Rule in spanish


pronunciation: reglɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rule1 = norma, regla. 

Example: If administrative regulations, rules, etc., are from jurisdictions in which such regulations, etc., are promulgated by government agencies or agents, enter them under the heading for the agency or agent.


» AACR1 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 1st Edition) = RCAA1 (1ª Edición de las Reglas de Catalogación Anglo-Americanas).

Example: Whatever viewpoint is taken, it is difficult to dispute the significance of AACR1.

» AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2nd Edition) = RCAA2 (2ª Edición de las Reglas de Catalogación Anglo-Americanas).

Example: AACR2 defines authorship in terms of the intellectual responsibility for a work.

» AACR (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules) = RCAA (Reglas de Catalogación Anglo-Americanas).

Example: AACR and other recent cataloguing codes have been drafted upon the 'condition' approach to formulating cataloguing rules.

» abide by + rules and regulations = cumplir las normas.

Example: It has been stated that the applicant for library membership is usually required to sign a declaration of agreement to abide by the library's rules and regulations.

» administrative rule = disposición administrativa.

Example: If administrative regulations, rules, etc., are from jurisdictions in which such regulations, etc., are promulgated by government agencies or agents, enter them under the heading for the agency or agent.

» ALA Filing Rules = Reglas de Intercalación de la ALA.

Example: ALA Filing Rules (1980) supersedes both the first and second editions of the ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards.

» ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards = Reglas de la ALA para la Intercalación de Fichas de Catálogo.

Example: ALA Filing Rules (1980) supersedes both the first and second editions of the ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards.

» as a general rule = como norma general.

Example: As a general rule, you can 'buff up' your look by making your shoulders seem wider and your waist narrower.

» as a general rule of thumb = como norma general.

Example: As a general rule of thumb, you want front and side fans to intake, rear and top to exhaust.

» as a rule = por norma, como norma, normalmente, por lo general, por regla general, generalmente, como regla general, como norma general.

Example: As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.

» as a rule of thumb = como regla general, como norma general.

Example: As a rule of thumb, most major libraries have chosen not to renew their periodical subscriptions.

» away goals rule = regla de los goles fuera de casa.

Example: The away goals rule is a method of breaking ties in football and other sports when teams play each other twice, once at each team's home ground.

» bend + the rules = interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno.

Example: In addition there are the ethical problems of how to get information without bending the rules.

» bend + the rules to suit + Posesivo + own purposes = interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno.

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

» be the exception rather than the rule = ser la excepción que confirma la regla, ser algo excepcional, ser algo poco común.

Example: Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.

» be the rule = ser la norma.

Example: Problems are the rule rather than the exception in serials work.

» BLAISE Filing Rules = Reglas de Intercalación de BLAISE.

Example: The British equivalent to the LC Rules are the BLAISE Filing Rules.

» breach of the rules = infracción de las normas.

Example: The Commission also has powers to investigate any infringement of the rules and to levy fines in cases where a breach of the rules has been established.

» break + a few rules = romper algunas reglas, romper algunas normas.

Example: I am looking for a zesty girl who isn't afraid to break a few rules and make a scene, spontaneity is huge for me.

» break + a rule = incumplir una regla, infringir una regla, incumplir una norma, infringir una norma.

Example: These policies indiscriminately suspend, expel, & punish harshly students who break rules under these policies.

» cardinal rule = regla fundamental, regla esencial.

Example: Rule 24 is AACR's cardinal rule which requires the cataloguer to catalogue primarily the physical form of the item rather than the work that this physical form holds.

» cataloguing rule = regla de catalogación.

Example: AACR and other recent cataloguing codes have been drafted upon the 'condition' approach to formulating cataloguing rules.

» circumvent + rules = interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno.

Example: The new entrepreneur is largely left up to his own resources & connections & must possess the initiative to circumvent rules & take advantage of loopholes.

» comply with + a rule = acatar una regla, respetar una regla, cumplir una regla, obedecer una regla.

Example: Besides the lending of materials, most libraries offer a photocopying service and in this connection definite rules must be complied with.

» constitute + the exception to the rule = ser la excepción a la regla.

Example: Naturally, there are always a few retired librarians who constitute the exception to the rule.

» Cutter's Rules for a Dictionary Catalog = las Reglas de Cutter para un Catálogo Diccionario.

