Royal in spanish


pronunciation: reɑl part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

royal1 = real. 

Example: No less prestigious an authority than a royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.


» by royal decree = por decreto real.

Example: The powers of these councils are defined and members appointed by royal decree.

» glacé royal = glacé real.

Example: Royal icing or glacé royal is made by beating together sugar and egg whites.

» of royal blood = de sangre real.

Example: Apparently only customers who are of royal blood can merit such distinction -- luckily for him, 'money talks and bullshit walks'.

» Princess Royal = Princesa Real.

Example: The daughter of the Princess Royal is not often seen at film premieres and usually feels more at home at horse events.

» Royal Air Force [RAF] = fuerzas aéreas británicas.

Example: This programme is designed for those hoping to follow a career in one of the uniformed services -- army, navy, RAF, police service, fire service or ambulance.

» royal blood = sangre real.

Example: For all her royal blood, Elizabeth's life is fraught with danger and uncertainty.

» royal descent = ascendencia real, sangre real.

Example: Royal descent is sometimes claimed as a mark of distinction.

» royal emissary = emisario real.

Example: One proposal was to assassinate the royal emissary so as to preempt a negative report.

» royal family, the = familia real, la.

Example: Libraries founded by the endowments of the royal family and statesmen not only as independent entities but also within mosques, dervish convents and other institutions.

» royal gala dinner = cena de gala real.

Example: Four Greenpeace activists who were jailed in Copenhagen last month for gatecrashing a royal gala dinner for heads of state have been released.

» royal household, the = casa real, la.

Example: The Queen's royal household has been told to reduce its costs and increase income after its cash reserves were found to be at a historic low.

» royal icing = glacé real.

Example: Royal icing or glacé royal is made by beating together sugar and egg whites.

» royal jelly = jalea real.

Example: By preventing poor eating habits, diseases and retrograde behaviour, the consumption of honey and royal jelly could prove that the reintroduction of natural foods will protect the human body.

» Royal Navy = Marina de Guerra.

Example: Topics covered at the Conference included: records of shipbuilding and shipping companies; agreements and crew lists; whaling; and Royal Navy and Merchant Marine.

» royal palace = palacio real.

Example: London's royal palaces are intriguing and many people from all over the world come to visit England's capital city to view these grand architectural structures for themselves and to learn the fascinating history behind them.

» royal prince = príncipe real.

Example: Prince Harry is merely following in the footsteps of royal princes down the ages.

» royal stamp = sello real.

Example: When Charles and Diana got married the Australian royal stamp had the couple facing away from each other, which caused much criticism.

» royal wedding = boda real.

Example: Considering the huge guest list, the crowds, and the massed ranks of cameras, the royal wedding proved an intimate affair.

» RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals) = sociedad protectora de animales. [Del Reino Unido]

Example: A swan that was found shot and with fishing hook in its neck is now on the mend at an RSPCA wildlife centre .

royal2 = de aupa, de caballo, de campeonato, de órdago, de aquí te espero, descomunal. 

Example: 'I just had a royal dressing down by Tilly'.


» be a royal pain = ser un coñazo, ser un incordio.

Example: It was tough, a real slog, and I won't go into detail, but some of the folks I worked with were great, and some were a royal pain.

royal3 = pliego de papel de 63 x 50. [En imprenta, tamaño de papel de dimensiones parecidas al A2]

Example: Small sizes of paper (pot, foolscap, and demy) were always more commonly used than large (medium and royal).

Royal synonyms

noble in spanish: , pronunciation: noʊbəl part of speech: adjective imperial in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmpɪriəl part of speech: adjective, noun majestic in spanish: , pronunciation: mədʒestɪk part of speech: adjective regal in spanish: , pronunciation: rigəl part of speech: adjective purple in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrpəl part of speech: adjective, noun crowned in spanish: , pronunciation: kraʊnd part of speech: adjective royal stag in spanish: , pronunciation: rɔɪəlstæg part of speech: noun
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