Ruins in spanish


pronunciation: restoʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

ruin1 = ruina, destrucción. 

Example: Information deprivation can be found among a very broad band of the population, including all those citizens whose life styles contribute towards the ruin of their environment.


» bring + ruin to = arruinar, causar ruina, causar graves daños a.

Example: He was portrayed as a warmonger who had brought ruin to the state.

» fall (in)to + ruin(s) = convertirse en ruinas, quedar en ruinas, destrozarse, derrumbarse, arruinarse.

Example: The abbey fell into ruin after the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII, and now very little of it remains.

» go to + rack and ruin = destrozarse, derrumbarse, arruinarse.

Example: It is a marvel to think that this is the place a few years back thought to be irretrievably gone to rack and ruin.

» go to + ruin = convertirse en ruinas, quedar en ruinas, irse a la ruina, destrozarse, derrumbarse, arruinarse.

Example: Action is urgently needed to stop our village going to ruin = Se necesitan medidas urgentes para evitar que nuestro pueblo se vaya a la ruina.

» in ruins = en ruinas.

Example: By then the church was in ruins and Apaches delivered the coup de grâce by torching its remaining timbers and other wooden elements.

» rack and ruin = ruina, deterioro, destrozo.

Example: The policies that the Mugabe government have taken have lead the country to economic and political rack and ruin.

» the road to ultimate ruin = el camino a la perdición.

Example: It is the arrogance and superiority of the godless secular society that is leading us all down the road to ultimate ruin.

ruin2 = arruinar, estropear, echar a perder, chafar, desgraciar. 

Example: Besides, winding up in an exclusive arrangement with a distributor that has rotten customer service ruins any advantage.


» ruin + Posesivo + chances of = arruinar la oportunidad de, echar a perder la oportunidad de, perder la oportunidad de.

Example: The crash represented Hamilton's second exit in as many races and this may have ruined his chances of winning the title.

» ruin + Posesivo + life = arruinar + Posesivo + vida.

Example: In fact, she admits that having her dirty laundry air on TV has for all intents and purposes ruined her life.

» ruin + Posesivo + plans = estropear + Posesivo + planes, chafar + Posesivo + planes, echar + Posesivo + planes a perder, desbaratar + Posesivo + planes, dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes.

Example: She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.

» ruin + Posesivo + plans = fastidiarle los planes, joderle los planes, estropearle los planes, aguarle los planes, jorobarle los planes, hacerle la pascua.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» ruin + Posesivo + style = arruinar + Posesivo + imagen, estropear + Posesivo + imagen.

Example: Katie ruined her style with the rolled up baggy jeans -- just pure ugliness and not flattering for any figure.
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