: Stainless steel, gold, silver, platinum and aluminum are all rust-proof metals.

» rust-proof = aplicar un tratamiento anticorrosivo, aplicar un tratamiento anticorrosión, tratar contra la corrosión.

Example: If your motorhome hasn't been rust-proofed, it will probably already be starting to rust, even if it's only one year old.

» rust-proofing = tratamiento anticorrosivo, tratamiento anticorrosión.

Example: To provide maximum protection for your vehicle, rust-proofing must be performed once every year.

» spot of rust = mancha de óxido.

Example: Even stainless steel silverware and cooking knives can start to show a few spots of rust here and there.

rust2 = oxidarse. 

Example: The sections of a book were stapled to a coarse cloth backing, but unfortunately the staples soon rusted and became brittle.

Rust synonyms

eat in spanish: , pronunciation: it part of speech: verb rusty in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌsti part of speech: adjective colored in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective chromatic in spanish: , pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective corrode in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜroʊd part of speech: verb rusting in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌstɪŋ part of speech: noun rust fungus in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌstfʌŋgəs part of speech: noun
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