Routing in spanish


pronunciation: enɹ̩utɑmientoʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

rout = derrotar, hacer huir en batalla. 

Example: His army was routed by Government troops in the last battle ever fought on British soil.

route2 = direccionar, enviar, dirigir. 

Example: Requests which cannot be filled by local or regional libraries are automatically routed by the system to NLM as the library of last resort.


» reroute [re-route] = redireccionar. 

Example: This controller can reroute data to and from different devices in the microcomputer, such as magnetic disks = Este controlador puede redireccionar la información a y desde diferentes dispositivos del microordenador, como, por ejemplo, los discos magnéticos.

routing1 = rotación de publicaciones periódicas. [En el préstamo de publicaciones periódicas, acción de pasar el último número recibido entre un grupo de personas interesadas]

Example: Facilities for check-in of issues, receipt of indexes, claiming of missing and overdue issues, routing, and binding are described.


» journal routing = rotación de publicaciones periódicas. [Sistema por el cual una biblioteca envía un número recien llegado a una serie de usuarios interesadas en leerlo]

Example: Automated processes included the authors' file, journal routing, statistics, journal acquisitions, and on-line search = Entre los procesos automatizados estaban el fichero de autores, la rotación de publicaciones periódicas, la acquisición de revistas y la búsqueda en línea.

» periodical routing = circulación de publicaciones periódicas.

Example: Periodical routing means that periodicals are circulating among interested users.

» routing algorithm = algoritmo de envío.

Example: Along with the sheer mass of the data necessary to route packets to a large number of networks, there are many problems with the updating, stability, and optimality of the routing algorithms.

» routing list = lista de circulación, lista de préstamo. [En publicaciones seriadas, hoja que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]

Example: It is advisable to prefix all routing list names with a common abbreviation to distinguish them from normal borrower names and to make them easy to find.

» routing slip = hoja de circulación, hoja de préstamo. [En publicaciones seriadas, lista que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]

Example: The periodical issues are provided with a 'routing slip' which has to be signed and dated by each user concerned.

routing2 = direccionamiento, envío. 

Example: Much research is being done in the area, but the optimal solution to these routing problems is still years away.


» re-routing centre = centro de coordinación.

Example: Finally, a whole network of libraries in France should be upgraded in order to relieve pressure on the Bibliotheque Nationale, which can then become a re-routing centre.

» routing machine = fresadora.

Example: In 1834 William Leavenworth of New York attached the routing machine to a pantograph and so was able to cut wood types from three-dimensional patterns with speed and precision.
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