Russian in spanish


pronunciation: rusoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

Russian = ruso. 

Example: The same person cannot be both a man and a woman, a saint and a sinner, a stay-at-home and an explorer, an ancient Roman and a modern Russian.


» all-Russian = estatal.

Example: Of considerable value is documentation produced by the all-Russian Bureau of Military Organisations which reflects the transformation of the army into an active revolutionary force.

» play + Russian roulette = jugar a la ruleta rusa, jugarse la vida, arriesgar la vida.

Example: People who buy foods from roadside vendors or caterers that do not have health permits 'are playing Russian roulette'.

» Russian Orthodox Church, the = Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa, la.

Example: The Russian Orthodox Church still lives according to the old Julian Calendar, which is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar.
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