Routine in spanish


pronunciation: rutinɑ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

routine1 = rutina, proceso rutinario, tarea, procedimiento, proceso, tarea rutinaria. 

Example: Chain indexing is a simple mechanical routine for generating a limited number of index entries for a subject.


» acquisition routines = servicio de adquisiciones.

Example: The need was felt for a local data system which would provide not only catalogue and circulation control, but also acquisition routines and periodicals control.

» as a matter of routine = de un modo habitual, habitualmente.

Example: In many industrial and governmental libraries this kind of 'repackaging' is often an absolute requirement of the clients, who may with certain enquiries expect the librarian to select and digest the raw information for them as a matter of routine.

» a song and dance routine = actuación de canción y baile.

Example: Shakespeare's great and all, but nothing beats a song and dance routine with animals.

» daily routine = rutina diaria.

Example: One way of thinking about diversity is to look at the different daily routines of pupils in your class.

» dance routine = coreografía, número de baile, rutina de baile.

Example: In fact, she received multiple compliments about her shapely gams and fancy footwork in the dance routine she performed.

» do + a song and dance routine = cantar y bailar.

Example: I was about sixteen when I teamed up with my father to do a song and dance routine in local night clubs.

» library housekeeping routines = tareas bibliotecarias. [Todos las labores que se realizan en una biblioteca como compra, pedidos, catalogación, clasificación, circulación, control, etc]

Example: A variety of the software packages which are available will support library housekeeping routines, such as: cataloguing, acquisitions and ordering, serials control, circulation control and management information.

» workout routine = rutina de entrenamiento.

Example: It takes a lot of time to build your triceps, if you do not follow the right diet and workout routine.

routine2 = rutinario, regular. 

Example: They were a kind of localized office for the city government and would take on routine tasks like receiving license applications, although main function was to provide information.


» routine task = tarea de rutina.

Example: Finding a better way to do routine tasks can save time and money = Encontrar una manera mejor de llevar a cabo las tareas de rutina puede ahorrar tiempo y dinero.

» routine work = trabajo rutinario.

Example: IT can motivate children, provide a 'novelty' factor to enliven routine work and serve as a bridge between the classroom and the library.

Routine synonyms

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