Example: Cutter's Rules for a Dictionary Catalog contains rules for filing in a dictionary catalogue.

» enforce + a rule = hacer cumplir una regla, hacer cumplir una norma.

Example: Armed with powers to enforce the rules that have long underpinned international trade and economic stability, it was expected to play a central role in managing global integration.

» enforce + the rules and regulations = hacer cumplir las normativas.

Example: In the United Kingdom the role of the police officer is to enforce the rules and regulations to make the country a safer place to live.

» exceptions to prove the rule = excepciones que confirman la regla.

Example: Praiseworthy piecemeal modifications of this library rigour stand out as exceptions to prove the rule.

» face value rule = regla del valor nominal. [Norma de comportamiento del bibliotecario por la cual debe limitarse a determinar sólo lo que el usuario busca y no lo que realmente necesita]

Example: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.

» firm rule = norma fija, regla fija.

Example: There are no firm rules regarding a specific age by which a person's wisdom teeth have to be extracted.

» follow + a rule to the letter = seguir una norma al pie de la letra, seguir una regla al pie de la letra, seguir una norma a rajatabla, seguir una regla a rajatabla.

Example: The organisers could only confidently claim that less than 60 cars followed the rules to the letter throughout the entire parade.

» follow + the rules = seguir las reglas.

Example: This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.

» frame + a rule = formular una regla, establecer una regla.

Example: Further, rules can be framed with greater regard for the convenience of the user without imposing undue burdens on the cataloging department.

» golden rule = regla de oro.

Example: The two golden rules in citation practice were stated at the beginning of the chapter.

» ground rule = norma básica, directriz, guía, regla de juego.

Example: It is possible to lay down some ground rules about the way various elements in a citation should be treated.

» hard and fast rule = norma absoluta, norma rígida, norma inflexible, norma que se puede aplicar a rajatabla, regla absoluta, regla rígida, regla inflexible, regla que se puede aplicar a rajatabla.

Example: As in most other aspects of UDC, there is no hard and fast rule which can be relied upon to predict the occurrence of special auxiliaries.

» home rule = autonomía.

Example: If secondary concepts such as parliamentary reform or Irish home rule had been stated in the subject analysis it would have been representative of the policy of depth indexing.

» house rule = norma interna, regla interna, norma de la casa, regla de la casa.

Example: Living in a sorority house means abiding by the house rules, which are meant to make the house safe, healthy, and positive for everyone.

» infringement of the rules = infracción de las normas.

Example: The Commission also has powers to investigate any infringement of the rules and to levy fines in cases where a breach of the rules has been established.

» ironclad rule = norma absoluta, norma rígida, norma inflexible, norma que se puede aplicar a rajatabla, regla absoluta, regla rígida, regla inflexible, regla que se puede aplicar a rajatabla.

Example: Enslaved by public opinion and the ironclad rules that govern theatrical practice, she must forfeit something to survive.

» lay down + rules for = establecer reglas para.

Example: This article presents the text of the guidelines which lay down rules for the organisation of union libraries.

» Library of Congress Filing Rules = Reglas de Intercalación de la Biblioteca del Congreso.

Example: This code was used in the Library of Congress in a number of its computer-produced files and catalogues and superseded in 1980 by the Library of Congress Filing Rules.

» majority rule = gobierno de la mayoría.

Example: They believed in the 'inevitability of stratification, necessity of aristocracy, importance of religion and morality, sanctity of property, unwisdom of majority rule, urgency of constitutionalism, and folly of all attempts at social and economic leveling'.

» make + rules = reglamentar, regular, sistematizar.

Example: People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves.

» obey + the rules = obedecer las reglas, acatar las reglas.

Example: There is no one factor that singlehandedly causes us to obey the rules.

» observe + rule = respetar una regla, cumplir una regla.

Example: If you do not observe this rule, the resulting class number will be either meaningless or, at least, have the wrong meaning.

» play by + the rules = respetar las normas, respetar las reglas, cumplir las normas, cumplir las reglas, acatar las normas, respetar las reglas de juego.

Example: Morbid curiosity may seem like a guilty pleasure, but that's how we learn what happens when we don't play by the rules.

» promulgate + rule = promulgar una ley.

Example: If administrative regulations, rules, etc., are from jurisdictions in which such regulations, etc., are promulgated by government agencies or agents, enter them under the heading for the agency or agent.

