Rubbish in spanish


pronunciation: bɑsuɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rubbish1 = basura, porquería. 

Example: Science fiction may be so obviously rubbish that one is tempted to dismiss the whole product as rubbish.


» garden rubbish = poda de jardín.

Example: Maintaining a garden can become a tiresome job, when you do not know what to do with the garden rubbish.

» good riddance (to bad rubbish)! = ¡adiós y hasta nunca!, ¡que tanta paz lleves como descanso dejas!, ¡adiós y muy buenas!, ¡adiós y (con) viento fresco!.

Example: I know how much he likes her and when she finally leaves it's gonna hurt him, but... good riddance to bad rubbish! I say.

» household rubbish = residuos domésticos.

Example: They also provide a kerbside collection service for recyclable and non-recyclable household rubbish.

» put out + the rubbish = sacar la basura. [También put the rubbish out]

Example: Who wants to live with someone who has never peeled a potato or put out the rubbish?.

» rubbish bag = bolsa de basura. [Generalmente llena]

Example: Rubbish bags should contain only normal household waste and must not include sharp objects, hot ashes, liquids, or dangerous objects.

» rubbish bin = cubo de la basura.

Example: The bags may be used as an inner skin to a rubbish bin, to stop wet and noisome remains from sticking to the inside of the container.

» rubbish collection = recogida de basura.

Example: As a last resort, put excess recycling in your rubbish bags and we'll take it away with your next weekly rubbish collection.

» rubbish collector = basurero.

Example: Life as a rubbish collector is not easy in a big city like Shanghai.

» rubbish dump = vertedero, basurero.

Example: Nothing is left except debris and there remains nothing to salvage: only to bulldoze, clear and throw into rubbish dumps.

» rubbish lorry = camión de la basura.

Example: A man who blocked in a rubbish lorry with his car in a dispute over waste collection was allegedly hit on the head and sworn at by a binman.

» rubbish skip = contenedor de basura.

Example: Spurred by press comments on dumping of withdrawn library books in rubbish skips, Birkerd Library requested the Ministry of Culture's permission to sell withdrawn materials.

» rubbish tip = punto de recogida de basura, punto limpio, punto verde, basurero.

Example: After around 12 years of planning and legal challenges, construction of Orange's multi-million dollar regional rubbish tip is starting.

» rubbish truck = camión de la basura.

Example: Two English tourists have been killed after the driver of a rubbish truck driver lost control of his vehicle and crashed on to the pavement.

» take out + the rubbish = sacar la basura. [También take the rubbish out]

Example: There are better ways to clean than sweeping everything under the rug or wishing for a fairy godmother to come take out the rubbish.

rubbish2 = tonterías, birria, chorradas, bazofia, disparates, necedades, sandeces, basura, memeces, paparruchadas. 

Example: The whole article is not all rubbish -- it raises some pertinent points as well.


» be rubbish at = ser malo para, ser nulo para, ser un negado para, dárse Algo muy mal a Uno.

Example: Why are some people so good at everything while some are rubbish at everything?.

» talk + rubbish = decir tonterías, decir estupideces, decir sandeces, decir disparates, decir gilipolleces, decir chorradas, decir memeces, hablar tonterías, hablar estupideces, hablar sandeces, hablar disparates, hablar gilipolleces, hablar memeces, hablar chorradas.

Example: I would also like to know where to find other expats in Dusseldorf would have the same like for beer/wine and talking rubbish.

» that's rubbish! = ¡eso son chorradas!, ¡qué chorradas!, ¡qué gilipolleces!, ¡qué sandeces!.

Example: I don't know how to put this any more diplomatically, but that's rubbish.

rubbish3 = poner verde, poner tibio, hablar pestes, poner por los suelos, destruir, destrozar. 

Example: The theory of Scandinavian racial purity cherished by Hitler and the Nazis has been rubbished by new scientific research.

Rubbish synonyms

trash in spanish: , pronunciation: træʃ part of speech: noun tripe in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪp part of speech: noun trumpery in spanish: , pronunciation: trʌmpɜri part of speech: noun folderol in spanish: , pronunciation: foʊldɜroʊl part of speech: noun applesauce in spanish: , pronunciation: æpəlsɔs part of speech: noun wish-wash in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪʃwɑʃ part of speech: noun
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