Rumble in spanish


pronunciation: retumbɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rumble1 = estruendo, tronido, ruido, retumbo. 

Example: Deep in the rugged coal fields of West Virginia, the rumble of a steam locomotive mingles with the sound of the New River crashing through its steep rocky gorge.


» rumble of thunder = tronido, trueno.

Example: Moisture-laden clouds prevailed yesterday with a few rampant rumbles of thunder, but for the most part rains were light of stratiform (non-cumuliform) nature.

» rumble strip = banda sonora, guía sonora. [Utilizada en las carreteras generalmente para advertir al motorista de que se está saliendo de la calzada]

Example: Noise and vibration produced by shoulder rumble strips are effective alarms for drivers who are leaving the roadway.

rumble2 = pelea, riña, enfrentamiento. [En la calle]

Example: It is common practice for gang members to make sure that the police are informed of an impending rumble.

rumble3 = retumbar, resonar, rugir. 

Example: As a writer he could not continue to live in Czechoslovakia after the Soviet tanks rumbled into Prague in 1968.

Rumble synonyms

grumble in spanish: , pronunciation: grʌmbəl part of speech: verb, noun growl in spanish: , pronunciation: graʊl part of speech: noun, verb rumbling in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌmbəlɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective grumbling in spanish: , pronunciation: grʌmbəlɪŋ part of speech: noun gang fight in spanish: , pronunciation: gæŋfaɪt part of speech: noun
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