Rural in spanish


pronunciation: ruɹ̩ɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

rural = rural, rústico. 

Example: It is sufficient to satisfy this purpose that the rural inhabitant should be rendered a happier (and not necessarily a more learned) man.


» rural area = zona rural, núcleo rural.

Example: Attempts were made to reach beyond the larger cities through the use of mobile vans to visit outlying towns and rural areas.

» rural backwater = remanso rural.

Example: This rural backwater, ignored by every boom since the agricultural revolution, grabbed the headlines as property prices exploded.

» rural community = comunidad rural.

Example: Factors requiring special attention in the planning process in African countries include information needs of illiterates, information needs of women and children and the needs of rural communities.

» rural countryside = paisaje rural.

Example: At that time, the rural countryside was dotted with small farmsteads.

» rural district = distrito rural. [División administrativa que abarca una zona rural donde existen varios pueblos o aldeas con pocos habitantes]

Example: Library services in Papua New Guinea are very sparse and to that majority of the population who live in rural districts, almost non-existent.

» rural economy = economía rural.

Example: This is a national project aimed at invigorating the rural economy through the introduction of agricultural and related technologies to farmers.

» rural landscape = paisaje rural.

Example: Rural landscapes are highly dynamic and their change impacts on a number of ecological processes such as the dynamics of biodiversity.

» rural library = biblioteca rural, biblioteca de zona rural.

Example: At present there are four types of public libraries in Iran: public libraries, children's libraries, rural libraries, religious and mosque libraries.

» rural life = vida rural, vida en el campo.

Example: The farm family has been crucial to shaping agriculture and rural life in the USA since the abolition of chattel slavery.

» rural people = población rural.

Example: In particular, rural people, who are already marginalized by harsh circumstances, are further deprived of access to information.

» rural population = población rural.

Example: This study was based on 18 responses to questionnaires distributed to 25 bookmobiles serving small rural populations.

» rural region = zona rural, área rural.

Example: The article is entitled 'Avoiding the reefs and rips while riding a relevant technology wave into rural regions'.

» rural resident = habitante rural.

Example: Nearly 36 million rural residents, or 3.8 percent of China's rural population, lived under the poverty line by the end of 2009.

» rural school = escuela rural.

Example: These reflections coincide with considerations from previous studies about the education of rustics in their rural schools.

» rural sociology = sociología rural.

Example: Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..

» rural tourism = turismo rural.

Example: If rural tourism is to be developed, it ought to capitalize on the endogenous potential of the region, ie, its landscape, culture, history, & human capital.

» rural village = aldea, aldea rural, población rural.

Example: The article has the title 'The meaning of hope and generic caring practices to nurture hope in a rural village in the Dominican Republic' = El artículo tiene el título "El significado de la esperanza y de las ayudas humanitarias de tipo general para dar esperanza a una población rural de la República Dominicada.

» semirural [semi-rural] = semirural.

Example: Brown Public Library is situated in a semirural area that is becoming a mecca for high-technology corporations.

Rural synonyms

bucolic in spanish: , pronunciation: bjukɑlɪk part of speech: adjective rustic in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌstɪk part of speech: adjective pastoral in spanish: , pronunciation: pæstɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun agrarian in spanish: , pronunciation: əgreriən part of speech: adjective agricultural in spanish: , pronunciation: ægrəkʌltʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective arcadian in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑrkeɪdiən part of speech: adjective, noun hick in spanish: , pronunciation: hɪk part of speech: noun homespun in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊmspən part of speech: noun folksy in spanish: , pronunciation: foʊksi part of speech: adjective agrestic in spanish: , pronunciation: əgrestɪk part of speech: adjective campestral in spanish: , pronunciation: kæmpəstrəl part of speech: adjective countrified in spanish: , pronunciation: kaʊntrəfaɪd part of speech: adjective cracker-barrel in spanish: , pronunciation: krækɜrbærəl part of speech: adjective hobnailed in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑbneɪld part of speech: adjective country-style in spanish: , pronunciation: kaʊntristaɪl part of speech: adjective country-bred in spanish: , pronunciation: kaʊntribred part of speech: adjective countryfied in spanish: , pronunciation: kaʊntrifaɪd part of speech: adjective

Rural antonyms

urban pronunciation: ɜrbən part of speech: adjective
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