» purpose rule = regla de la necesidad. [Norma de comportamiento del bibliotecario por la cual no sólo debe limitarse a determinar lo que el usuario busca sino también lo que realmente necesita]

Example: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.

» rulebook = libro de reglas de un juego.

Example: Johnson (2005) adds the additional argument that when playing such games, rather than reading the rulebook, gamers learn by doing.

» rule breaking = infracción de normas, incumplimiento de normas.

Example: Accidents, circumventing regulations and various personal reasons were the most common motivations for rule breaking.

» rule-governed = regido por reglas, según la aplicación de reglas.

Example: A rule-governed derivation of an indexing phrase from the text of a document is, in Wittgenstein's sense, a practice, rather than a mental operation explained by reference to internally represented and tacitly known rules.

» rule-maker [rulemaker] = legislador, creador de leyes, normalizador.

Example: We need rule-makers to be independent of the insurance industry, and the NAIC clearly does not meet this vital standard.

» rulemaking [rule-making] = formulación de leyes, creación de leyes, elaboración de leyes, normalización.

Example: Rulemaking of this kind goes to the heart of the notion of the nation state as a sovereign entity.

» rule of law = estado de derecho.

Example: The rule of law calls for both individuals and the government to submit to the law's supremacy.

» rule of men = estado de hecho.

Example: Every law student promptly learns the national ideal that our country is governed by the rule of law, not the rule of men.

» rule of three, the = regla de tres, la. [En catalogación, norma que establece que cuando un documento tiene más de tres autores sólo el primer autor será objeto de entrada secundaria]

Example: In cases where more than 3 authors share responsibility for the creation of a work, the so-called Rule of Three dictates that the catalogue should provide added entry under only the 1st author named.

» rule of thumb = norma general, criterio general. [Hábito de actuación]

Example: Here, as elsewhere, one applies a second rule of thumb: retain self-control.

» rules and conditions = normativa.

Example: Rules and conditions concerning book lending are the most important items in a library's statute book, binding the reader by specific obligations in the process of borrowing books.

» rules and regulations = normativa.

Example: Examples would include deliberately contriving an authoritarian atmosphere, either institutional, by means of rules and regulations, or personal, by means of academic status, for instance.

» rule sheet = hoja de normas. [Hoja que se pega a cada libro de la biblioteca especificando las normas de préstamo del mismo]

Example: A wide variety of stationery is inserted into library books: a book plate, a rule sheet, a date label, a book pocket, combined date label and pocket, combined book and rule sheet.

» rules of engagement = reglas de combate, reglas de enfrentamiento.

Example: For example, new rules of engagement for world trade are required, and America must safeguard the rights of labor.

» rules of procedure = normas de procedimiento, manual de procedimiento, reglamento.

Example: The Committee's rules of procedure emphasize the equality of the institutions, by providing that the chairmanship should rotate among the members every six months.

» rules of the game, the = reglas del juego, las.

Example: The industry is still highly unstable with the new rules of the game yet to be established.

» rule-to-rule = regla con regla, regla a regla.

Example: What that embodied was a rule-to-rule comparison of the 1949 rules with the concomitant AACR rules.

» self-rule = autogobierno, autonomía.

Example: The next phase of Palestinian self-rule calls for an Israeli army redeployment from major Palestinian population centers in the West Bank.

» set down + a rule = establecer una norma.

Example: These relationships are all managed separately, according to the rules set down by the company -- take it or leave it.

» set of rules = reglas.

Example: If we do not know that set of rules, the game is confusing and difficult to understand, which in turn makes it hard to enjoy.

» steadfast rule = norma absoluta, norma rígida, norma inflexible, norma que se puede aplicar a rajatabla, regla absoluta, regla rígida, regla inflexible, regla que se puede aplicar a rajatabla.

Example: This shows that, in the absence of a steadfast rule on covering the misbehavior of journalists, newspapers inevitably make decisions relative to their own organizational interests.

» subrule = subregla.

Example: Subrules of 21.4 deal, for instance, with works erroneously or fictitiously attributed to a person or corporate body, and official communications.

» violate + a rule = incumplir una regla, infringir una regla, incumplir una norma, infringir una norma.

Example: It seemed to him that they had violated some of their rules.

» working rule = norma de trabajo.

