Rubbing in spanish


pronunciation: fɹ̩oʊtɑmientoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rub4 = frotar, untar frotando, quitar frotando. 

Example: Finally, test the coating of a glossy paper by rubbing it with a piece of silver.


» not have two dimes to rub together = no tener donde caerse muerto.

Example: She had the world at her feet, while he didn't have two dimes to rub together.

» not have two pennies to rub together = no tener donde caerse muerto.

Example: Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.

» rub against + each other = rozar el uno con el otro.

Example: Visitors would be surprised by the loud creaking and groaning of the presses as the timbers gave and rubbed against each other.

» rub + elbows (with) = codearse (con).

Example: The work of proclaiming Jesus as the only Savior of the world encounters problems, however, in a region Muslims and Christians have rubbed elbows for nearly two centuries.

» rub into = inculcar en.

Example: Communication is making unique experience common; that definition should be at the head of every library textbook and should be rubbed into every member of staff as he goes on duty.

» rub + Nombre + up the wrong way = irritar, enojar, caer mal, dar rabia, dar coraje, caer gordo, caer fatal, caer mal.

Example: Relations between the two countries would now be difficult as our Prime Minister had rubbed theirs up the wrong way over ridiculous matters.

» rub off = quitar frotando, borrar.

Example: Finally gold leaf was laid in place over the blind impressions, and fixed into them with further impressions of the hot tools, surplus gold being rubbed off.

» rub off on(to) = pegarse, contagiarse.

Example: If all that good stuff rubs off on her, she will eventually quit being such a gossip over time.

» rub + Posesivo + eyes = frotarse los ojos.

Example: Tommy Oliver rubbed his eyes and groaned as he shambled into the autumn sunlight.

» rub + salt in the wound = echar sal en la herida, hurgar en la herida, complicar las cosas, empeorar las cosas.

Example: He even rubbed salt in the wound when he indicated that Obama could turn on that 'Negro dialect' whenever it suited his demagogic purposes.

» rub + shoulders (with) = codearse (con).

Example: The value of reading good novels was easily explained as helping the working class to rub shoulders with the best of English manners and thought and encouraging them to pass their time happily and harmlessly.

» rub + shoulders with the rich and famous = codearse con la crema y nata de la sociedad, codearse con los ricos y famosos, codearse con los ricos, codearse con los famosos.

Example: If you want to rub shoulders with the rich and famous, Marbella is the place for you.

» rub together = frotar.

Example: After wetting the hands with clean, warm water, applying soap, and working up a lather, the hands should be rubbed together for at least 20 seconds.

» rub up against = rozarse con.

Example: When the institution of education rubs up against the professional institution, there are bound to be some tensions.

» to rub salt in the wound = para echar sal en la herida, para empeorar las cosas, por si fuera poco, para colmo, para colmo de males.

Example: And then, to rub salt in the wound, Adobe had the nerves to sent me an automated email announcing that the issue was fixed.

rubbing = fricción, rozadura, roce. 

Example: Rubbing caused by repetitive movements and perspiration can cause hair follicle infection.


» rubbing alcohol = isopropanol, alcohol para frotar, alcohol isopropílico.

Example: Simply soak the edges of the glue with rubbing alcohol and it peels right off.

» rubbing oil = aceite para frotar, bálsamo para frotar.

Example: These homeopathic rubbing oils have a pleasant scent and work by gently penetrating the skin.

Rubbing synonyms

friction in spanish: , pronunciation: frɪkʃən part of speech: noun detrition in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪtrɪʃən part of speech: noun
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