Rubber in spanish


pronunciation: kɑutʃoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rubber1 = goma, caucho. 

Example: In time, however, the rubber on which these gurta percha (or caoutchouc) bindings depended perished, and the leaves fell out.


» rubber band = goma, elástico, goma elástica.

Example: The artwork collection consists of 100 pictures and images of typical office supplies (paper clips, rubber bands, pencils) that can enhance the appearance of presentations and reports.

» rubber band ligature = ligadura con gomas.

Example: Rubber band ligation is a procedure in which the hemorrhoid is tied off at its base with rubber bands, cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid.

» rubber blanket = mantilla de caucho.

Example: Rotary machines are now used in which the image is transferred from a master or plate to a rubber blanket and then to the copy paper.

» rubber boot = bota de goma, bota de agua.

Example: Years ago, getting insulated rubber boots, meant getting a plastic bag over your shoes or socks, and then into the big rubber boot.

» rubber bullet = bala de goma.

Example: Suddenly a line of riot police started, and while running away, I was shot twice with rubber bullets, then arrested and incarcerated.

» rubber cement adhesive = pegamento.

Example: All of the printed inserts were stained with a rubber cement adhesive and more than half were no longer attached to the pages of the book.

» rubber cheque = cheque sin fondos. [También escrito rubber check en inglés americano]

Example: With the old rules governing the issue not having any teeth, rubber cheques were issued as a matter of course to delay payment.

» rubber-coated = con funda de goma.

Example: Rubber-coated handles where the front handle is ergonomically angled and fitted with a wing nut for quick adjustments without tools.

» rubber date stamp = sello de caucho.

Example: Not so long ago, books in British Libraries were always issued by a Library Assistant wielding a rubber date stamp and storing cards in trays.

» rubber glove = guante de goma.

Example: The use of rubber gloves also reduces the risk of exposure to blood and other potentially infectious substances.

» rubber grip = empuñadura de goma, empuñadura de caucho.

Example: Both rubber grips are coming unglued, the left hand especially.

» rubber mat = colchoneta, esterilla.

Example: The installation of interlocking rubber mats is easy even if you're not particularly knowledgeable.

» rubberneck = fisgón, curioso.

Example: We got so many rubbernecks and looks that we started counting, they don't get many Minis there apparently.

» rubberneck = hacer turismo, visitar los lugares de interés.

Example: I've lived here for more than half of my 44 years, and I still rubberneck like a tourist = He vivido aquí por más de la mitad de mis 44 años, y sigo visitando lugares de interés como un turista.

» rubberneck = volver la cabeza para mirar, curiosear, fisgonear.

Example: Why do people rubberneck when they see an accident?.

» rubberneck = turista.

Example: Today, tourism is becoming the big money-maker, with rubbernecks preferring Fiji to overcrowded Hawaii.

» rubber sole = suela de goma.

Example: The plant employed 400 people to make rubber soles.

» rubber solution = goma de pegar.

Example: The spine folds of the assembled sheets were simply cut off, separating all the leaves, which were then attached to each other and to a backing strip by a coating of rubber solution, and cased in the ordinary way.

» rubber stamp = sello de caucho.

Example: Unfortunately, there are indications that the use of rubber stamps in libraries may be among the first casualties of the information revolution.

» rubber stamp = estampar, poner el sello de.

Example: The procedure to be followed if the decision to withdraw has been taken would be: rubber stamp the book so that the word 'withdrawn' clearly appears on it.

» sponge rubber = gomaespuma.

Example: Sponge rubber is prepared by adding to ordinary rubber a powder that forms a gas during vulcanization.

rubber2 = goma de borrar. 

Example: This image processing software will perform the digital equivalents of a rubber, scissors, masking tape and photo-copier.

rubber3 = condón. 

Example: I stopped wearing rubbers about 4 years ago after a rather embarrassing incident in which one slipped off mid-intercourse and got lost up in the vagina!.

Rubber synonyms

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