Ruler in spanish


pronunciation: goʊbeɹ̩nɑnte part of speech: noun
In gestures

ruler1 = regla. 

Example: Scientific equipment for the examination of rare books, manuscripts, and documents include four items found in every library and private study -- micrometer calipers, view finders, dividers and rulers.

ruler2 = gobernante, soberano. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: This article looks at the libraries maintained by the rulers and other dignitaries of the time.


» ruler of the roost = amo del corral, amo del gallinero.

Example: I think she may have given Frittata a run for her money as ruler of the roost.

Ruler synonyms

rule in spanish: , pronunciation: rul part of speech: noun
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