Example: A working rule is to make any abstract as informative as the length of the abstract and the nature of the original permit.

rule2 = regla de formato. 

Example: The following represent some of the factors that might need to be specified: designations and sizes of typefaces and typefounts, special characters, rules and borders.


» setting rule = regla de componer.

Example: He lifted about five lines from the top of the nearest page on a setting rule and balanced it on his left hand, with the face of the letter towards him and the last line uppermost.

» slide rule = regla de cálculo.

Example: In a very short time, slide rules and mechanical calculators disappeared and, in some cases, the companies that made these products disappeared when they could not adapt to or find ways to use the new technology.

rule3 = dominio, reinado, control. 

Example: The British in Malaya used education as a divisive factor to prolong their rule, while the Americans in the Philippines adopted a 'Philippines for the Filipinos' policy = Los británicos en Malaya usaron la educación como un factor divisorio para prolongar su dominio, mientras los americanos en las Filipinas adoptaron una política de "Las Filipinas para los filipinos".


» mob rule = gobierno de las masas, el; gobierno de la muchedumbre, el; oclocracia.

Example: A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.

» one-party rule = sistema político unipartidista, gobierno unipartidista.

Example: Factors related to the nature of one-party rule in Zambia before 1991 have also inhibited archival services.

» totalitarian rule = totalitarismo.

Example: I have often written about the apathy that other Africa countries have towards Mugabe and his totalitarian rule.

rule4 = dar como norma, normalizar, normar, regir, gobernar. 

Example: While Jewett found it desirable to rule that the entry should be under the latest name used by the author and cited conspicuously the entry under VOLTAIRE as an example.


» overrule = anular, invalidar, sobreseer, prevalecer, rechazar, denegar, imponerse.

Example: President Eisenhower overruled some of his military commanders in summer 1958, ordering them not to use nuclear weapons against China.

» rule against = fallar en contra de, resolver en contra de.

Example: A jury has ruled against a New York woman who sued her young nephew for hugging her too hard.

» rule by + decree = gobernar por decreto.

Example: Cairo is in uproar following President Mursi's announcement that he will rule by decree until a new parliament is installed.

» rule in + favour of = fallar a favor de, resolver a favor de.

Example: An U.S. Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of scores of Chrysler dealers who were terminated during Chrysler's 2009 bankruptcy.

» rule out = descartar, excluir, anular, invalidar.

Example: If, however, we index documents about primary schools under the term primary school, we can immediately rule out a lot of irrelevant documents in our search.

» rule over = gobernar, dirigir.

Example: From the impressive library of his mansion home on Beacon Hill, Ticknor ruled over Boston's intellectual life and was looked to as the leading arbiter of intellectual and social life in that great city.

» rule + the roost = mandar, decidir, ser el mandamás, ser el jefe, tener la última palabra, tener el poder, tomar las decisiones, llevar la voz cantante, dirigir el cotarro, cortar el bacalo, partir el bacalo, tener la sartén por el mango, llevar la batuta, llevar el mando, tener el mando, partir la pana, ser (el) dueño y señor.

Example: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.

» the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world = la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundo, la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundo. [Proverbio usado para resaltar el papel tan importante que desempeña la mujer en el mundo]

Example: The saying, 'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World' is indeed the insignia of us 'Women' -- it makes me feel worthy to be born a woman .

Rule synonyms

principle in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪnsəpəl part of speech: noun find in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪnd part of speech: verb pattern in spanish: , pronunciation: pætɜrn part of speech: noun harness in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑrnəs part of speech: noun prevail in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪveɪl part of speech: verb convention in spanish: , pronunciation: kənvenʃən part of speech: noun formula in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrmjələ part of speech: noun rein in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪn part of speech: noun, verb decree in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪkri part of speech: noun reign in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪn part of speech: noun dominion in spanish: , pronunciation: dəmɪnjən part of speech: noun normal in spanish: , pronunciation: nɔrməl part of speech: adjective dominate in spanish: , pronunciation: dɑməneɪt part of speech: verb regulation in spanish: , pronunciation: regjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun govern in spanish: , pronunciation: gʌvɜrn part of speech: verb ruler in spanish: , pronunciation: rulɜr part of speech: noun predominate in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪdɑməneɪt part of speech: verb prescript in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪskrɪpt part of speech: noun linguistic rule in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪŋgwɪstɪkrul part of speech: noun
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