Row in spanish


pronunciation: filɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

row1 = fila, hilera. 

Example: The loan period is given at the intersections of the rows and columns.


» death row = corredor de la muerte, pena de muerte, condenado a muerte.

Example: Participants commented on ethical aspects of two fictitious case studies: an inmate on a hunger strike and a death row inmate who wishes to be an organ donor.

» double row coding = codificación de doble fila.

Example: Hence, it is often thought desirable to extend the capacity of the index beyond that available with direct single row coding, by resorting to double row coding, and combination coding, in a variety of different patterns.

» in a row = consecutivo, seguido, ininterrumpido, uno tras otro.

Example: The integrated library systems installed in Canandian libraries are surveyed for the 3rd year in a row.

» row of trees = hilera de árboles.

Example: A path flanked by rows of trees runs from the front door of the schoolhouse to a fence with a revolving gate.

» row upon row = hilera tras hilera, una hilera tras otra, hileras e hileras.

Example: Factories and mills sprang up, and with them row upon row of tight boxlike workers' houses.

» single row direct coding = codificación directa de fila sencilla.

Example: The coding used in the example discussed above is known as single row direct coding.

» skid row = barrio bajo.

Example: These indigents, known to the public as tramps & skid row winos, are very visible & more likely to be arrested for drunkenness & other petty offenses than a person with a permanent home.

» stand in + a row = hacer una fila, estar en una fila.

Example: Even this room full of trackers seemed different: some stood in rows listening to an instructor, while others ran laps and still others did combat drills.

» street row = fila de casas, hilera de casas.

Example: A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row.

row2 = disputa, reyerta, riña, fregado. 

Example: The rows over Britain's contributions to the Community budget and runaway spending on the the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which took up two thirds of the budget, were documented blow by blow in the press.


» have + a blazing row = tirarse los trastos a la cabeza, discutir violentamente.

Example: Just had a blazing row with my mother over the phone and am currently bringing myself back from what appeared to be a minor panic attack.

» have + a flaming row = tirarse los trastos a la cabeza, discutir violentamente.

Example: When Sherlock becomes unbearable on a case, it's up to John to find a way to defuse the situation any way he can, before they have a flaming row.

» have + a row = tener una pelea, tener una discusión, tener una riña, pelearse, discutir, reñir.

Example: If we have a row he sulks for days and I have to try everything to get him to be nice again.

» kick up + a row = montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla, poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: The environmentalists have now kicked up a row over the cutting of trees along the Palace Road charging that the work was illegal.

» make + a row = montar un follón, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, poner el grito en el cielo, armarla, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.

row3 = pelearse, discutir, reñir. 

Example: A retired policeman died of a heart attack yesterday after rowing with two joggers for dropping litter.

row4 = remar. 

Example: Techniques such as keeping your head straight and pulling the oars evenly are vital to know before rowing for any distance.

Row synonyms

course in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: noun words in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrdz part of speech: noun quarrel in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɔrəl part of speech: noun, verb wrangle in spanish: , pronunciation: ræŋgəl part of speech: noun, verb run-in in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: noun rowing in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊɪŋ part of speech: noun dustup in spanish: , pronunciation: dʌstəp part of speech: noun
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