Route in spanish


pronunciation: rutɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

route1 = ruta, camino. 

Example: Each packet includes the address of the final destination, and the packets travel separately, perhaps taking different routes through the network.


» bus route = trayecto de autobús.

Example: Many rural bus routes have now been threatened by rising petrol costs and the withdrawal of transport subsidies.

» caravan route = ruta de caravanas.

Example: The once prosperous ancient cities on the caravan routes in Mauritania have been subjected to desertification and abandonment.

» charted route = camino definido.

Example: The reference interview, on the other hand, follows a much less clearly charted route.

» circuitous route = camino muy largo, de forma indirecta.

Example: Community information can reach the individual local authority by circuitous routes involving a whole series of intermediary disseminators.

» clear + a route = despejar una ruta, despejar la carretera.

Example: In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.

» en route = en el camino. 

Example: It examines the reasons why retrospective conversion features more highly in some library programmes than others in the UK and considers the problems thay may be encountered en route.

» en route for = de camino a, rumbo a. 

Example: On the two main reading floors the user is encouraged physically to pass through the bookstacks en route for the perimeter reading areas.

» en route to = de camino a, rumbo a. 

Example: The submarine was sunk while en route to German-occupied France with a cargo of pure silver and gold bullion valued at about $2.3 million by 1944 standards.

» escape route = vía de escape, ruta de escape, salida.

Example: At present the onus appears to be on individual library directors to develop alternative career paths and escape routes = Por ahora la responsabilidad de desarrollar trayectorias profesionales y vías de escape alternativas parece recaer sobre los directores de la biblioteca en cuestión.

» route map = mapa de rutas.

Example: All these CD-ROM software products provide highly customized itineraries; very good route maps; and listings of lodgings, amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, and other sights along the way.

» route map = guía, itinerario, hoja de ruta.

Example: This service aims to provide refugees with a cultural route map through the confused and sometimes hostile environment in which they find themselves.

» scenic route = ruta turística, ruta pintoresca.

Example: This scenic route could attract enough tourism to strengthen the economy of secluded communities if it were properly marketed.

» Silk Route, the = ruta de la seda, la.

Example: Two thousand years before today's 'global economy,' an exchange network linked the continent of Asia via the Silk Route.

» take + the long route = tomar el camino más largo, coger el camino más largo.

Example: Never take a shortcut in life, take the long route because you pick up more experiences on the way.

» trade route = ruta comercial.

Example: Without the technologies of alphabet and book, transmitted along trade routes, our culture, from Iceland to Greece, would not exist.

» transportation route = ruta de transporte.

Example: Conventional wisdom asserts that crime follows and thrives around major transportation routes = La opinión general afirma que la delincuencia sigue y crece alrededor de las principales rutas de transporte.

» wander off + route = despistarse, perderse.

Example: If one with route knowledge wanders off the route, it would be very difficult for them to backtrack to the route of their own.

route2 = direccionar, enviar, dirigir. 

Example: Requests which cannot be filled by local or regional libraries are automatically routed by the system to NLM as the library of last resort.


» reroute [re-route] = redireccionar. 

Example: This controller can reroute data to and from different devices in the microcomputer, such as magnetic disks = Este controlador puede redireccionar la información a y desde diferentes dispositivos del microordenador, como, por ejemplo, los discos magnéticos.

Route synonyms

road in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊd part of speech: noun path in spanish: , pronunciation: pæθ part of speech: noun
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