Rumour in spanish


pronunciation: rumoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rumour [rumor, -USA]1 = rumor. 

Example: There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.


» float + a rumour = circular un rumor, rumorearse.

Example: Rumors are even floating that President Bush, who has yet to set foot in San Francisco since being elected, might make a surprise visit.

» fuel + rumours = dar lugar a rumores, dar pábulo a rumores, dar que hablar, dar de qué hablar.

Example: His brief comment has fuelled rumours in the music industry that the band may reform.

» give + rise to rumours = dar lugar a rumores, dar pábulo a rumores, dar que hablar, dar de qué hablar.

Example: The text provides a clear and comprehensive assessment of the forces that give rise to rumours in a commercial environment.

» lay + a rumour to rest = acallar un rumor.

Example: The family's physician finally laid the rumors to rest by giving a press conference at which he attested to the candidate's excellent physical and mental health.

» quell + a rumour = acallar un rumor.

Example: After 40 days of seclusion, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has made a public appearance, an outing that could help quell rumors about his health.

» rumour + circulate = rumor + circular, rumorearse.

Example: Rumors have begun to circulate about a possible film focusing on Vincent Chase and his entourage.

» rumour had it that = se decía que, corría el rumor de que, corría la voz de que, se rumoreaba que, circulaba el rumor de que, decían las malas lenguas que, la gente decía que.

Example: Rumour had it that he was being wooed by Technicomm, Inc.

» rumour has it that = se dice que, corre el rumor de que, corre la voz de que, se rumorea que, circula el rumor de que, dicen las malas lenguas que, la gente dice que.

Example: Rumor has it that she 'tolerates' Mathilda Panopoulos, having tried many times to engage her in meaningful dialogue only to find her 'hopelessly set in her opinions'.

» rumour mongering = difusión de rumores. 

Example: In a climate of funding cuts libraries need to remain calm, think objectively, face commercial realities and outlaw rumour mongering = En un clima de recortes presupuestarios las bibliotecas necesitan permanecer en calma, pensar objetivamente, hacer frente a las realidades comerciales y prohibir la difusión de rumores.

» rumours + mount = rumores + aumentar, haber cada vez más rumores.

Example: Evidence and rumors are mounting to support the idea that free music websites are unfeasible = Hay cada vez más rumores y pruebas que apoyan la idea de que los sitios web de música gratis son inviables.

» scotch + a rumour = acallar un rumor.

Example: The launch of this spacecraft appears to scotch rumours that Iran has cancelled its space programme.

» spread + a rumour = difundir un rumor.

Example: This article explores the response to a rumour spread by the Internet that the LEXIS-NEXIS database P-Track could be used to commit fraud = Este artículo analiza la respuesta a un rumor difundido por Internet de que la base de datos de LEXIS-NEXIS P-Track podría usarse para cometer fraude.

rumour [rumor, -USA]2 = rumorear. 

Example: It is rumoured to be, at least in part, tucked away in one of the attics of the Science Library, a forgotten monument to a great but unsuccessful idea = Se rumorea que se encuentra oculto, al menos en parte, en uno de los áticos de la Biblioteca de Ciencias, monumento olvidado a una gran idea pero sin éxito.

Rumour synonyms

hearsay in spanish: , pronunciation: hɪrseɪ part of speech: noun rumor in spanish: , pronunciation: rumɜr part of speech: noun bruit in spanish: , pronunciation: brut part of speech: verb
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